Version 2.80

Fully-Specified Name


Normative Answer List: LL696-6

Source: HL7
Code System
Code System OID
Answer Code Score Answer ID
Chew, oral CHEW LA11235-1
Diffusion, extracorporeal EXTCORPDIF LA11236-9
Diffusion, hemodialysis HEMODIFF LA11237-7
Diffusion, transdermal TRNSDERMD LA11238-5
Dissolve, oral DISSOLVE LA11239-3
Dissolve, sublingual SL LA11240-1
Douche, vaginal DOUCHE LA11241-9
Electro-osmosis ELECTOSMOS LA11242-7
Enema, rectal ENEMA LA11243-5
Enema, rectal retention RETENEMA LA11244-3
Flush, intravenous catheter IVFLUSH LA11245-0
Gargle GARGLE LA11246-8
Immersion (soak) SOAK LA11247-6
Implantation, intradermal IDIMPLNT LA11248-4
Implantation, intravitreal IVITIMPLNT LA11249-2
Implantation, subcutaneous SQIMPLNT LA11250-0
Infusion, epidural EPI LA11251-8
Infusion, intraarterial catheter IA LA11252-6
Infusion, intracardiac IC LA11253-4
Infusion, intracoronary ICOR LA11254-2
Infusion, intraosseous, continuous IOSSC LA11255-9
Infusion, intrathecal IT LA11256-7
Infusion, intravascular IVASCINFUS LA11257-5
Infusion, intravenous IV LA11258-3
Infusion, intravenous catheter IVC LA11259-1
Infusion, intravenous catheter, continuous IVCC LA11260-9
Infusion, intravenous catheter, intermittent IVCI LA11261-7
Infusion, intravenous catheter, pca pump PCA LA11262-5
Infusion, subcutaneous SQINFUS LA11263-3
Inhalation, intermittent positive pressure breathing (ippb) IPPB LA11264-1
Inhalation, nasal NASINHL LA11265-8
Inhalation, nasal cannula NASINHLC LA11266-6
Inhalation, nebulization NEB LA11268-2
Inhalation, nebulization, nasal NASNEB LA11269-0
Inhalation, nebulization, oral ORNEB LA11270-8
Inhalation, oral intermittent flow ORIFINHL LA11271-6
Inhalation, oral rebreather mask REBREATH LA11272-4
Inhalation, respiratory ORINHL LA11273-2
Inhalation, tracheostomy TRACH LA11274-0
Inhalation, ventilator VENT LA11275-7
Inhalation, ventimask VENTMASK LA11276-5
Injection, amniotic fluid AMNINJ LA11277-3
Injection, biliary tract BILINJ LA11278-1
Injection, cervical CERVINJ LA11279-9
Injection, endosinusial ENDOSININJ LA11280-7
Injection, epidural EPIDURINJ LA11281-5
Injection, epidural, push EPIINJ LA11282-3
Injection, epidural, slow push EPINJSP LA11283-1
Injection, extra-amniotic EXTRAMNINJ LA11284-9
Injection, extracorporeal EXTCORPINJ LA11285-6
Injection, for cholangiography CHOLINJ LA11286-4
Injection, gastric button GBINJ LA11287-2
Injection, gingival GINGINJ LA11288-0
Injection, hemodialysis port HEMOPORT LA11289-8
Injection, insulin pump IPUMPINJ LA11290-6
Injection, interameningeal INTERMENINJ LA11291-4
Injection, interstitial INTERSTITINJ LA11292-2
Injection, intra-abdominal IABDINJ LA11293-0
Injection, intraarterial IAINJ LA11294-8
Injection, intraarterial, push IAINJP LA11295-5
Injection, intraarterial, slow push IAINJSP LA11296-3
Injection, intraarticular IARTINJ LA11297-1
Injection, intrabursal IBURSINJ LA11298-9
Injection, intracardiac ICARDINJ LA11299-7
Injection, intracardiac, push ICARINJP LA11300-3
Injection, intracardiac, rapid push ICARDINJRP LA11301-1
Injection, intracardiac, slow push ICARDINJSP LA11302-9
Injection, intracartilaginous ICARTINJ LA11303-7
Injection, intracaudal ICAUDINJ LA11304-5
Injection, intracavernous ICAVINJ LA11305-2
Injection, intracavitary ICAVITINJ LA11306-0
Injection, intracerebral ICEREBINJ LA11307-8
Injection, intracervical (uterus) IUINJC LA11308-6
Injection, intracisternal ICISTERNINJ LA11309-4
Injection, intracoronary ICORONINJ LA11310-2
Injection, intracoronary, push ICORONINJP LA11311-0
Injection, intracorpus cavernosum ICORPCAVINJ LA11312-8
Injection, intradermal IDINJ LA11313-6
Injection, intradiscal IDISCINJ LA11314-4
Injection, intraductal IDUCTINJ LA11315-1
Injection, intradural IDURINJ LA11316-9
Injection, intraepidermal IEPIDINJ LA11317-7
Injection, intraepithelial IEPITHINJ LA11318-5
Injection, intralesional ILESINJ LA11319-3
Injection, intraluminal ILUMINJ LA11320-1
Injection, intralymphatic ILYMPJINJ LA11321-9
Injection, intramedullary IMEDULINJ LA11322-7
Injection, intramuscular IM LA11323-5
Injection, intramuscular, deep IMD LA11324-3
Injection, intramuscular, z track IMZ LA11325-0
Injection, intraocular IOINJ LA11326-8
Injection, intraosseous IOSSINJ LA11327-6
Injection, intraovarian IOVARINJ LA11328-4
Injection, intrapericardial IPCARDINJ LA11329-2
Injection, intraperitoneal IPERINJ LA11330-0
Injection, intrapleural IPLRINJ LA11331-8
Injection, intraprostatic IPROSTINJ LA11332-6
Injection, intrapulmonary IPINJ LA11333-4
Injection, intraspinal ISINJ LA11334-2
Injection, intrasternal ISTERINJ LA11335-9
Injection, intrasynovial ISYNINJ LA11336-7
Injection, intratendinous ITENDINJ LA11337-5
Injection, intratesticular ITESTINJ LA11338-3
Injection, intrathecal ITINJ LA11339-1
Injection, intrathoracic ITHORINJ LA11340-9
Injection, intratubular ITUBINJ LA11341-7
Injection, intratumor ITUMINJ LA11342-5
Injection, intratympanic ITYMPINJ LA11343-3
Injection, intraureteral, retrograde IURETINJ LA11344-1
Injection, intrauterine IUINJ LA11345-8
Injection, intravascular IVASCINJ LA11346-6
Injection, intravenous IVINJ LA11347-4
Injection, intravenous, bolus IVINJBOL LA11348-2
Injection, intravenous, push IVPUSH LA11349-0
Injection, intravenous, rapid push IVRPUSH LA11350-8
Injection, intravenous, slow push IVSPUSH LA11351-6
Injection, intraventricular (heart) IVENTINJ LA11352-4
Injection, intravesicle IVESINJ LA11353-2
Injection, intravitreal IVITINJ LA11354-0
Injection, paranasal sinuses PNSINJ LA11355-7
Injection, parenteral PARENTINJ LA11356-5
Injection, periarticular PAINJ LA11357-3
Injection, peridural PDURINJ LA11358-1
Injection, perineural PNINJ LA11359-9
Injection, periodontal PDONTINJ LA11360-7
Injection, peritoneal dialysis port PDPINJ LA11361-5
Injection, retrobulbar RBINJ LA11362-3
Injection, soft tissue SOFTISINJ LA11363-1
Injection, subarachnoid SUBARACHINJ LA11364-9
Injection, subconjunctival SCINJ LA11365-6
Injection, subcutaneous SQ LA11366-4
Injection, sublesional SLESINJ LA11367-2
Injection, submucosal SUBMUCINJ LA11368-0
Injection, transplacental TRPLACINJ LA11369-8
Injection, transtracheal TRTRACHINJ LA11370-6
Injection, ureteral URETINJ LA11371-4
Injection, urethral URETHINJ LA11372-2
Injection, urinary bladder BLADINJ LA11373-0
Insertion, cervical (uterine) CERVINS LA11374-8
Insertion, intraocular, surgical IOSURGINS LA11375-5
Insertion, intrauterine IU LA11376-3
Insertion, lacrimal puncta LPINS LA11377-1
Insertion, rectal PR LA11378-9
Insertion, subcutaneous, surgical SQSURGINS LA11379-7
Insertion, urethral URETHINS LA11380-5
Insertion, vaginal VAGINSI LA11381-3
Instillation, cecostomy CECINSTL LA11382-1
Instillation, chest tube CTINSTL LA11383-9
Instillation, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis port CAPDINSTL LA11384-7
Instillation, endotracheal tube ETINSTL LA11385-4
Instillation, enteral ENTINSTL LA11386-2
Instillation, enteral feeding tube EFT LA11387-0
Instillation, gastro-jejunostomy tube GJT LA11388-8
Instillation, gastrostomy tube GT LA11389-6
Instillation, intrabronchial IBRONCHINSTIL LA11390-4
Instillation, intraduodenal IDUODINSTIL LA11391-2
Instillation, intraesophageal IESOPHINSTIL LA11392-0
Instillation, intragastric IGASTINSTIL LA11393-8
Instillation, intraileal IILEALINJ LA11394-6
Instillation, intraocular IOINSTL LA11395-3
Instillation, intrasinal ISININSTIL LA11396-1
Instillation, intratracheal ITRACHINSTIL LA11397-9
Instillation, intrauterine IUINSTL LA11398-7
Instillation, jejunostomy tube JJTINSTL LA11399-5
Instillation, laryngeal LARYNGINSTIL LA11400-1
Instillation, nasal NASALINSTIL LA11401-9
Instillation, nasogastric NASOGASINSTIL LA11402-7
Instillation, nasogastric tube NGT LA11403-5
Instillation, nasotracheal tube NTT LA11404-3
Instillation, orogastric tube OGT LA11405-0
Instillation, orojejunum tube OJJ LA11406-8
Instillation, otic OT LA11407-6
Instillation, paranasal sinuses PNSINSTL LA11408-4
Instillation, peritoneal dialysis port PDPINSTL LA11409-2
Instillation, rectal RECINSTL LA11410-0
Instillation, rectal tube RECTINSTL LA11411-8
Instillation, sinus, unspecified SININSTIL LA11412-6
Instillation, soft tissue SOFTISINSTIL LA11413-4
Instillation, tracheostomy TRACHINSTL LA11414-2
Instillation, transtympanic TRTYMPINSTIL LA11415-9
instillation, urethral URETHINSTL LA11416-7
Instillation, urinary catheter BLADINSTL LA11417-5
Insufflation INSUF LA11418-3
Irrigation, genitourinary GUIRR LA11419-1
Irrigation, intragastric IGASTIRR LA11420-9
Irrigation, intralesional ILESIRR LA11421-7
Irrigation, intraocular IOIRR LA11422-5
Irrigation, rectal RECIRR LA11423-3
Irrigation, urinary bladder BLADIRR LA11424-1
Irrigation, urinary bladder, continuous BLADIRRC LA11425-8
Irrigation, urinary bladder, tidal BLADIRRT LA11426-6
Lavage, intragastric IGASTLAV LA11427-4
Mucosal absorption, intraduodenal IDOUDMAB LA11428-2
Mucosal absorption, intratracheal ITRACHMAB LA11429-0
Mucosal absorption, submucosal SMUCMAB LA11430-8
Nebulization, endotracheal tube ETNEB LA11431-6
Occlusive dressing technique OCDRESTA LA11432-4
Rinse, dental DENRINSE LA11433-2
Rinse, oral ORRINSE LA11434-0
Shampoo SHAMPOO LA11435-7
Subconjunctival SUBCONJTA LA11436-5
Suck, oromucosal SUCK LA11437-3
Suppository, urethral URETHSUP LA11438-1
Swallow, oral PO LA11439-9
Swish and spit out, oromucosal SWISHSPIT LA11440-7
Swish and swallow, oromucosal SWISHSWAL LA11441-5
Topical TOPICAL LA9456-0
Topical absorption, transtympanic TTYMPTABSORP LA11443-1
Topical application, buccal BUC LA11444-9
Topical application, cervical CERV LA11445-6
Topical application, dental DEN LA11446-4
Topical application, gingival GIN LA11447-2
Topical application, hair HAIR LA11448-0
Topical application, intracorneal ICORNTA LA11449-8
Topical application, intracoronal (dental) ICORONTA LA11450-6
Topical application, intraesophageal IESOPHTA LA11451-4
Topical application, intraileal IILEALTA LA11452-2
Topical application, intralesional ILTOP LA11453-0
Topical application, intraluminal ILUMTA LA11454-8
Topical application, intraocular IOTOP LA11455-5
Topical application, iontophoresis IONTO LA11456-3
Topical application, laryngeal LARYNGTA LA11457-1
Topical application, mucous membrane MUC LA11458-9
Topical application, nail NAIL LA11459-7
Topical application, nasal NASAL LA11460-5
Topical application, ophthalmic OPTHALTA LA11461-3
Topical application, oral ORALTA LA11462-1
Topical application, oromucosal ORMUC LA11463-9
Topical application, oropharyngeal OROPHARTA LA11464-7
Topical application, perianal PERIANAL LA11465-4
Topical application, perineal PERINEAL LA11466-2
Topical application, periodontal PDONTTA LA11467-0
Topical application, rectal RECTAL LA11468-8
Topical application, scalp SCALP LA11469-6
Topical application, skin SKIN LA11470-4
Topical application, soaked dressing DRESS LA11471-2
Topical application, swab SWAB LA11472-0
Topical application, transmucosal TMUCTA LA11473-8
Topical application, vaginal VAGINS LA11474-6
Transdermal TRNSDERM LA9454-5
Translingual TRNSLING LA9455-2

Basic Attributes

Claims Attachments
First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.27 (MIN)

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
52747-3 Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Expired
52745-7 Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Post Acute Care (PAC) - Discharge
52743-2 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Acute Care
52748-1 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Home Health Admission
52746-5 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Interim
52744-0 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Post Acute Care (PAC) - Admission
18605-6 Medication current Set

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Οδός:Prid:Pt:Φαρμακευτική αγωγή.παρούσα:Nom:
Synonyms: Prid
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) vía:presencia o identidad:punto en el tiempo:medicación.actual:Nominal:
fr-FR French (France) Voie d'administration:Identification:Ponctuel:Traitement courant:Résultat nominal:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Via:Prid:Pt:Farmaco.attuale:Nom:
Synonyms: Allegato Allegato farmaci Farmaco attuale Medicazione Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Путь:ПрИд:ТчкВрм:Лекарственный препарат.текущий:Ном:
Synonyms: Номинальный;Именной Присутствие или Идентификация Точка во времени;Момент
zh-CN Chinese (China) 途径:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:药物.当前:名义型:
Synonyms: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996;HIPAA;健康保險可攜與責任法;HIPAA法案;健康保险可移植性和问责法1996年;美国健康保险携带和责任法案;医疗保险便携性和责任法案;医疗保险便携性与责任法案;醫療保險可攜性與責任法;HIPAA 信息附件.药物处理;健康保险便携与责任法案信息附件.药物处理;健康保险便携与责任法案信息附件.药物治疗;药物处理HIPAA信息附件;药物处理信息附件;药物处理健康保险便携与责任法案信息附件 信息附件;健康保险便携与责任法案信息附件;附件 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 处理用药.当前;处理用药物.当前;处理药物.当前;当前的处理用药;当前的处理用药物;当前的处理药物;当前的治疗用药;当前的治疗用药物;当前的治疗药物;当前的药物;治疗用药.当前;治疗用药物.当前;治疗药物.当前 处理用药;处理用药物;处理药物;治疗用药;治疗用药物;用药;药物处理;药物治疗;治疗药物 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 药物;药物处理;用药;使用药物 路径;通道;通路

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