Version 2.79

Status Information

Map-To Long Common Name Mapping Guidance
11190-6 Mint IgE Ab [Units/volume] in Serum

Part Descriptions

LP14469-8   Mentha piperita
A plant genus of the family LAMIACEAE that is the source of peppermint oil. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP14469-8   Mentha piperita
A herb, which may result in allergy symptoms in sensitised individuals.

The Mint family consists of fragrant aromatic plants of which the culinary and medicinal uses go back many centuries. More than 30 varieties can be obtained with different "flavours": apple, pineapple, lemon, and others. But the 3 chief species of Mint in cultivation and general use are the following: Spearmint (Mentha viridis), Peppermint or Mint (M. piperita), and Pennyroyal (M. pulegium).

Mint may uncommonly induce symptoms of food allergy or cutaneous allergy in sensitised individuals Copyright Copyright © 2006 Phadia AB. Source: ImmunoCap , ImmunoCap

Fully-Specified Name

Mentha piperita Ab.IgE

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Deprecated Mint IgE Ab [Units/volume] in Serum
Short Name
Deprecated Mint IgE Qn
Display Name
Mint IgE Qn (S)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Mint allergy test

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.69 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG279-6 Mentha piperita Ab.IgE|ACnc|Pt|ANYBldSerPl

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Mentha piperita (Μέντα) Ab.IgE:ACnc:Pt:Ορός:Qn:
Synonyms: ACnc
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) [anticuerpo anti - ] menta [Ac].IgE [Inmunoglobulina E]:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:suero:cuantitativo:
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Menta (Mentha piperita) IgE:Concentración arbitraria:Punto temporal:Suero:Qn:
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Mentha piperita Ab.IgE:Concentración arbitraria:Punto temporal:Suero:Cuantitativo:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Piparmünt antikehad.IgE:Acnc:Pt:S:Qn:
Synonyms: Immuunglobuliin E Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Seerum
fr-CA French (Canada) Mentha piperita, IgE:Concentration arbitraire:Temps ponctuel:Sérum:Quantitatif:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Mentha piperita Anticorps.IgE:Concentration arbitraire:Temps ponctuel:Sérum:Quantitatif:
Synonyms: Anticorps
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mentha piperita Ab.IgE:ACnc:Pt:Siero:Qn:
Synonyms: anticorpi anti-IgE anticorpo Concentrazione Arbitraria Menta piperita (Mentha piperita) Punto nel tempo (episodio) Risposta agli antigeni Siero
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mentha piperita As.IgE:eenheid/volume:moment:serum:kwantitatief:
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam munt
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Mentha piperita Ac.IgE:ACnc:Pt:Soro:Qn:
Synonyms: ; Mint; Peppermint; f332; Immune globulin E; Immunoglobulin E; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Serum; SR; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Antibodies; Autoantibody; Antibody; Autoantibodies; Antby; Acy; Anti; ALLERGY TESTING; Allergens; Allergen
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Mentha piperita Ат.IgE:ПроизвКонц:ТчкВрм:Сыв:Колич:
Synonyms: Антитело Количественный Мята перечная (Mentha piperita) Произвольная концентрация Сыворотка Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Mentha piperita Ab.IgE:SçKons:Zmlı:Ser:Kant:
Synonyms: Nane
zh-CN Chinese (China) 辣薄荷 抗体.IgE:任意型浓度:时间点:血清:定量型:
Synonyms: Ab.IgE;IgE;抗体 IgE Ab;自身抗体 任意型浓度(单位体积);任意浓度;单位体积的任意单位数;人工型浓度 免疫球蛋白 E 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 唇形科;多年生宿根性草本植物;椒样薄荷;薄荷;薄荷属 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间

Example Units

Unit Source
[arb'U]/mL Example UCUM Units

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