Version 2.78

Term Description

This data item provides the ability to store additional address information such as the name of a place or facility, a nursing home, or the name of an apartment complex. It can be used to generate a follow-up inquiry, and must correspond to the other fields in the follow-up contact address. If the patient has multiple tumors, Follow-Up Contact--Suppl should be the same for all tumors.

U.S. addresses should conform to the USPS Postal Addressing Standards. These standards are referenced in USPS Pub. 28, November 2000, Postal Addressing Standards. The current USPS Pub. 28 may be found and downloaded from the following website:

Canadian addresses should conform to the Canada Postal Guide. The current Canada Postal Guide may be found at the following website:

Sometimes registries carry out follow-up by contacting the patient and other contacts by a letter or phone call to ascertain their vital status. When a patient's current address is unknown or the patient is for some reason not to be contacted (e.g., patient is a minor child), the most current name, address and phone number of another contact, such as a relative or neighbor are needed. This information may also be useful for conducting epidemiological or research studies.

Coding Instructions (summary of USPS guidelines) The address should be fully spelled out with standardized use of abbreviations and punctuation per USPS postal addressing standards (USPS Postal

Addressing Standards, Pub. 28, November 2000). Upper case recommended. Mixed case allowed. Abbreviations should be limited to those recognized by the Postal Service standard abbreviations, these include but are not limited to (a complete list of recognized abbreviations is provided in Appendix C of USPS Pub. 28):
.. NAACCR Data Standards and Data Dictionary Version 11
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Follow-up contact supplemental information

Additional Names

Short Name
Follow-up contact sup info

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.16
Last Updated
Version 2.32

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
49083-9 North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 11 panel
59852-4 North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 12 panel

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Información complementaria de contacto de seguimiento:Tipo:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:Nominal:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Follow-up, informazioni supplementari contatto:Prid:Pt:^Paziente:Nom:
Synonyms: Informazioni supplementari su contatto di follow-u paziente Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio) Registro tumori
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Informação do contato suplementar de acompanhamento:Ident:Pt:^Paciente:Nom:
Synonyms: ; Follow-up contact sup info; Identity or presence; Point in time; Random; Nominal; TUMOR REGISTRY(NAACCR); TUMOR REGISTRY(NAACCR)
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Последующее наблюдение контакт дополнительная информация:ПрИд:ТчкВрм:^Пациент:Ном:
Synonyms: Номинальный;Именной Присутствие или Идентификация Точка во времени;Момент
zh-CN Chinese (China) 随访联系人补充信息:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:^患者:名义型:
Synonyms: NAACCR 肿瘤登记;癌症登记中心北美协会肿瘤登记;肿瘤注册;肿瘤登记(NAACCR);肿瘤登记(癌症登记中心北美协会);癌症登记中心北美协会;North American Association of Central Cancer Registries;NAACCR 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 随访联系人增补信息

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