Version 2.80

Term Description

The collection of specific observations that are valid when passing summary HIV and ART information as defined by the WHO Monitoring Guidelines

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
47245-6 HIV treatment form Document
Indent47246-4 HIV Antiretroviral therapy Demographic information section
IndentIndent45394-4 Patient Last (Family) name
IndentIndent45392-8 Patient First (Given) name
IndentIndent46098-0 Gender
IndentIndent21112-8 Birth date {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent42077-8 Patient phone number
IndentIndent13499-9 HIV 1 Ab band pattern [Interpretation] in Serum by Immunoblot
IndentIndent31073-0 HIV 2 Ab band pattern [Interpretation] in Serum by Immunoblot
Indent47249-8 HIV Antiretroviral therapy HIV care and family status section
IndentIndent45250-8 HIV confirmation facility Address
IndentIndent45251-6 HIV confirmation facility
IndentIndent45252-4 Institutional entry point HIV treatment
IndentIndent45230-0 District where patient entered HIV treatment
Indent47248-0 HIV Antiretroviral therapy Antiretroviral therapy status section
IndentIndent45231-8 HIV treatment prior to enrollment
IndentIndent47240-7 Date determined medically eligible to start HIV treatment
IndentIndent45232-6 Reason medically eligible for HIV treatment
IndentIndent45233-4 World Health Organization HIV stage
IndentIndent32516-7 CD3+CD4+ (T4 helper) cells/cells in Specimen %
IndentIndent32515-9 CD3+CD4+ (T4 helper) cells [#/volume] in Specimen /uL
IndentIndent47241-5 Date determined medically eligible and ready to start HIV treatment
IndentIndent45234-2 Date eligible and selected to start HIV treatment
IndentIndent45253-2 HIV treatment prior clinic transferred from Address
IndentIndent45254-0 HIV treatment prior clinic transferred from
IndentIndent45235-9 Date original clinic HIV treatment start
IndentIndent45236-7 HIV treatment cohort
IndentIndent8671-0 History of Functional status
IndentIndent18833-4 First Body weight 0..* kg;[lb_av]
IndentIndent3137-7 Body height Measured [in_us];cm;m
IndentIndent45257-3 Date dropped from HIV treatment
IndentIndent31211-6 Date of death
Indent47247-2 HIV Antiretroviral therapy Outpatient encounter-level information section
IndentIndent39161-5 Date next screen visit CPHS 0..*
IndentIndent45239-1 Current HIV treatment therapy duration mo;d
IndentIndent8671-0 History of Functional status
IndentIndent45233-4 World Health Organization HIV stage
IndentIndent18833-4 First Body weight 0..* kg;[lb_av]
IndentIndent3137-7 Body height Measured [in_us];cm;m
IndentIndent45241-7 Tuberculosis status
IndentIndent45242-5 Tuberculosis treatment start date
IndentIndent11449-6 Pregnancy status - Reported
IndentIndent28512-2 Family Planning Status Family [OMAHA]
IndentIndent8659-5 Birth control method - Reported
IndentIndent39267-0 Reason for follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist CPHS 0..*
IndentIndent39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type CPHS 0..*
IndentIndent39270-4 Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, address CPHS 0..*
IndentIndent47242-3 Medication or other side effects associated with HIV treatment
IndentIndent47243-1 Severity of side effect to HIV treatment
IndentIndent45243-3 Reason for discontinuation of anti-infective phrophylaxis medication
IndentIndent45247-4 Reason for missing HIV treatment administration schedule
IndentIndent45248-2 Number of hospital days since last outpatient visit - Reported {#}

Fully-Specified Name

HIV Rx Form

Additional Names

Long Common Name
HIV treatment form Document
Short Name
HIV Rx Form Doc

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.22
Last Updated
Version 2.67 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

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