Version 2.80

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
50262-5 Reticulocytes panel - Blood
Indent14196-0 Reticulocytes [#/volume] in Blood 10*3/uL
Indent17849-1 Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes in Blood by Automated count %
Indent48706-6 Reticulocyte mean volume [Entitic volume] in Reticulocytes fL
Indent76141-1 Reticulocyte corpuscular hemoglobin concentration mean [Mass/volume] in Blood g/L
Indent30156-4 Reticulocytes.aggregate/Erythrocytes in Blood %
Indent51636-9 Immature reticulocytes [#/volume] in Blood 10*3/uL
Indent33516-6 Immature reticulocytes/ in Blood %
Indent51635-1 Reticulocytes.mature [#/volume] in Blood 10*3/L
Indent34419-2 Reticulocytes.mature/ in Blood %
Indent51634-4 Reticulocytes.mid [#/volume] in Blood 10*3/L
Indent34420-0 Reticulocytes.mid/ in Blood %
Indent30155-6 Reticulocytes.punctate/Erythrocytes in Blood %

Fully-Specified Name

Reticulocytes panel

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Reticulocytes panel - Blood
Short Name
Retic Pnl
Display Name
Reticulocytes panel (Bld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Reticulocytes panel, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.22
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Change Reason
The system of RBC had been an oversight. Reticulocytes are red blood cells, but the system of interest is blood
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info
Panel Type

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Retikulozyten
el-GR Greek (Greece) Πίνακας δικτυοερυθροκυττάρων:-:Pt:Αίμα:Qn:
Synonyms: Δικτυοερυθροκύτταρα Πίνακας δικτυοερυθροκυττάρων
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Panel de Reticulocitos:Propiedades mixtas (sólo paneles):Punto temporal:Sangre:Qn:
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Panel de reticulocitos:-:Punto temporal:Sangre:Cuantitativo:
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Retikulotsüütide paneel:-:Pt:B:Qn:
Synonyms: Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Veri
fr-FR French (France) Réticulocytes Panel:-:Ponctuel:Sang:Numérique:
fr-CA French (Canada) Réticulocytes panel:-:Temps ponctuel:Sang:Quantitatif:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Panel Réticulocytes:-:Temps ponctuel:Sang:Quantitatif:
Synonyms: Profil réticulocytes
it-IT Italian (Italy) Reticolociti, panel:-:Pt:Sangue:Qn:
Synonyms: Ematologia (coagulazione) conta differenziale Panel reticolociti Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue Set di prescrizione per ematologia e conta del san
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) reticulocyten panel:-:moment:bloed:kwantitatief:
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Retykulocyty, panel:-:punkt w czasie:krew:ilościowy:
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Reticulócitos painel:-:Pt:Eritroc:Qn:
Synonyms: ; Retic Pnl; Retics; Reticulocyte; Polychromatophilic red cells; Point in time; Random; Erythrocytes; Red blood corpusles; Red blood cells; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Pan; Panl; PANEL.HEMATOLOGY& CELL COUNTS; PANEL.HEMATOLOGY& CELL COUNTS; HEMATOLOGY/CELL COUNTS
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Ретикулоциты панель:-:ТчкВрм:Кр:Колич:
Synonyms: Количественный Кровь Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Retikülosit paneli:-:Zmlı:Kan:Kant:
zh-CN Chinese (China) 网织红细胞组套:-:时间点:全血:定量型:
Synonyms: 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组.血液学/细胞计数;组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).血液学与细胞计数;医嘱组类.血液学/细胞计数;医嘱组类.血液学与细胞计数;实验室医嘱组类.血液学与细胞计数;血液学与细胞计数医嘱组;血液学与细胞计数医嘱组类;实验室医嘱组类.血液学/细胞计数 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套 网状红血球;网状红血细胞;网织红 网织红细胞(网状红血球、网状红血细胞、网织红)组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目);网织 RBC 医嘱组;网织红医嘱组 血;血液 血液学/细胞计数;血液学与细胞计数

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