Version 2.79

Status Information

Discouraged as items are from a legacy demonstration tool that is no longer maintained.

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
52502-2 Impairments
Indent52503-0 Bladder and Bowel Management - Use of Device(s) and Incontinence
IndentIndent52608-7 Does the patient have any impairments with bladder or bowel management (e.g., use of a device or incontinence)?
IndentIndent52609-5 Bladder - Does this patient use an external or indwelling device or require intermittent catheterization?
IndentIndent52610-3 Bowel - Does this patient use an external or indwelling device or require intermittent catheterization?
IndentIndent52611-1 Bladder - Indicate the frequency of incontinence.
IndentIndent52612-9 Bowel - Indicate the frequency of incontinence.
IndentIndent52613-7 Bladder - Does the patient need assistance to manage equipment or devices related to bladder or bowel care (e.g., urinal, bedpan, indwelling catheter, intermittent catheterization, ostomy, incontinence pads/undergarments)?
IndentIndent52614-5 Bowel - Does the patient need assistance to manage equipment or devices related to bladder or bowel care (e.g., urinal, bedpan, indwelling catheter, intermittent catheterization, ostomy, incontinence pads/undergarments)?
IndentIndent52615-2 Bladder - If the patient is incontinent or has an indwelling device, was the patient incontinent (excluding stress incontinence) immediately prior to the current illness, exacerbation, or injury?
IndentIndent52616-0 Bowel - If the patient is incontinent or has an indwelling device, was the patient incontinent (excluding stress incontinence) immediately prior to the current illness, exacerbation, or injury?
Indent52504-8 Swallowing
IndentIndent52618-6 Does the patient have any signs or symptoms of a possible swallowing disorder? 1..7
IndentIndent52619-4 Other (specify)
IndentIndent52620-2 Describe the patient's usual ability with swallowing.
Indent52505-5 Hearing, Vision, and Communication
IndentIndent52621-0 Does the patient have any impairments with hearing, vision, or communication?
IndentIndent52622-8 Understanding verbal content - excluding language barriers [CARE]
IndentIndent52623-6 Expression of ideas and wants [CARE]
IndentIndent52624-4 Ability to see in adequate light (with glasses or other visual appliances)
IndentIndent52625-1 Ability to hear (with hearing aid or hearing appliance, if normally used)
IndentIndent52675-6 Telephone answering
IndentIndent52676-4 Telephone-placing call
IndentIndent52677-2 Medication management-oral medications during two day assessment period [CARE]
IndentIndent52678-0 Medication management-inhalant/mist
IndentIndent52679-8 Medication management-injectable medications during two day assessment period [CARE]
IndentIndent52680-6 Make light meal
IndentIndent52681-4 Wipe down surface
IndentIndent52682-2 Light shopping
IndentIndent52683-0 Laundry
IndentIndent52684-8 Use public transportation
Indent52506-3 Weight-bearing
IndentIndent52626-9 Does the patient have any clinician-ordered weight-bearing or limb/spinal loading restrictions( including upper body lift, push, pull, or carry restrictions)?
IndentIndent52507-1 Weight-bearing restrictions panel
IndentIndentIndent52627-7 Upper Extremity - Left
IndentIndentIndent52628-5 Upper Extremity - Right
IndentIndentIndent52629-3 Lower Extremity - Left
IndentIndentIndent52630-1 Lower Extremity - Right
Indent52508-9 Grip strength
IndentIndent52631-9 Does the patient have any impairments with grip strength (e.g. reduced/limited or absent)?
IndentIndent52509-7 Grip strength panel
IndentIndentIndent52632-7 Left Hand
IndentIndentIndent52633-5 Right Hand
Indent52510-5 Respiratory status
IndentIndent52634-3 Does the patient have any impairments with respiratory status?
IndentIndent52635-0 Respiratory status with supplemental oxygen
IndentIndent52636-8 Respiratory status without supplemental oxygen
Indent52511-3 Endurance
IndentIndent52637-6 Does the patient have any impairments with endurance?
IndentIndent52638-4 Mobility Endurance: Was the patient able to walk or wheel 50 feet (15 meters)?
IndentIndent52639-2 Sitting Endurance: Was the patient able to tolerate sitting for 15 minutes?
Indent52512-1 Mobility Devices and Aids Needed
IndentIndent52640-0 Indicate all mobility devices and aids needed at time of assessment. 1..8
IndentIndent52641-8 Other (specify)

Fully-Specified Name


Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.26
Last Updated
Version 2.64 (MIN)
Panel Type

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
52745-7 Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Post Acute Care (PAC) - Discharge
52743-2 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Acute Care
52748-1 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Home Health Admission
52746-5 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Interim
52744-0 Deprecated Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) tool - Post Acute Care (PAC) - Admission

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