Version 2.79

Term Description

NAPIIA stands for NAACCR Asian and Pacific Islander Identification Algorithm. Race--NAPIIA recodes some single-race cases with a Race 1 [160] code of 96 to a more specific Asian race category, based on an algorithm that makes use of the birthplace and name fields (first, last, and maiden names). For single-race cases with Race 1 other than 96, it returns Race 1. Multiple-race cases (those with information in Race 2 through Race 5, [161-164]) are handled variously; refer to the technical documentation for specifics: 07242007.pdf.

In Version 1 of the algorithm, birth place can be used to indirectly assign a specific race to one of eight Asian race groups (Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Asian Indian, Filipino, Thai, and Cambodian), and names can be used to indirectly assign a specific race to one of seven Asian groups (Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Asian Indian, Filipino, and Hmong). Subsequent versions of NAPIIA may incorporate Pacific Islanders and may potentially incorporate name lists for Thai, Cambodian, and Laotians.

The use of more specific Asian and Pacific Islander codes will enhance surveillance and research activities focused on specific API subgroups.

Fully-Specified Name


Additional Names

Long Common Name
Short Name

HL7® Attributes

HL7® Field ID

Normative Answer List: LL613-1

Source: North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc
Answer Code Score Answer ID
White 01 LA4457-3

This answer string has been used in various answer lists in both color context (of specimen, for example) and racial context.

02 LA4267-6
American Indian, Aleutian, or Eskimo (includes all indigenous populations of the Western hemisphere) 03 LA10326-9
Chinese 04 LA4168-6
Japanese 05 LA4595-0
Filipino 06 LA3969-8
Hawaiian 07 LA3986-2
Korean 08 LA4603-2
Asian Indian, Pakistani 09 LA4223-9
Vietnamese 10 LA4443-3
Laotian 11 LA4586-9
Hmong 12 LA4021-7
Kampuchean 13 LA4592-7
Thai 14 LA4467-2
Micronesian, NOS 20 LA4609-9
Chamorran 21 LA4177-7
Guamanian, NOS 22 LA3984-7
Polynesian, NOS 25 LA4663-6
Tahitian 26 LA4486-2
Samoan 27 LA4300-5
Tongan 28 LA4513-3
Melanesian, NOS 30 LA4612-3
Fiji Islander 31 LA3970-6
New Guinean 32 LA4559-6
Other Asian, including Asian , NOS and Oriental, NOS 96 LA10327-7
Pacific islander, NOS 97 LA4658-6
Other 98 LA46-8
UnknownCopyright ID:261665006 Unknown (qualifier value)

Score of 0: Unknown: The nurse is unable to assess the patient's previous fall history

99 LA4489-6
Algorithm was not run LA10330-1

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.26
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
49083-9 North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 11 panel
59852-4 North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc (NAACCR, Inc) version 12 panel

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Φυλή:Type:Pt:^Ασθενής:Nom:NAPIIA
Synonyms: Type Φυλή
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Raza:Tipo:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:Nominal:NAPIIA
fr-BE French (Belgium) Race:Type:Temps ponctuel:^Patient:Nominal:NAPIIA
Synonyms: Registre cancer
it-IT Italian (Italy) Razza:Tipo:Pt:^Paziente:Nom:NAPIIA
Synonyms: NAACCR Asian and Pacific Islander Identification A paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio) Registro tumori
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Raça:Tipo:Pt:^Paciente:Nom:NAPIIA
Synonyms: Ethnicity; Typ; Point in time; Random; Nominal; NAACCR Asian and Pacific Islander Identification Algorithm; TUMOR REGISTRY(NAACCR); TUMOR REGISTRY(NAACCR)
zh-CN Chinese (China) 种族:类型:时间点:^患者:名义型:NAACCR 亚洲裔及太平洋岛民识别算法
Synonyms: NAACCR 亚裔及太平洋岛民识别算法;NAACCR 亚洲人后裔及太平洋岛民识别算法;NAACCR 亚洲人及太平洋岛屿居民识别算法;NAACCR Asian and Pacific Islander Identification Algorithm;NAPIIA;癌症登记中心北美协会;North American Association of Central Cancer Registries;NAACCR NAACCR 肿瘤登记;癌症登记中心北美协会肿瘤登记;肿瘤注册;肿瘤登记(NAACCR);肿瘤登记(癌症登记中心北美协会);癌症登记中心北美协会;North American Association of Central Cancer Registries;NAACCR 人种;族;民族;种 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 型 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间

LOINC Terminology Service (API) using HL7® FHIR® Get Info

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