Version 2.80

Part Descriptions

LP14160-3   Brucella sp
Brucella are gram-negative coccobacilli that commonly infect cows (Brucella abortus), pigs (Brucella suis), goats (Brucella melitensis), and dogs (Brucella canis), along with wild animals such as deer, elk, and moose. The main pathogenic species of Brucella are Brucella melitensis, Brucella suis and Brucella abortus. Brucella melitensis is a gram-negative coccobacillus bacterium from the Brucellaceae family. It mainly affects the reproductive tract of goats and sheep, and in some regions is the major cause of abortion in them. It can also negatively impact fertility and lactation over time. B. melitensis has the broadest host range, infecting cattle, camels and dogs, in addition to sheep, goats and humans. Brucella suis infections in pigs causes chronic inflammatory lesions in the reproductive organs or orchitis and may affect joints and/or other organs. Similar to B. melitensis, B. suis can cause abortion in pregnant hosts. Other impacts of the disease are sterility, posterior paralysis and spondylitis. It is transmitted mainly by ingestion of infected tissues or fluids. It can cause undulant fever. B. suis are gram-negative, facultative intracellular coccobacilli and can specifically produce in phagocytic cells. They are also non-spore-forming, non-capsulated, and non-motile. Brucella suis are differentiated into five strains. Strains 1-3 infect boars and pigs. Strain 2 has been found in wild boars but without signs of infection while they do infect pigs and hares. Brucella abortus is a species of the genus Brucella. Natural hosts of B. abortus are cattle and other bovidae. Abortion and placentitis are common effects on the pregnant animal.

When humans come in contact with an infected animal or animal products that are contaminated with Brucella, brucellosis may result. Most human infections are occupational. Over 70 percent of reported cases of brucellosis occur in the meat-processing and livestock industries. Infection is generally via skin wounds, but the organisms can also be inhaled. A common route of Brucella infection is eating or drinking infected dairy products that have not been pasteurized. Human infections are caused most frequently by B. melitensis, B. suis, and B. abortus, while B. canis causes only rare infections. B. melitensis is the most virulent. People infected with B. melitensis can suffer serious complications, including infection and inflammation of the bones and joints, and occasionally, the heart and brain. About 100-200 cases of brucellosis occur every year in the United States. Incubation period is one to three weeks, and flu like symptoms appear in the infected person, such as fever, sweats, headache, back pain, and weakness. Severe complications such as CNS infections or infections in the heart lining occur in about 5 percent of cases. Chronic symptoms like recurrent fever, arthritis, and fatigue may occur up to one year from illness onset. Information from ARUP laboratories.

Brucellosis plays an important role in the economy and health of many developing countries because of its impact on both livestock and humans. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP6429-7   Organism specific culture
An organism-specific culture contains nutrients that optimize the growth of a specific organism and inhibitors that prevent the growth of competing organisms. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP20003-7   Brucella
A genus of gram-negative, aerobic bacteria that causes BRUCELLOSIS. Its cells are nonmotile coccobacilli and are animal parasites and pathogens. The bacterium is transmissible to humans through contact with infected dairy products or tissue. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Brucella sp
Organism specific culture

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Brucella sp identified in Blood by Organism specific culture
Short Name
Brucella Bld Cult
Display Name
Brucella sp identified Org specific cx Nom (Bld)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Brucella sp culture, Blood

Example Answer List: LL2264-1

Source: Regenstrief LOINC
Answer Code Score Answer ID
Brucella abortus LA19197-5
Brucella canis LA19198-3
Brucella maris LA19199-1
Brucella melitensis LA19200-7
Brucella neotomae LA19201-5
Brucella ovis LA19202-3
Brucella suis LA19203-1

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.79 (NAM)
Change Reason
Release 2.79: COMPONENT: Triggered by the coll w SCT:The understanding is that the word "identified" refers to the property "PRID", its presence in the component is redundant to the property. Therefore it is better to remove "identified" from the component.;
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41634-3 Brucella

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Brucella sp:Nachweis oder Identität:Zeitpunkt:Blut:Nominal:Erregerspezifische Kultur
el-GR Greek (Greece) Brucella sp (Βρουκέλλα):Prid:Pt:Αίμα:Nom:Ειδική καλλιέργεια οργανισμού
Synonyms: Brucella sp (Βρουκέλλα) Prid
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) especie de Brucella identificada:presencia o identidad:punto en el tiempo:sangre:Nominal:cultivo de organismo específico
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Brucella sp:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Sangre:Nom:Cultivos especíificos
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Brucella sp identificada:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:Sangre:Nominal:Cultivo específico del organismo
fr-CA French (Canada) Brucella sp:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:Sang:Nominal:Culture spécifique à un microorganisme
fr-FR French (France) Brucella identifié:Identification:Ponctuel:Sang:Résultat nominal:Culture spécifique
fr-BE French (Belgium) Brucella sp:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:Sang:Nominal:Culture spécifique de microorganisme
it-IT Italian (Italy) Brucella sp:Prid:Pt:Sangue:Nom:Organismo, coltura specifica
Synonyms: Coltura specifica di un organismo Microbiologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 브루셀라종 동정:존재:검사시점:전혈:명칭결과:균 특이 배양
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Brucella sp.:identificator:moment:bloed:nominaal:organisme-specifieke kweek
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Brucella sp:wykrycie lub identyfikacja:punkt w czasie:krew:cecha:hodowla specyficzna dla organizmu
Synonyms: Brucella sp.
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Identificação de Brucella sp:Ident:Pt:SgTotal:Nom:Cultura para microorganismo específico
Synonyms: Identity or presence; Point in time; Random; Blood; WB; Whole blood; Nominal; Cult; Cultures; C&S; Isolated; species; spp; Bruc; Brucellosis; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Brucella sp:ПрИд:ТчкВрм:Кр:Ном:Культура специфичного оранизма
Synonyms: Кровь Номинальный;Именной Присутствие или Идентификация Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Brucella sp:MevcKimlik:Zmlı:Kan:Snf:Etken spesifik kültür
Synonyms: Organizma spesifik kültür
zh-CN Chinese (China) 布鲁氏菌属单个未知种:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:全血:名义型:微生物特异性培养
Synonyms: 传染性流产 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 地中海热 培养方法 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 布氏杆菌病 布鲁杆菌 布鲁氏杆菌 布鲁氏杆菌属;布鲁氏菌单个未知种 布鲁氏杆菌病 布鲁氏菌病 布鲁菌 布鲁菌病 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 普鲁氏菌病 波动热 波状热 物种 特异 特异性的 特异的 生物特异性培养 生物种 血;血液 马尔他热病 马耳他热

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