Version 2.80

Status Information


Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
62263-9 PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements
Indent62293-6 PhenX - current age protocol 010101
IndentIndent21112-8 Birth date {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent21612-7 Age - Reported a
Indent62299-3 PhenX - ethnicity protocol 010501
IndentIndent56051-6 Do you consider yourself Hispanic/Latino?
IndentIndent56090-4 Hispanic origin
IndentIndent56118-3 Proxy's name
Indent56091-2 What race {do you/[if asked of proxy: does Subject Person]} consider {yourself/[if asked of proxy: himself/herself]} to be?
Indent56118-3 Proxy's name
Indent46098-0 Gender
Indent56118-3 Proxy's name
Indent62335-5 PhenX - knee height protocol 020701
IndentIndent56061-5 Knee height cm
Indent62295-1 PhenX - recumbent length protocol 020702
IndentIndent8306-3 Body height --lying [in_us];cm;m
Indent62294-4 PhenX - standing height protocol 020703
IndentIndent8308-9 Body height --standing [in_us];cm;m
Indent62296-9 PhenX - self reported height protocol 020704
IndentIndent3138-5 Body height Stated [in_us];cm;m
Indent62297-7 PhenX - weight - measured weight protocol 021501
IndentIndent3141-9 Body weight Measured [lb_av];kg
Indent62298-5 PhenX - weight - self reported weight protocol 021502
IndentIndent3142-7 Body weight Stated [lb_av];kg
Indent62279-5 PhenX - breastfeeding protocol 050101
IndentIndent61434-7 Was Sample Person ever breastfed or fed breast milk?
IndentIndent61432-1 How old was Sample Person when {he/she} was first fed something other than breastmilk or water? mo
IndentIndent61433-9 How old was Sample Person when {he/she} completely stopped breastfeeding or being fed breast milk? mo
Indent61436-2 PhenX - calcium intake - pediatric protocol 050201
IndentIndent61453-7 How often do you drink 100% orange juice?
IndentIndent61454-5 Each time you drink orange juice, how much do you usually drink?
IndentIndent61452-9 How often is the orange juice you drink calcium fortified?
IndentIndent61449-5 How often do you drink milk as a beverage (NOT in cereal)?
IndentIndent61450-3 Each time you drink milk, how much do you usually drink?
IndentIndent61451-1 What kind of milk do you usually drink?
IndentIndent61457-8 How often do you eat yogurt?
IndentIndent61439-6 How often do you eat cold cereal?
IndentIndent61469-3 Each time you eat cold cereal, how much do you usually eat?
IndentIndent61447-9 How often do you eat Mexican foods such as tacos, tostados, burritos, tamales, fajitas, enchiladas, quesadillas, or chimichangas?
IndentIndent61448-7 Each time you eat Mexican foods, how much do you usually eat?
IndentIndent61455-2 How often do you eat pizza?
IndentIndent61456-0 Each time you eat pizza, how much do you usually eat?
IndentIndent61445-3 How often do you eat macaroni and cheese?
IndentIndent61446-1 Each time you eat macaroni and cheese, how much do you usually eat?
IndentIndent61443-8 How often do you eat ice cream, ice cream bars, milkshakes, or frozen yogurt?
IndentIndent61444-6 Each time you eat ice cream, ice cream bars, milkshakes, or frozen yogurt, how much do you usually eat?
IndentIndent61441-2 How often do you eat cheese (including on salads or in sandwiches or subs)?
IndentIndent61442-0 Each time you eat cheese, how much do you usually eat?
IndentIndent61437-0 How often do you eat bread, toast or dinner rolls, including bread as part of a sandwich (DO NOT count buns with hamburgers or hot dogs)?
IndentIndent61438-8 Each time you eat bread, toast or dinner rolls, how much do you usually eat?
Indent62289-4 PhenX - calcium intake - adult protocol 050202
IndentIndent61460-2 During the past month, how often did you eat HOT OR COLD CEREALS?
IndentIndent61575-7 During the past month . . . When you ate cereal, which kinds did you usually eat?
IndentIndent61549-2 3. During the past month . . . How often did you have MILK, either to drink or on cereal?
IndentIndent61473-5 During the past month, how often did you drink regular, carbonated SODA OR SOFT DRINKS that contain sugar?
IndentIndent61468-5 During the past month, how often did you drink 100% FRUIT JUICE, such as orange, mango, apple, and grape juices?
IndentIndent61550-0 How often did you drink FRUIT-FLAVORED DRINKS with sugar (such as Kool-Aid®, Hi-C®, lemonade, or cranberry cocktail)?
IndentIndent61551-8 During the past month . . . How often did you eat FRUIT?
IndentIndent61552-6 During the past month, how often did you eat a green leafy or lettuce SALAD, with or without other vegetables?
IndentIndent61465-1 During the past month . . . How often did you eat FRENCH FRIES, home fries, or hash brown potatoes?
IndentIndent61553-4 During the past month . . . How often did you eat other WHITE POTATOES?
IndentIndent61459-4 During the past month . . . How often did you eat COOKED DRIED BEANS, such as refried beans, baked beans, bean soup, and pork and beans?
IndentIndent61507-0 During the past month . . . Not counting what you just told me about (lettuce salads, white potatoes, cooked dried beans), and not counting rice, how often did you eat OTHER VEGETABLES?
IndentIndent61474-3 During the past month . . . How often did you have TOMATO SAUCES such as spaghetti sauce or pizza with tomato sauce?
IndentIndent61472-7 During the past month . . . How often did you have SALSA?
IndentIndent61476-8 During the past month . . . How often did you eat WHOLE GRAIN BREAD including toast, rolls and in sandwiches?
IndentIndent61554-2 During the past month, how often did you eat DOUGHNUTS, sweet rolls, Danish, muffins, or Pop-Tarts®?
IndentIndent61463-6 During the past month . . . How often did you eat COOKIES, CAKE, PIE, or BROWNIES?
IndentIndent61462-8 During the past month . . . How often did you eat any kind of CHEESE?
Indent62280-3 PhenX - caffeine protocol 050301
IndentIndent61482-6 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Decaffeinated coffee (Instant & brewed)?
IndentIndent61498-2 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Instant coffee, not decaffeinated (Including flavored types)?
IndentIndent61480-0 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Brewed coffee, not decaffeinated?
IndentIndent61484-2 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Decaffeinated espresso and espresso drinks (Latte, Mocha, Americano)?
IndentIndent61492-5 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Espresso and espresso drinks, not decaffeinated (Latte, Mocha, Americano)?
IndentIndent61486-7 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Herbal or decaffeinated tea (Instant, bottled, and brewed)?
IndentIndent61494-1 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Green tea (Not decaffeinated-instant, bottled, and brewed)?
IndentIndent61478-4 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Black tea such as Lipton®, or Earl Grey (Not decaffeinated-instant, bottled, and brewed)?
IndentIndent61496-6 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Jolt®, Surge®, Mountain Dew®, Red Bull® and other highly caffeinated sodas?
IndentIndent61502-1 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Regular colas and root beer (With caffeine, not diet)?
IndentIndent61490-9 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Diet colas and diet root beer (With caffeine)?
IndentIndent61500-5 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Regular colas and root beer (Caffeine free, not diet)?
IndentIndent61488-3 HOW OFTEN DID YOU DRINK Diet colas and diet root beer (Caffeine free)?
IndentIndent61483-4 What is your serving size for Decaffeinated coffee (Instant & brewed)?
IndentIndent61499-0 What is your serving size for Instant coffee, not decaffeinated (Including flavored types)?
IndentIndent61481-8 What is your serving size for Brewed coffee, not decaffeinated?
IndentIndent61485-9 What is your serving size for Decaffeinated espresso and espresso drinks (Latte, Mocha, Americano)?
IndentIndent61493-3 What is your serving size for Espresso and espresso drinks, not decaffeinated (Latte, Mocha, Americano)?
IndentIndent61487-5 What is your serving size for Herbal or decaffeinated tea (Instant, bottled, and brewed)?
IndentIndent61495-8 What is your serving size for Green tea (Not decaffeinated-instant, bottled, and brewed)?
IndentIndent61479-2 What is your serving size for Black tea such as Lipton®, or Earl Grey (Not decaffeinated-instant, bottled, and brewed)?
IndentIndent61497-4 What is your serving size for Jolt®, Surge®, Mountain Dew®, Red Bull® and other highly caffeinated sodas?
IndentIndent61503-9 What is your serving size for Regular colas and root beer (With caffeine, not diet)?
IndentIndent61491-7 What is your serving size for Diet colas and diet root beer (With caffeine)?
IndentIndent61501-3 What is your serving size for Regular colas and root beer (Caffeine free, not diet)?
IndentIndent61489-1 What is your serving size for Diet colas and diet root beer (Caffeine free)?
Indent62281-1 PhenX - dairy food protocol 050401
IndentIndent61549-2 3. During the past month . . . How often did you have MILK, either to drink or on cereal?
IndentIndent61462-8 During the past month . . . How often did you eat any kind of CHEESE?
Indent62282-9 PhenX - dietary supplements protocol 050501
IndentIndent61526-0 HOW OFTEN did you take Regular One-a-Day type, Centrum® or Thera-type MULTIPLE VITAMINS?
IndentIndent61527-8 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Regular One-a-Day type, Centrum® or Thera-type MULTIPLE VITAMINS? a
IndentIndent61510-4 HOW OFTEN did you take B-complex or Stress-tab type MULTIPLE VITAMINS?
IndentIndent61511-2 HOW MANY YEARS did you take B-complex or Stress-tab type MULTIPLE VITAMINS? a
IndentIndent61538-5 HOW OFTEN did you take Vitamin C?
IndentIndent61540-1 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Vitamin C? a
IndentIndent61543-5 HOW OFTEN did you take Vitamin E?
IndentIndent61545-0 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Vitamin E? a
IndentIndent61517-9 HOW OFTEN did you take Folic acid, Folate?
IndentIndent61546-8 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Folic acid, Folate? a
IndentIndent61534-4 HOW OFTEN did you take Vitamin B-12?
IndentIndent61535-1 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Vitamin B-12? a
IndentIndent61536-9 HOW OFTEN did you take Vitamin B-6?
IndentIndent61537-7 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Vitamin B-6? a
IndentIndent61512-0 HOW OFTEN did you take Calcium, alone or combined with something else such as in a bone health supplement OR in an antacid?
IndentIndent61513-8 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Calcium, alone or combined with something else such as in a bone health supplement OR in an antacid? a
IndentIndent61541-9 HOW OFTEN did you take Vitamin D, alone?
IndentIndent61542-7 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Vitamin D, alone? a
IndentIndent61532-8 HOW OFTEN did you take Selenium?
IndentIndent61533-6 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Selenium? a
IndentIndent61522-9 HOW OFTEN did you take Iron?
IndentIndent61523-7 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Iron? a
IndentIndent61547-6 HOW OFTEN did you take Zinc?
IndentIndent61505-4 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Zinc? a
IndentIndent61524-5 HOW OFTEN did you take Fish oil or omega-3 Fatty acids?
IndentIndent61525-2 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Fish oil or omega-3 Fatty acids? a
IndentIndent61515-3 HOW OFTEN did you take Flaxseed?
IndentIndent61516-1 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Flaxseed? a
IndentIndent61518-7 HOW OFTEN did you take Garlic, as a pill, tablet, or capsule?
IndentIndent61519-5 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Garlic, as a pill, tablet, or capsule? a
IndentIndent61520-3 HOW OFTEN did you take Glucosamine, alone or combined with something else?
IndentIndent61521-1 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Glucosamine, alone or combined with something else? a
IndentIndent61528-6 HOW OFTEN did you take Coenzyme Q-10?
IndentIndent61529-4 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Coenzyme Q-10? a
IndentIndent61530-2 HOW OFTEN did you take Saw Palmetto?
IndentIndent61531-0 HOW MANY YEARS did you take Saw Palmetto? a
IndentIndent61539-3 When you took VITAMIN C, how much did you usually take?
IndentIndent61544-3 When you took VITAMIN E, how much did you usually take?
Indent62283-7 PhenX - fiber protocol 050601
IndentIndent61460-2 During the past month, how often did you eat HOT OR COLD CEREALS?
IndentIndent61575-7 During the past month . . . When you ate cereal, which kinds did you usually eat?
IndentIndent61549-2 3. During the past month . . . How often did you have MILK, either to drink or on cereal?
IndentIndent61473-5 During the past month, how often did you drink regular, carbonated SODA OR SOFT DRINKS that contain sugar?
IndentIndent61468-5 During the past month, how often did you drink 100% FRUIT JUICE, such as orange, mango, apple, and grape juices?
IndentIndent61550-0 How often did you drink FRUIT-FLAVORED DRINKS with sugar (such as Kool-Aid®, Hi-C®, lemonade, or cranberry cocktail)?
IndentIndent61551-8 During the past month . . . How often did you eat FRUIT?
IndentIndent61552-6 During the past month, how often did you eat a green leafy or lettuce SALAD, with or without other vegetables?
IndentIndent61465-1 During the past month . . . How often did you eat FRENCH FRIES, home fries, or hash brown potatoes?
IndentIndent61553-4 During the past month . . . How often did you eat other WHITE POTATOES?
IndentIndent61459-4 During the past month . . . How often did you eat COOKED DRIED BEANS, such as refried beans, baked beans, bean soup, and pork and beans?
IndentIndent61507-0 During the past month . . . Not counting what you just told me about (lettuce salads, white potatoes, cooked dried beans), and not counting rice, how often did you eat OTHER VEGETABLES?
IndentIndent61474-3 During the past month . . . How often did you have TOMATO SAUCES such as spaghetti sauce or pizza with tomato sauce?
IndentIndent61472-7 During the past month . . . How often did you have SALSA?
IndentIndent61476-8 During the past month . . . How often did you eat WHOLE GRAIN BREAD including toast, rolls and in sandwiches?
IndentIndent61554-2 During the past month, how often did you eat DOUGHNUTS, sweet rolls, Danish, muffins, or Pop-Tarts®?
IndentIndent61463-6 During the past month . . . How often did you eat COOKIES, CAKE, PIE, or BROWNIES?
IndentIndent61462-8 During the past month . . . How often did you eat any kind of CHEESE?
Indent62284-5 PhenX - fruits and veg protocol 050701
IndentIndent61468-5 During the past month, how often did you drink 100% FRUIT JUICE, such as orange, mango, apple, and grape juices?
IndentIndent61551-8 During the past month . . . How often did you eat FRUIT?
IndentIndent61552-6 During the past month, how often did you eat a green leafy or lettuce SALAD, with or without other vegetables?
IndentIndent61465-1 During the past month . . . How often did you eat FRENCH FRIES, home fries, or hash brown potatoes?
IndentIndent61553-4 During the past month . . . How often did you eat other WHITE POTATOES?
IndentIndent61459-4 During the past month . . . How often did you eat COOKED DRIED BEANS, such as refried beans, baked beans, bean soup, and pork and beans?
IndentIndent61507-0 During the past month . . . Not counting what you just told me about (lettuce salads, white potatoes, cooked dried beans), and not counting rice, how often did you eat OTHER VEGETABLES?
IndentIndent61474-3 During the past month . . . How often did you have TOMATO SAUCES such as spaghetti sauce or pizza with tomato sauce?
IndentIndent61472-7 During the past month . . . How often did you have SALSA?
Indent62285-2 PhenX - energy from fat protocol 050801
IndentIndent61558-3 About how often did you eat Cold cereal?
IndentIndent61559-1 About how often did you drink Skim milk, on cereal or to drink?
IndentIndent61560-9 About how often did you eat Eggs, fried or scrambled in margarine, butter, or oil?
IndentIndent61561-7 About how often did you eat Sausage or bacon, regular-fat?
IndentIndent61562-5 About how often did you eat Margarine or butter on bread, rolls, pancakes?
IndentIndent61563-3 About how often did you drink Orange juice or grapefruit juice?
IndentIndent61564-1 About how often did you eat Fruit (not juices)?
IndentIndent61565-8 About how often did you eat Beef or pork hot dogs, regular-fat?
IndentIndent61566-6 About how often did you eat Cheese or cheese spread, regular-fat?
IndentIndent61567-4 About how often did you eat French fries, home fries, or hash brown potatoes?
IndentIndent61568-2 About how often did you eat Margarine or butter on vegetables, including potatoes?
IndentIndent61569-0 About how often did you eat Mayonnaise, regular-fat?
IndentIndent61570-8 About how often did you eat Salad dressings, regular-fat?
IndentIndent61571-6 About how often did you eat Rice?
IndentIndent61572-4 About how often did you eat Margarine, butter, or oil on rice or pasta?
IndentIndent61573-2 Over the past 12 months, when you prepared foods with margarine or ate margarine, how often did you use reduced-fat margarine?
IndentIndent61574-0 Overall, when you think about the foods you ate over the past 12 months, would you say your diet was high, medium, or low in fat?
Indent62287-8 PhenX - selenium protocol 050901
Indent62286-0 PhenX - sugar protocol 051001
IndentIndent61473-5 During the past month, how often did you drink regular, carbonated SODA OR SOFT DRINKS that contain sugar?
IndentIndent61550-0 How often did you drink FRUIT-FLAVORED DRINKS with sugar (such as Kool-Aid®, Hi-C®, lemonade, or cranberry cocktail)?
IndentIndent61554-2 During the past month, how often did you eat DOUGHNUTS, sweet rolls, Danish, muffins, or Pop-Tarts®?
IndentIndent61463-6 During the past month . . . How often did you eat COOKIES, CAKE, PIE, or BROWNIES?
Indent62288-6 PhenX - vitamin D protocol 051101
Indent63074-9 PhenX - total dietary intake protocol 051201

Fully-Specified Name

PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements

Additional Names

Long Common Name
PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements
Short Name
Domain - Nutrition DS

Survey Question


Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.34
Last Updated
Version 2.68 (PANEL)
Change Reason
Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Panel Type

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Τομέας PhenX - Διατροφή και συμπληρώματα διατροφής:-:Pt:^Ασθενής:-:PhenX
Synonyms: Τομέας PhenX - Διατροφή και συμπληρώματα διατροφής
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Dominio PhenX - Nutrición y suplementos dietéticos:-:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:-:PhenX
it-IT Italian (Italy) PhenX, dominio - Integratori alimentari e dietetici:-:Pt:^Paziente:-:PhenX
Synonyms: Panel PhenX paziente PhenX Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) PhenX домен - Питание и пищевые добавки:-:ТчкВрм:^Пациент:-:PhenX
Synonyms: Точка во времени;Момент
zh-CN Chinese (China) PhenX 领域 - 营养与膳食补充剂:-:时间点:^患者:-:PhenX
Synonyms: Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures;PhenX;暴露;接触;表型与暴露共识指标;表现型与暴露共识指标;表型与暴露公认指标 Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures;表型与暴露共识指标;表现型与暴露共识指标;表型与暴露公认指标 PhenX 领域 - 营养与膳食补充剂(添加剂、补充品、增补剂);Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures;PhenX;暴露;接触;表型与暴露共识指标;表现型与暴露共识指标;表型与暴露公认指标 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组.PhenX;组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).PhenX;Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures;PhenX;表型与暴露共识指标;表现型与暴露共识指标;表型与暴露公认指标;PhenX 医嘱组 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 多重;多重型;多重标尺类型;多重精度类型 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 滋养;营养补给;营养学;食物;营养品 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套

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