PhenX - fruits and veg protocol 050701
61468-5 During the past month, how often did you drink 100% FRUIT JUICE, such as orange, mango, apple, and grape juices?
Form Coding Instructions
Do NOT count fruit drinks. Read if necessary: INCLUDE only 100% pure juices. Do NOT include fruit drinks with added sugar, like Kool-aid®, Hi-C®, lemonade, cranberry cocktail, Gatorade®, Tampico®, and Sunny Delight®
Source: Consensus measures for Phenotypes and ExposuresFully-Specified Name
- Component
- How often did you drink 100 percent fruit juice, such as orange, mango, apple, and grape juices in past 30D
- Property
- Find
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
How often did you drink 100 % fruit juice, such as orange, mango, apple, and grape juices in past 30 days [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.34
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL1001-8
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Never | 00 | LA6270-8 | |
1-3 times per month | 01 | LA13836-4 | |
1-2 times per week | 02 | LA13834-9 | |
3-4 times per week | 03 | LA13853-9 | |
5-6 times per week | 04 | LA13860-4 | |
1 time per day | 05 | LA13827-3 | |
2 times per day | 06 | LA13840-6 | |
3 times per day | 07 | LA13851-3 | |
4 times per day | 08 | LA13854-7 | |
5 or more times per day | 09 | LA13858-8 | |
Refused | 97 | LA4389-8 | |
Don't know Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:456791000124100 Do not know (qualifier value) | 99 | LA12688-0 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62263-9 | PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πόσο συχνά ήπιατε 100% φυσικό χυμό φρούτων, όπως χυμό πορτοκαλιού, μάνγκο, μήλου ή σταφυλιού, τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες: Synonyms: Εύρεση Πόσο συχνά ήπιατε 100% φυσικό χυμό φρούτων, όπως χυμό πορτοκαλιού, μάνγκο, μήλου ή σταφυλιού, τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες Φρούτα |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | ¿Con qué frecuencia bebió jugo 100 por ciento de fruta, como jugo de naranja, mango, manzana y uva en los últimos 30D?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Quanto spesso ha bevuto succo di frutta 100 per cento, ad esempio succo d'arancia, di mango, di mela, e d'uva negli ultimi 30 gg: Synonyms: 30 giorni Osservazione paziente PhenX Quanto spesso ha bevuto succo di frutta 100 %, ad |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在过去的30天当中, Synonyms: 1个月; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
61551-8 During the past month . . . How often did you eat FRUIT?
Form Coding Instructions
COUNT fresh, frozen, or canned fruit. Do NOT count juices. Read if necessary: Include fruits such as apples, bananas, applesauce, melon, berries, fruit salad, mangos, papayas, oranges, and grapes
Source: Consensus measures for Phenotypes and ExposuresFully-Specified Name
- Component
- How often did you eat fruit in past 30D
- Property
- Find
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
How often did you eat fruit in past 30 days [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.34
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL1001-8
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Never | 00 | LA6270-8 | |
1-3 times per month | 01 | LA13836-4 | |
1-2 times per week | 02 | LA13834-9 | |
3-4 times per week | 03 | LA13853-9 | |
5-6 times per week | 04 | LA13860-4 | |
1 time per day | 05 | LA13827-3 | |
2 times per day | 06 | LA13840-6 | |
3 times per day | 07 | LA13851-3 | |
4 times per day | 08 | LA13854-7 | |
5 or more times per day | 09 | LA13858-8 | |
Refused | 97 | LA4389-8 | |
Don't know Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:456791000124100 Do not know (qualifier value) | 99 | LA12688-0 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62263-9 | PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πόσο συχνά φάγατε φρούτα τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες: Synonyms: Εύρεση Πόσο συχνά φάγατε φρούτα τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες Φρούτα |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | ¿Con qué frecuencia comió fruta en los últimos 30D?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Quanto spesso ha mangiato la frutta negli ultimi 30 gg: Synonyms: 30 giorni Osservazione paziente PhenX Quanto spesso ha mangiato la frutta negli ultimi 3 |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在过去的30天当中, Synonyms: 1个月; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
61552-6 During the past month, how often did you eat a green leafy or lettuce SALAD, with or without other vegetables?
Form Coding Instructions
Read if necessary: Include spinach salads
Source: Consensus measures for Phenotypes and ExposuresFully-Specified Name
- Component
- How often did you eat a green leafy or lettuce salad, with or without other vegetables in past 30D
- Property
- Find
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
How often did you eat a green leafy or lettuce salad, with or without other vegetables in past 30 days [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.34
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL1001-8
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Never | 00 | LA6270-8 | |
1-3 times per month | 01 | LA13836-4 | |
1-2 times per week | 02 | LA13834-9 | |
3-4 times per week | 03 | LA13853-9 | |
5-6 times per week | 04 | LA13860-4 | |
1 time per day | 05 | LA13827-3 | |
2 times per day | 06 | LA13840-6 | |
3 times per day | 07 | LA13851-3 | |
4 times per day | 08 | LA13854-7 | |
5 or more times per day | 09 | LA13858-8 | |
Refused | 97 | LA4389-8 | |
Don't know Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:456791000124100 Do not know (qualifier value) | 99 | LA12688-0 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62263-9 | PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πόσο συχνά φάγατε πράσινη σαλάτα ή σαλάτα με μαρούλι, με ή χωρίς άλλα λαχανικά, τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες: Synonyms: A Εύρεση Πόσο συχνά φάγατε πράσινη σαλάτα ή σαλάτα με μαρούλι, με ή χωρίς άλλα λαχανικά, τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | ¿Con qué frecuencia comió una ensalada de hojas verdes o lechuga, con o sin otras verduras en los últimos 30D?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Quanto spesso ha mangiato un'insalata verde o un'insalata di lattuga, con o senza altre verdure negli ultimi 30 gg: Synonyms: 30 giorni Osservazione paziente PhenX Quanto spesso ha mangiato un''INSALATA verde o un'' |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在过去的30天当中, Synonyms: 1个月; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
61465-1 During the past month . . . How often did you eat FRENCH FRIES, home fries, or hash brown potatoes?
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- How often did you eat french fries, home fries, or hash brown potatoes in past 30D
- Property
- Find
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
How often did you eat french fries, home fries, or hash brown potatoes in past 30 days [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.34
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL1001-8
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Never | 00 | LA6270-8 | |
1-3 times per month | 01 | LA13836-4 | |
1-2 times per week | 02 | LA13834-9 | |
3-4 times per week | 03 | LA13853-9 | |
5-6 times per week | 04 | LA13860-4 | |
1 time per day | 05 | LA13827-3 | |
2 times per day | 06 | LA13840-6 | |
3 times per day | 07 | LA13851-3 | |
4 times per day | 08 | LA13854-7 | |
5 or more times per day | 09 | LA13858-8 | |
Refused | 97 | LA4389-8 | |
Don't know Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:456791000124100 Do not know (qualifier value) | 99 | LA12688-0 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62263-9 | PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πόσο συχνά φάγατε τηγανητές πατάτες, πατάτες φούρνου ή πατάτες φριτέζας τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες: Synonyms: Εύρεση Πόσο συχνά φάγατε τηγανητές πατάτες, πατάτες φούρνου ή πατάτες φριτέζας τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | ¿Con qué frecuencia comió papas fritas, papas fritas caseras o papas picadas en los últimos 30D?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Quanto spesso ha mangiato patatine fritte, patate fritte fatte in casa, o fritelli di patate negli ultimi 30 gg: Synonyms: 30 giorni Osservazione paziente PhenX Quanto spesso ha mangiato patatine fritte, patate |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在过去的30天当中, Synonyms: 1个月; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
61553-4 During the past month . . . How often did you eat other WHITE POTATOES?
Form Coding Instructions
COUNT baked potatoes, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes and potato salad. Read if necessary Do NOT include yams or sweet potatoes. INCLUDE red-skinned and Yukon Gold potatoes
Source: Consensus measures for Phenotypes and ExposuresFully-Specified Name
- Component
- How often did you eat other white potatoes in past 30D
- Property
- Find
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
How often did you eat other white potatoes in past 30 days [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.34
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL1001-8
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Never | 00 | LA6270-8 | |
1-3 times per month | 01 | LA13836-4 | |
1-2 times per week | 02 | LA13834-9 | |
3-4 times per week | 03 | LA13853-9 | |
5-6 times per week | 04 | LA13860-4 | |
1 time per day | 05 | LA13827-3 | |
2 times per day | 06 | LA13840-6 | |
3 times per day | 07 | LA13851-3 | |
4 times per day | 08 | LA13854-7 | |
5 or more times per day | 09 | LA13858-8 | |
Refused | 97 | LA4389-8 | |
Don't know Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:456791000124100 Do not know (qualifier value) | 99 | LA12688-0 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62263-9 | PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πόσο συχνά φάγατε άλλες λευκές πατάτες τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες: Synonyms: Εύρεση Πόσο συχνά φάγατε άλλες λευκές πατάτες τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | ¿Con qué frecuencia comió otras papas blancas en los últimos 30D?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Quanto spesso ha mangiato altre patate bianche negli ultimi 30 gg: Synonyms: 30 giorni Osservazione paziente PhenX Quanto spesso ha mangiato altre patate bianche neg |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在过去的30天当中, Synonyms: 1个月; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
61459-4 During the past month . . . How often did you eat COOKED DRIED BEANS, such as refried beans, baked beans, bean soup, and pork and beans?
Form Coding Instructions
Do NOT include green beans
Source: Consensus measures for Phenotypes and ExposuresFully-Specified Name
- Component
- How often did you eat cooked dried beans, such as refried beans, baked beans, bean soup, and pork and beans in past 30D
- Property
- Find
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
How often did you eat cooked dried beans, such as refried beans, baked beans, bean soup, and pork and beans in past 30 days [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.34
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL1001-8
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Never | 00 | LA6270-8 | |
1-3 times per month | 01 | LA13836-4 | |
1-2 times per week | 02 | LA13834-9 | |
3-4 times per week | 03 | LA13853-9 | |
5-6 times per week | 04 | LA13860-4 | |
1 time per day | 05 | LA13827-3 | |
2 times per day | 06 | LA13840-6 | |
3 times per day | 07 | LA13851-3 | |
4 times per day | 08 | LA13854-7 | |
5 or more times per day | 09 | LA13858-8 | |
Refused | 97 | LA4389-8 | |
Don't know Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:456791000124100 Do not know (qualifier value) | 99 | LA12688-0 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62263-9 | PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πόσο συχνά φάγατε μαγειρεμένα όσπρια, όπως ξερά φασόλια κατσαρόλας, ψητά φασόλια, φασολάδα και χοιρινό και φασόλια τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες: Synonyms: Εύρεση Πόσο συχνά φάγατε μαγειρεμένα όσπρια, όπως ξερά φασόλια κατσαρόλας, ψητά φασόλια, φασολάδα και χοιρινό και φασόλια τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες Χοιρινό |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | ¿Con qué frecuencia comió frijoles secos cocidos, como frijoles refritos, frijoles horneados, sopa de frijoles y carne de cerdo y frijoles en los últimos 30D?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Quanto spesso ha mangiato fagioli secchi cotti, ad esempio i fagioli rifritti, fagioli stufati, zuppa di fagioli e carne di maiale e fagioli negli ultimi 30 gg: Synonyms: 30 giorni Osservazione paziente PhenX Quanto spesso ha mangiato fagioli secchi cotti, ad |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在过去的30天当中, Synonyms: 1个月; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
61507-0 During the past month . . . Not counting what you just told me about (lettuce salads, white potatoes, cooked dried beans), and not counting rice, how often did you eat OTHER VEGETABLES?
Form Coding Instructions
Read if necessary: Examples of other vegetables include tomatoes, string beans, carrots, corn, sweet potatoes, cabbage, bean sprouts, collard greens, and broccoli
Source: Consensus measures for Phenotypes and ExposuresFully-Specified Name
- Component
- Not counting lettuce salads, white potatoes, cooked dried beans, and not counting rice, how often did you eat other vegetables in past 30D
- Property
- Find
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
Not counting lettuce salads, white potatoes, cooked dried beans, and not counting rice, how often did you eat other vegetables in past 30 days [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.34
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL1001-8
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Never | 00 | LA6270-8 | |
1-3 times per month | 01 | LA13836-4 | |
1-2 times per week | 02 | LA13834-9 | |
3-4 times per week | 03 | LA13853-9 | |
5-6 times per week | 04 | LA13860-4 | |
1 time per day | 05 | LA13827-3 | |
2 times per day | 06 | LA13840-6 | |
3 times per day | 07 | LA13851-3 | |
4 times per day | 08 | LA13854-7 | |
5 or more times per day | 09 | LA13858-8 | |
Refused | 97 | LA4389-8 | |
Don't know Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:456791000124100 Do not know (qualifier value) | 99 | LA12688-0 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62263-9 | PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Χωρίς να υπολογίζουμε τις σαλάτες με μαρούλι, τις λευκές πατάτες, τα μαγειρεμένα ξερά φασόλια και χωρίς να υπολογίζουμε το ρύζι, πόσο συχνά τρώγατε άλλα λαχανικά τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες: Synonyms: Εύρεση Χωρίς να υπολογίζουμε τις σαλάτες με μαρούλι, τις λευκές πατάτες, τα μαγειρεμένα ξερά φασόλια και χωρίς να υπολογίζουμε το ρύζι, πόσο συχνά τρώγατε άλλα λαχανικά τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Sin contar las ensaladas de lechuga, las papas blancas, los frijoles secos cocidos y sin contar el arroz, ¿con qué frecuencia comió otras verduras en los últimos 30D?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Non contando lattuga, patate bianche, fagioli secchi cotti, e non contando il riso, quanto spesso ha mangiato verdure negli ultimi 30gg: Synonyms: 30 giorni Non contando lattuga, patate bianche, fagioli secc Osservazione paziente PhenX |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 不计莴苣沙拉、 Synonyms: 1个月; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
61474-3 During the past month . . . How often did you have TOMATO SAUCES such as spaghetti sauce or pizza with tomato sauce?
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- How often did you have tomato sauces such as spaghetti sauce or pizza with tomato sauce in past 30D
- Property
- Find
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
How often did you have tomato sauces such as spaghetti sauce or pizza with tomato sauce in past 30 days [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.34
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL1001-8
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Never | 00 | LA6270-8 | |
1-3 times per month | 01 | LA13836-4 | |
1-2 times per week | 02 | LA13834-9 | |
3-4 times per week | 03 | LA13853-9 | |
5-6 times per week | 04 | LA13860-4 | |
1 time per day | 05 | LA13827-3 | |
2 times per day | 06 | LA13840-6 | |
3 times per day | 07 | LA13851-3 | |
4 times per day | 08 | LA13854-7 | |
5 or more times per day | 09 | LA13858-8 | |
Refused | 97 | LA4389-8 | |
Don't know Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:456791000124100 Do not know (qualifier value) | 99 | LA12688-0 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62263-9 | PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πόσο συχνά φάγατε σάλτσες ντομάτας, όπως σάλτσα για μακαρόνια ή πίτσα με σάλτσα ντομάτας, τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες: Synonyms: Εύρεση Πόσο συχνά φάγατε σάλτσες ντομάτας, όπως σάλτσα για μακαρόνια ή πίτσα με σάλτσα ντομάτας, τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | ¿Con qué frecuencia comió salsas de tomate como salsa de espagueti o pizza con salsa de tomate en los últimos 30D?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Quanto spesso ha mangiato salsa di pomodoro come spaghetti al sugo o pizza con salsa di pomodoro negli ultimi 30 gg: Synonyms: 30 giorni Osservazione paziente PhenX Quanto spesso ha mangiato salsa di pomodoro come s |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在过去30天当中, Synonyms: 1个月; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
61472-7 During the past month . . . How often did you have SALSA?
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- How often did you have salsa in past 30D
- Property
- Find
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
How often did you have salsa in past 30 days [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.34
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL1001-8
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Never | 00 | LA6270-8 | |
1-3 times per month | 01 | LA13836-4 | |
1-2 times per week | 02 | LA13834-9 | |
3-4 times per week | 03 | LA13853-9 | |
5-6 times per week | 04 | LA13860-4 | |
1 time per day | 05 | LA13827-3 | |
2 times per day | 06 | LA13840-6 | |
3 times per day | 07 | LA13851-3 | |
4 times per day | 08 | LA13854-7 | |
5 or more times per day | 09 | LA13858-8 | |
Refused | 97 | LA4389-8 | |
Don't know Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:456791000124100 Do not know (qualifier value) | 99 | LA12688-0 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62263-9 | PhenX domain - Nutrition and dietary supplements |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πόσο συχνά φάγατε salsa (Μεξικάνικη σάλτσα) τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες: Synonyms: Εύρεση Πόσο συχνά φάγατε salsa (Μεξικάνικη σάλτσα) τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | ¿Con qué frecuencia comió salsa en los últimos 30D?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Quanto spesso ha mangiato la salsa negli ultimi 30 gg: Synonyms: 30 giorni Osservazione paziente PhenX Quanto spesso ha mangiato la salsa negli ultimi 30 |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在过去的30天当中, Synonyms: 1个月; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.