PhenX - tobacco - 30D quantity and frequency - adolescent protocol 030801
63611-8 Now think about the past 30 days - that is, from [DATEFILL*] up to and including today. During the past 30 days, have you smoked part or all of a cigarette?
Term Description
DATEFILL is the date 30 days prior to the date of the interview.
Form Coding Instructions
Enter frequency in days. If 30DAYS_DAYS_COUNT (Question 2a) is ""Don't Know"" or ""Refused"", then ask Question 2b
Source: Consensus measures for Phenotypes and ExposuresFully-Specified Name
- Component
- During the past 30D, have you smoked part or all of a cigarette
- Property
- Find
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
During the past 30 days, have you smoked part or all of a cigarette [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.36
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL361-7
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Yes Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:373066001 Yes (qualifier value) | LA33-6 | ||
No Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:373067005 No (qualifier value) | LA32-8 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62541-8 | PhenX domain - Alcohol, tobacco and other substances |
Member of these Groups Get Info
LOINC Group | Group Name |
LG41856-2 | Smoking-related terms |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων 30 ημερών, καπνίσατε μέρος ή το σύνολο ενός τσιγάρου: Synonyms: A Εύρεση Κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων 30 ημερών, καπνίσατε μέρος ή το σύνολο ενός τσιγάρου |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Durante los últimos 30 días, ¿ha fumado parte o todo un cigarrillo?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Nel corso degli ultimi 30 gg, ha fumato una parte di o una sigaretta intera: Synonyms: 30 giorni Nel corso degli ultimi 30 giorni, ha fumato una pa Osservazione paziente PhenX |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在过去的那30天当中, Synonyms: 1个月; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
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63612-6 During the past 30 days, that is, since [DATEFILL*], on how many days did you smoke part or all of a cigarette?
Term Description
DATEFILL is the date 30 days prior to the date of the interview.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- During the past 30D, on how many D did you smoke part or all of a cigarette
- Property
- NRat
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke part or all of a cigarette [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.36
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62541-8 | PhenX domain - Alcohol, tobacco and other substances |
Member of these Groups Get Info
LOINC Group | Group Name |
LG41856-2 | Smoking-related terms |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων 30 ημερών, πόσες ημέρες καπνίσατε μέρος ή το σύνολο ενός τσιγάρου: Synonyms: A D NRat Κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων 30 ημερών, πόσες ημέρες καπνίσατε μέρος ή το σύνολο ενός τσιγάρου |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Durante los últimos 30 D, ¿en cuántos D fumó parte o todo un cigarrillo?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Nel corso degli ultimi 30 gg, quanti giorni ha fumato una parte di o una sigaretta intera: Synonyms: 30 giorni Indice numerico Nel corso degli ultimi 30 giorni, quanti giorni ha paziente PhenX |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在过去的那30天当中, Synonyms: 1个月; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
d/(30.d) | Example UCUM Units |
63613-4 What is your best estimate of the number of days you smoked part or all of a cigarette during the past 30 days?
Term Description
DATEFILL is the date 30 days prior to the date of the interview.
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- What is your best estimate of the number of D you smoked part or all of a cigarette during the past 30D
- Property
- NRat
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
- PhenX
Long Common Name
What is your best estimate of the number of days you smoked part or all of a cigarette during the past 30 days [PhenX]
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.36
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL1355-8
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
1 or 2 days | 1 | LA14481-8 | |
3 to 5 days | 2 | LA15777-8 | |
6 to 9 days | 3 | LA15778-6 | |
10 to 19 days | 4 | LA15779-4 | |
20 to 29 days | 5 | LA15780-2 | |
All 30 days | 6 | LA15781-0 | |
Don't know/refused | 9 | LA15775-2 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62541-8 | PhenX domain - Alcohol, tobacco and other substances |
Member of these Groups Get Info
LOINC Group | Group Name |
LG41856-2 | Smoking-related terms |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Ποια είναι η καλύτερη εκτίμησή σας για τον αριθμό ημερών που καπνίσατε μέρος ή το σύνολο ενός τσιγάρου κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων 30 ημερών: Synonyms: A D NRat Αριθμός Ποια είναι η καλύτερη εκτίμησή σας για τον αριθμό ημερών που καπνίσατε μέρος ή το σύνολο ενός τσιγάρου κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων 30 ημερών |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | ¿Cuál es su mejor estimación del número de D que fumó parte o todo un cigarrillo durante los últimos 30D?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Qual è la sua migliore stima del numero di gg in cui ha fumato tutta o parte di una sigaretta durante gli ultimi 30gg: Synonyms: 30 giorni Indice numerico paziente PhenX Qual è la sua migliore stima del numero di giorni |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在过去的那30天当中, Synonyms: 1个月; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
d/(30.d) | Example UCUM Units |
63629-0 On the number of days you reported you smoked cigarettes during the past 30 days, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day, on average [PhenX]
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- On the number of D you reported you smoked cigarettes during the past 30D, how many cigarettes did you smoke per D, on average
- Property
- Find
- Time
- 30D
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Ord
- Method
- PhenX
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 2.36
- Last Updated
- Version 2.65 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Updated Time part to 30D to reflect the exact look-back period stated in the question in order to provide internal consistency to the term [201508 LOINC Clinical Committee decision]; Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Normative Answer List LL1356-6
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Less than one cigarette per day | 1 | LA15782-8 | |
1 cigarette per day | 2 | LA15783-6 | |
2 to 5 cigarettes per day | 3 | LA15784-4 | |
6 to 15 cigarettes per day (about 1/2 pack) | 4 | LA15785-1 | |
16 to 25 cigarettes per day (about 1 pack) | 5 | LA15786-9 | |
26 to 35 cigarettes per day (about 1 1/2 packs) | 6 | LA15787-7 | |
More than 35 cigarettes per day (about 2 packs or more) | 7 | LA15788-5 | |
Don't know/refused | 9 | LA15775-2 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
62541-8 | PhenX domain - Alcohol, tobacco and other substances |
Member of these Groups Get Info
LOINC Group | Group Name |
LG41856-2 | Smoking-related terms |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Επί του αριθμού ημερών που αναφέρατε ότι καπνίσατε κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων 30 ημερών, πόσα τσιγάρα καπνίσατε ανά ημέρα, κατά μέσο όρο: Synonyms: D Αριθμός Επί του αριθμού ημερών που αναφέρατε ότι καπνίσατε κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων 30 ημερών, πόσα τσιγάρα καπνίσατε ανά ημέρα, κατά μέσο όρο Εύρεση |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Sobre la cantidad de D que informó que fumó cigarrillos durante los últimos 30 D, ¿cuántos cigarrillos fumó por D, en promedio?: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | In base al numero di giorni che ha segnalato di aver fumato negli ultimi 30 gg, quante sigarette ha fumate al giorno, in media: Synonyms: 30 giorni In base al numero di giorni che ha segnalato di av Osservazione paziente PhenX |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 在您所报告的您在过去的那30天当中吸香烟的天数里, Synonyms: 1个月; |