Version 2.78

Status Information


Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
62512-9 PhenX domain - Environmental exposures
Indent62514-5 PhenX - environmental exposures - characteristics of current residence protocol 060101
IndentIndent63692-8 What is the type of dwelling?
IndentIndent63693-6 What is the type of dwelling?
IndentIndent63694-4 Is this property actively used as a farm or ranch?
IndentIndent63695-1 What is the approximate age of your building? Age of building __ a
IndentIndent63696-9 What is the approximate age of your building? Year built? {yyyy}
IndentIndent63697-7 When did you start living there? MO and YR
IndentIndent63698-5 When did you start living there? MO and YR {yyyy}
IndentIndent63699-3 When did you start living there? AGE ____ a
IndentIndent63700-9 When did you move from there? MO and YR
IndentIndent63701-7 When did you move from there? MO and YR {yyyy}
IndentIndent63702-5 When did you move from there? AGE a
IndentIndent63703-3 How many years (have/did) you live(d) there? a
IndentIndent63704-1 Is there an enclosed garage attached to this (house/apartment)?
IndentIndent63705-8 Are automobiles, vans, trucks or other motor vehicles parked in this attached garage?
IndentIndent63706-6 Are any gas powered devices stored in any room, basement, or attached garage in this (house/apartment)?
IndentIndent63707-4 During the past 12 months, has there been water or dampness in your home from broken pipes, leaks, heavy rain, or floods?
IndentIndent63708-2 Does your home frequently have a mildew odor or musty smell?
IndentIndent63709-0 Is air conditioning (refrigeration) used to cool this (house/apartment)?
IndentIndent63710-8 Which types of air conditioning units do you use?
IndentIndent63711-6 During which month (do you usually/would you) start using air conditioning to cool this (house/apartment)?
IndentIndent63712-4 During which month (do you usually/would you) stop using air conditioning?
IndentIndent63713-2 Which fuels are used for heating this (house/apartment)?
IndentIndent63714-0 Does this (house/apartment) have a central heating system with ducts that blow air into most rooms?
IndentIndent63715-7 During which month (do you usually/would you) start using heating devices?
IndentIndent63716-5 During which month (do you usually/would you) stop using heating devices?
IndentIndent63717-3 In the last 12 months, did any dogs, cats or other small furry animals, such as a rabbit, guinea pig or hamster, live or spend time inside your home?
IndentIndent63718-1 What kind of pet was it?
Indent62516-0 PhenX - environmental exposures - water source protocol 060201
IndentIndent63719-9 What Was the primary source of drinking water at your home?
IndentIndent63720-7 What Was the primary source of drinking water at your home?
IndentIndent63721-5 What Was the depth of the private well?
IndentIndent63722-3 Was the private well cased?
IndentIndent63723-1 Are any of the water treatment devices listed on this card used in your home?
IndentIndent63724-9 Which of these water treatment devices are now used in your home?
Indent62518-6 PhenX - environmental exposures - residential history protocol 060301
IndentIndent63725-6 Residence [PEG]
IndentIndent63726-4 From what date did you live in the residence?
IndentIndent63727-2 To what date did you live in the residence?
IndentIndent63728-0 What is the residence address? Street/Crosstreets City, State or Landmark
IndentIndent63729-8 Was this on a farm?
IndentIndent63730-6 What was your water supply?
IndentIndent63731-4 What was your water supply?
IndentIndent63732-2 Near fields or orchards?
IndentIndent63733-0 Did you live close to the center or margin of town?
IndentIndent64010-2 After the interview has been completed, enter the geocoordinates for the residence. Latitude - deg
IndentIndent64011-0 After the interview has been completed, enter the geocoordinates for the residence. Longitude - deg
IndentIndent63734-8 Were the geocoordinates verified?
IndentIndent63735-5 How were the geocoordinates verified?
Indent62520-2 PhenX - environmental exposures - exposure at work and daily life protocol 060401
IndentIndent63736-3 Materials to which you were exposed in your work or daily life [ACSCP-II] 1..12
IndentIndent63737-1 In your work or daily life, were you regularly exposed to this material [ACSCP-II]
IndentIndent63738-9 How many years were you regularly exposed to this material [ACSCP-II] a
Indent62522-8 PhenX - environmental exposures - occupation - occupation history protocol 060501
IndentIndent63739-7 How many hours did {you/SP} work last week at all jobs or businesses? h
IndentIndent63740-5 Do you usually work 35 hours or more per week in total at all jobs or businesses?
IndentIndent63741-3 For whom did {you/SP} work at {your/his/her} main job or business? (what is the name of the company, business, organization or employer?)
IndentIndent63742-1 What kind of business or industry is this?
IndentIndent63743-9 What kind of work {were you/was SP} doing?
IndentIndent63744-7 What were {your/SP's} most important activities on this job?
IndentIndent63745-4 Which of the following best describes the hours {you/SP} usually work at {your/his/her} main job or business?
IndentIndent63746-2 About how long {have you/has SP} worked for {EMPLOYER} as a(n) {OCCUPATION}? d;wk;mo;a
IndentIndent63748-8 Thinking of all the paid jobs {you/SP} ever had, what kind of work {were you/was s/he} doing the longest?
IndentIndent63749-6 What kind of business or industry {did you/did SP} work in for the longest period of time as a (DISPLAY LONGEST OCCUPATION)?
IndentIndent63750-4 What were {your/SP's} most important activities on this job or business?
IndentIndent63751-2 About how long did you work at that job or business d;wk;mo;a
IndentIndent63752-0 Since the age 16, did (you/your _______) ever work for six months or more? we are interested in every job, part-time or full-time, paid or unpaid, that (you/he/she) held for 6 months or longer.
IndentIndent63753-8 Job number [NHANES]
IndentIndent63754-6 What was the name of the company where (you/he/she) (first/next) worked for 6 months or longer?
IndentIndent63755-3 What was the job title of the (first/next) job (you/your___) held at this company?
IndentIndent63756-1 In what year did (you/he/she) start working at this job? {yyyy}
IndentIndent63757-9 In what year did (you/he/she) stop working at this job? {yyyy}
IndentIndent63758-7 What was the location of this company? Address, City/State
IndentIndent63759-5 Was this a full-time or part-time job?
IndentIndent63760-3 What did they make, or what service did they provide? What type of business was it?
IndentIndent64036-7 What did they make, or what service did they provide? What type of business was it?
IndentIndent63761-1 What were (your/your _____'s) main activities or duties for this job?
IndentIndent63762-9 What kinds of chemicals or materials did (you/he/she) handle in that job?
IndentIndent63763-7 What kinds of tools and equipment did (you/he/she) use?
IndentIndent63818-9 Who provided most of the responses in this section?
Indent62524-4 PhenX - environmental exposures - exposures from hobbies protocol 060601
IndentIndent63764-5 Hobby [LIBCSP] 1..8
IndentIndent63765-2 Have you ever participated for 6 months or longer in Hobbies using glues?
IndentIndent63770-2 Specify other activities involving use of chemicals
IndentIndent63766-0 In what year were you first involved in this hobby [LIBCSP] {yyyy}
IndentIndent63767-8 In what year were you last involved in in this hobby [LIBCSP] {yyyy}
IndentIndent63768-6 Overall, for how many years were you involved in this hobby [LIBCSP] a
IndentIndent63769-4 On average, about how many hours per week, month, or year have you participated in this hobby [LIBCSP] h/wk
Indent62526-9 PhenX - environmental exposures - current environmental tobacco smoke exposure protocol 060701
IndentIndent63771-0 Does anyone who lives here smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes anywhere inside this home?
IndentIndent63772-8 Who smokes? PROBE: Anyone else?
IndentIndent63773-6 How many cigarettes per day {do you/does PERSON} usually smoke anywhere inside the home? /d
IndentIndent63774-4 At this job or business, that is at {EMPLOYER} as a(n) {OCCUPATION}, how many hours per day can {you/SP} smell the smoke from other people's cigarettes, cigars, and/or pipes? h/d
Indent62528-5 PhenX - environmental exposures - sibship - birth order protocol 060801
IndentIndent63775-1 How many full brothers do you have? {#}
IndentIndent63776-9 How many full sisters do you have? {#}
IndentIndent63777-7 Do you have a twin brother or sister?
IndentIndent63778-5 Do you have a twin brother or sister?
IndentIndent63779-3 Sibling [CBCS]
IndentIndent63780-1 "Who is the oldest?/What is the first name of your next brother or sister? "
IndentIndent63781-9 What is [NAME'S] sex?
IndentIndent63782-7 Is [NAME] still living?
IndentIndent63783-5 How old is [NAME] now?/How old was [NAME] when he/she died? a
Indent62530-1 PhenX - environmental exposures - day care - pre-school attendance protocol 060901
IndentIndent63843-7 Has (CHILD) attended day care outside the home?
IndentIndent63844-5 Has (CHILD) attended preschool?
IndentIndent63784-3 Day care or preschool category [PhenX]
IndentIndent63785-0 In what month and year did (CHILD) begin the first (next) attendance? {mm/yyyy}
IndentIndent63786-8 In what month and year did (CHILD) end the first (next) attendance? {mm/yyyy}
IndentIndent63787-6 About how many hours per week (did/does) (CHILD) attend? h/wk
IndentIndent63788-4 Child's age at reference date a
Indent62532-7 PhenX - environmental exposures - history of being breast fed protocol 061001
IndentIndent63789-2 Did your mother breastfeed you?
Indent62534-3 PhenX - environmental exposures - air contaminants in the home environment protocol 061101
IndentIndent63790-0 In the past year has there been a major renovation to this house or apartment, such as adding a room, putting up or taking down a wall, replacing wiindows, or refinishing floors?
IndentIndent63791-8 What type of renovation?
IndentIndent63792-6 When was the last renovation?
IndentIndent63793-4 Within the last six months were rugs, drapes or furniture professionally cleaned?
IndentIndent63794-2 Were they cleaned inside the house?
IndentIndent63795-9 When were they cleaned?
IndentIndent63796-7 What items were cleaned?
IndentIndent63797-5 In the past year, was the inside of this house or apartment painted?
IndentIndent63798-3 When was the last time?
IndentIndent63799-1 On how many rooms? {#}
IndentIndent63845-2 In the past year were new carpets or rugs installed?
IndentIndent63846-0 When was the installation?
IndentIndent63847-8 On how many rooms? {#}
IndentIndent63800-7 Did you go to the dry cleaners during the past week?
IndentIndent63801-5 Did you bring home any items from the cleaners that were dry-cleaned during the past week?
IndentIndent63802-3 Specify air contaminant in the home [RIOPA] 1..15
IndentIndent63808-0 Which cleaning solutions [RIOPA]
IndentIndent63803-1 Have you used Paints or solvents (paint thinners and removers, typewriter corrective fluids) or has someone used near you in the last 48 hours?
IndentIndent63804-9 Did you handle Paints or solvents (paint thinners and removers, typewriter corrective fluids) yourself? If Yes, for how long?
IndentIndent63805-6 How long did you handle Paints or solvents (paint thinners and removers, typewriter corrective fluids) yourself? mo
IndentIndent63806-4 Were you near somebody else who handled Paints or solvents (paint thinners and removers, typewriter corrective fluids)? If Yes, for how long?
IndentIndent63807-2 How long were you near somebody else who handled Paints or solvents (paint thinners and removers, typewriter corrective fluids)? d;wk;mo;a
IndentIndent63809-8 During the last 48 hours , the study period, did you or anyone else park a car or other motor vehicle in
IndentIndent63810-6 During the last 48 hours , the study period, did you or anyone else start a car or other motor vehicle in
IndentIndent63811-4 During the last 48 hours , the study period, was there any diesel vehicles parked around the house?
IndentIndent63812-2 During the last 48 hours , the study period, have you operated or been near diesel engines, (e.g. bus terminal, truck stop)?
Indent62536-8 PhenX - environmental exposures - dust collection - vacuum bag protocol 061201
IndentIndent63813-0 Time vacuum bag was emptied {clock_time}
IndentIndent63849-4 Number of days vacuum has been used since changing out the bag or emptying the collection chamber {#}
IndentIndent63850-2 Weight of dust collected g
IndentIndent74781-6 Vacuum dust collection contaminant panel PhenX 0..15
IndentIndentIndent63814-8 Vacuum dust collection contaminant [PhenX]
IndentIndentIndent63815-5 (Name of first organic compound measured) Name of vacuum dust collection contaminant
IndentIndentIndent63816-3 (Concentration of first organic compound measured)Concentration of vacuum dust collection contaminant. Specify units
Indent62538-4 PhenX - environmental exposures - ultraviolet light exposure protocol 061301
IndentIndent63817-1 If you spent an hour in the mid-day sun for the first time without sunscreen, which of these reactions best describes what would happen to your skin:
IndentIndent63823-9 Did you ever get a blistering sunburn?
IndentIndent63824-7 Did you ever get a skin rash from sun exposure?
IndentIndent63825-4 Have you ever used a sunlamp?
IndentIndent63826-2 Have you ever used a tanning booth?
IndentIndent63827-0 Ultraviolet light exposure [NHL] 1..4
IndentIndent63853-6 How old were you the last time you got a blistering sunburn? a
IndentIndent63852-8 About how old were you? a
IndentIndent63851-0 How old were you the first time you got a blistering sunburn? a
IndentIndent63854-4 About how old were you? a
IndentIndent63855-1 How many blistering sunburns have you gotten in your life? {#}
IndentIndent63856-9 About how many?
IndentIndent63828-8 Age group for ultraviolet light exposure [NHL]
IndentIndent63857-7 When you were In your teens, for how many months a year did you usually have a tan? mo/a
IndentIndent63829-6 On a typical weekday in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your teens? h/d
IndentIndent63830-4 On a typical weekend day in the summer, about how many hours did you generally spend in the mid-day sun (when you were) In your teens? h/d
Indent62540-0 PhenX - environmental exposures - plastic exposures at work and home protocol 061401
IndentIndent63831-2 Has there been renovation or repairs in your workspace because of moisture damage?
IndentIndent63832-0 What is the floor material in your workspace?
IndentIndent63833-8 What is the floor material in your workspace?
IndentIndent63834-6 Is the wall material of your work space textile (cloth, jute, etc.)
IndentIndent63835-3 Is the wall material of your work space plastic?
IndentIndent63836-1 Has there been renovation or repairs in your home due to moisture damage?
IndentIndent63837-9 Has there been renovation in your home during the past 12 months?
IndentIndent63838-7 Which of the following repairs was done in your home during the past 12 months?
IndentIndent64035-9 Which of the following repairs was done in your home during the past 12 months? (You may circle more than one alternative):
IndentIndent63839-5 Do you have wall-to-wall carpeting in your home?
IndentIndent63840-3 Is the floor material in your home plastic/vinyl?
IndentIndent63841-1 Is the wall material in your home textile (cloth, jute, etc.)?
IndentIndent63842-9 Is the wall material in your home plastic?

Fully-Specified Name

PhenX domain - Environmental exposures

Additional Names

Short Name
Domain - Environmental exposures

Survey Question


Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.36
Last Updated
Version 2.65
Change Reason
Updated the PhenX ID from "PhenX.<ID>" to "PX<ID>" in Survey Question Source field to align with the variable identifier used in the PhenX Toolkit.
Panel Type

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Dominio PhenX - Exposiciones ambientales:-:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:-:PhenX
it-IT Italian (Italy) PhenX, dominio - Esposizioni ambientali:-:Pt:^Paziente:-:PhenX
Synonyms: Panel PhenX paziente PhenX Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) PhenX домен - Окружающей среды воздействия:-:ТчкВрм:^Пациент:-:PhenX
Synonyms: Точка во времени;Момент
zh-CN Chinese (China) PhenX 领域 - 环境暴露:-:时间点:^患者:-:PhenX
Synonyms: Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures;PhenX;暴露;接触;表型与暴露共识指标;表现型与暴露共识指标;表型与暴露公认指标 Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures;表型与暴露共识指标;表现型与暴露共识指标;表型与暴露公认指标 PhenX 领域 - 环境接触;Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures;PhenX;暴露;接触;表型与暴露共识指标;表现型与暴露共识指标;表型与暴露公认指标 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组.PhenX;组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).PhenX;Consensus measures for Phenotypes and eXposures;PhenX;表型与暴露共识指标;表现型与暴露共识指标;表型与暴露公认指标;PhenX 医嘱组 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 多重;多重型;多重标尺类型;多重精度类型 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套

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