Version 2.78

Term Description

The Patient Activity Scale (PAS) questionnaire contains a combination of single measures from the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) as well as the patient's assessment of pain in the past week and global assessment of pain (PtGA). The combined scores from these measures are used to derive the PAS total score [LOINC: 75840-9]. The PAS is calculated by multiplying the HAQ by 3.33 and then dividing the sum of the pain scale, PtGA and HAQ by 3. Assessment of disease activity for PAS may be defined as remission ≤0.25, minimal ≤3.7, moderate <8.0 and severe ≥8.0. The PAS and PAS-II [LOINC: 75875-5] contain only patient derived data and are useful for the overall, continuous measure of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) disease activity.
Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
75877-1 Patient activity scale [PAS]
Indent75820-1 Over the past week, are you able to dress yourself, including shoelaces and buttons?
Indent75821-9 Over the past week, are you able to shampoo your hair?
Indent75822-7 Over the past week, are you able to stand up from a straight chair?
Indent75823-5 Over the past week, are you able to get in and out of bed?
Indent75824-3 Over the past week, are you able to cut your meat?
Indent75825-0 Over the past week, are you able to lift a full cup or glass to your mouth?
Indent75826-8 Over the past week, are you able to open a new milk carton?
Indent75827-6 Over the past week, are you able to walk outdoors on flat ground?
Indent75828-4 Over the past week, are you able to climb up five steps?
Indent75872-2 Aids or devices usually used for dressing and grooming, arising, eating, AndOr walking [HAQ]
Indent75873-0 Help from another person is usually needed for dressing and grooming, arising, eating, AndOr walking [HAQ]
Indent75829-2 Over the past week, are you able to wash and dry your body?
Indent75830-0 Over the past week, are you able to take a tub bath?
Indent75831-8 Over the past week, are you able to get on and off the toilet?
Indent75832-6 Over the past week, are you able to reach and get down a 5 pound object (such as a bag of sugar) from just above your head?
Indent75833-4 Over the past week, are you able to bend down and pick up clothing from the floor?
Indent75834-2 Over the past week, are you able to open car doors?
Indent75835-9 Over the past week, are you able to open jars which have been previously opened?
Indent75836-7 Over the past week, are you able to turn faucets on and off?
Indent75837-5 Over the past week, are you able to run errands and shop?
Indent75838-3 Over the past week, are you able to get in and out of a car?
Indent75839-1 Over the past week, are you able to do chores such as vacuuming or yard work?
Indent75879-7 Aids or devices usually used for hygiene, reach, grip, AndOr activities [HAQ]
Indent75878-9 Help from another person usually needed for hygiene, reach, gripping and opening things, AndOr errands and chores [HAQ]
Indent75874-8 Total score [HAQ-DI] {score}
Indent75893-8 Pain severity in the past week - 0-10 numeric rating [Reported] {score}
Indent75844-1 Patient global assessment of disease activity - 0-10 numeric rating [Reported] {score}
Indent75840-9 Total score [PAS] {score}

Fully-Specified Name

Patient activity scale

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.50
Last Updated
Version 2.67
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

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