Version 2.80

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
75885-4 IEEE 11073 Rosetta panel
Indent75967-0 IEEE 11073 Rosetta laboratory panel Blood
IndentIndent60842-2 Oxygen consumption (VO2) mL/min
IndentIndent59408-5 Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry %
IndentIndent2708-6 Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood %
IndentIndent11556-8 Oxygen [Partial pressure] in Blood mm[Hg]
IndentIndent2703-7 Oxygen [Partial pressure] in Arterial blood mm[Hg]
IndentIndent2705-2 Oxygen [Partial pressure] in Venous blood mm[Hg]
IndentIndent11558-4 pH of Blood [pH]
IndentIndent2744-1 pH of Arterial blood [pH]
IndentIndent2746-6 pH of Venous blood [pH]
IndentIndent11557-6 Carbon dioxide [Partial pressure] in Blood mm[Hg]
IndentIndent2019-8 Carbon dioxide [Partial pressure] in Arterial blood mm[Hg]
IndentIndent2021-4 Carbon dioxide [Partial pressure] in Venous blood mm[Hg]
IndentIndent1960-4 Bicarbonate [Moles/volume] in Arterial blood mmol/L
IndentIndent1959-6 Bicarbonate [Moles/volume] in Blood mmol/L
IndentIndent2955-3 Sodium [Moles/volume] in Urine mmol/L
IndentIndent2075-0 Chloride [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma mmol/L
IndentIndent17861-6 Calcium [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma mg/dL
IndentIndent2000-8 Calcium [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma mmol/L
IndentIndent19153-6 Volume in Urine collected for unspecified duration mL
IndentIndent60840-6 Base excess in Extracellular fluid by calculation mmol/L
IndentIndent75928-2 Hemoglobin [Moles/volume] in Arterial blood mmol/L
IndentIndent30313-1 Hemoglobin [Mass/volume] in Arterial blood g/dL
IndentIndent32354-3 Hematocrit [Volume Fraction] of Arterial blood by calculation %
IndentIndent20570-8 Hematocrit [Volume Fraction] of Blood by calculation %
IndentIndent2947-0 Sodium [Moles/volume] in Blood mmol/L
IndentIndent6298-4 Potassium [Moles/volume] in Blood mmol/L
IndentIndent75940-7 Potassium [Mass/volume] in Blood mg/dL
IndentIndent12961-9 Urea nitrogen [Mass/volume] in Arterial blood mg/dL
IndentIndent15074-8 Glucose [Moles/volume] in Blood mmol/L
IndentIndent2339-0 Glucose [Mass/volume] in Blood mg/dL
IndentIndent53138-4 Calcium.ionized [Moles/volume] adjusted to pH 7.4 in Arterial blood nmol/L
IndentIndent34581-9 Calcium.ionized [Moles/volume] in Arterial blood mmol/L
Indent76046-2 IEEE 11073 Rosetta body measurement panel
IndentIndent3141-9 Body weight Measured [lb_av];kg
IndentIndent3137-7 Body height Measured [in_us];cm;m
IndentIndent29463-7 Body weight [lb_av];kg
IndentIndent8302-2 Body height [in_us];cm;m
IndentIndent3140-1 Body surface area Derived from formula m2
IndentIndent9843-4 Head Occipital-frontal circumference cm
Indent75965-4 IEEE 11073 Rosetta temperature panel
IndentIndent8331-1 Oral temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent8332-9 Rectal temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent8328-7 Axillary temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent8333-7 Tympanic membrane temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent76011-6 Ear temperature deg
IndentIndent60830-7 Finger temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent60833-1 Toe temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent8329-5 Body temperature - Core Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent8310-5 Body temperature Cel
IndentIndent60834-9 Blood temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent60835-6 Arterial blood temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent75987-8 Venous blood temperature deg
IndentIndent60836-4 Esophageal temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent60837-2 Injectate temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent60838-0 Nasopharyngeal temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent76010-8 Nasal temperature deg
IndentIndent60955-2 Airway temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent61008-9 Body surface temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent61009-7 Myocardial temperature Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent76006-6 Temperature difference deg
Indent75970-4 IEEE 11073 Rosetta central nervous system panel
IndentIndent60956-0 Intracranial pressure (ICP) mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60957-8 Intracranial pressure (ICP) Diastolic mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60958-6 Intracranial pressure (ICP) Mean mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60959-4 Intracranial pressure (ICP) Systolic mm[Hg]
IndentIndent61017-0 Cerebral perfusion pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75944-9 Left eye Pupil reaction [Time] s
IndentIndent75945-6 Right eye Pupil reaction [Time] s
IndentIndent9267-6 Glasgow coma score eye opening
IndentIndent9268-4 Glasgow coma score motor
IndentIndent9270-0 Glasgow coma score verbal
IndentIndent9269-2 Glasgow coma score total {score}
IndentIndent75941-5 Total power of power spectrum on EEG mW
IndentIndent60845-5 Peak power frequency on EEG Hz
IndentIndent60843-0 Mean dominant power frequency on EEG Hz
IndentIndent60844-8 Median power frequency on EEG Hz
IndentIndent60848-9 Alpha frequency relative power on EEG %
IndentIndent60849-7 Beta frequency relative power on EEG %
IndentIndent60850-5 Delta frequency relative power on EEG %
IndentIndent60851-3 Theta frequency relative power on EEG %
IndentIndent75921-7 Electrical potential Cerebral cortex Electroencephalogram (EEG) uV
IndentIndent75918-3 Bispectral index Cerebral cortex Electroencephalogram (EEG) {score}
IndentIndent75950-6 Signal quality index EEG device Calculated %
IndentIndent75952-2 SNAP index Cerebral cortex Electroencephalogram (EEG) {score}
IndentIndent75953-0 Spike count Cerebral cortex Electroencephalogram (EEG) {#}/min
IndentIndent75949-8 Response entropy [Score] Cerebral cortex Electroencephalogram (EEG) {score}
IndentIndent75954-8 State entropy [Score] Cerebral cortex Electroencephalogram (EEG) {score}
IndentIndent60852-1 Electrical potential Muscle on EMG B[10.nV]
Indent75962-1 IEEE 11073 Rosetta cardiovascular panel Chorionic villus sample
IndentIndent60981-8 Aorta blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60982-6 Aorta Diastolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60984-2 Aorta Systolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60983-4 Aorta Mean blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75993-6 Femoral artery Blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8498-8 Femoral artery Diastolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8510-0 Femoral artery Systolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8504-3 Femoral artery Mean blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60985-9 Central venous pressure (CVP) mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60986-7 Central venous pressure (CVP) Diastolic mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60987-5 Central venous pressure (CVP) Systolic mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8591-0 Central venous pressure (CVP) Mean mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8385-7 Pulmonary artery Diastolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8440-0 Pulmonary artery Systolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8414-5 Pulmonary artery Mean blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent61002-2 Umbilical artery blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8501-9 Umbilical artery Diastolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8513-4 Umbilical artery Systolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8507-6 Umbilical artery Mean blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent61011-3 Umbilical vein blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent61003-0 Umbilical vein Diastolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent61005-5 Umbilical vein Systolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent61004-8 Umbilical vein Mean blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75995-1 Diastolic blood pressure by Continuous non-invasive monitoring mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75997-7 Systolic blood pressure by Continuous non-invasive monitoring mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75996-9 Mean blood pressure by Continuous non-invasive monitoring mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75994-4 Pulmonary artery wedge pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60994-1 Pulmonary artery wedge Diastolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60995-8 Pulmonary artery wedge Systolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60996-6 Right atrial pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60997-4 Right atrial pressure Diastolic mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60998-2 Right atrial pressure Systolic mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8400-4 Right atrial Intrachamber mean pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60988-3 Left atrial pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75933-2 Left atrial pressure Diastolic mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60989-1 Left atrial pressure Systolic mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8399-8 Left atrial Intrachamber mean pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8377-4 Right ventricular Intrachamber diastolic pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8432-7 Right ventricular Intrachamber systolic pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8406-1 Right ventricular Intrachamber mean pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8375-8 Left ventricular Intrachamber diastolic pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8430-1 Left ventricular Intrachamber systolic pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8404-6 Left ventricular Intrachamber mean pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60973-5 Left ventricular Pre ejection Time ms
IndentIndent60974-3 Left ventricular Ejection Time ms
IndentIndent8828-6 Pulmonary vascular Resistance dyn.s/cm5
IndentIndent8831-0 Systemic vascular Resistance dyn.s/cm5
IndentIndent8741-1 Left ventricular Cardiac output L/min
IndentIndent75919-1 Left ventricular Cardiac index L/(min.m2)
IndentIndent20562-5 Left ventricular Stroke volume mL
IndentIndent75986-0 Velocity index Aorta Non-invasive impedance cardiography (NI-ICG) cm/s
IndentIndent75988-6 Left ventricular End diastolic volume mL
IndentIndent75989-4 Left ventricular End systolic volume mL
IndentIndent8634-8 Q-T interval s
IndentIndent8863-3 Left ventricular stroke work index g.m/m2/{beat}
IndentIndent8864-1 Right ventricular Stroke work index g.m/m2/{beat}
IndentIndent8636-3 Q-T interval corrected s
IndentIndent8637-1 R-R interval by EKG s
IndentIndent8616-5 Premature ventricular contractions {beats}/min
IndentIndent76000-9 Paced heart rate by EKG /min
IndentIndent76047-0 ST amplitude.lead V1 mV
IndentIndent76048-8 ST amplitude.lead V2 mV
IndentIndent76049-6 ST amplitude.lead V3 mV
IndentIndent76050-4 ST amplitude.lead V4 mV
IndentIndent76051-2 ST amplitude.lead V5 mV
IndentIndent76052-0 ST amplitude.lead V6 mV
IndentIndent76053-8 ST amplitude.lead I mV
IndentIndent76054-6 ST amplitude.lead II mV
IndentIndent76055-3 ST amplitude.lead III mV
IndentIndent76056-1 ST amplitude.lead aVF mV
IndentIndent76057-9 ST amplitude.lead aVL mV
IndentIndent76058-7 ST amplitude.lead aVR mV
IndentIndent60960-2 ST amplitude.lead AI mV
IndentIndent60961-0 ST amplitude.lead AS mV
IndentIndent60968-5 ST amplitude.lead ES mV
IndentIndent60969-3 ST amplitude.lead MCL mV
IndentIndent60970-1 ST amplitude.lead MCL1 mV
IndentIndent60971-9 ST amplitude.lead MCL6 mV
IndentIndent60962-8 ST amplitude.derived lead V1 mV
IndentIndent60963-6 ST amplitude.derived lead V2 mV
IndentIndent60964-4 ST amplitude.derived lead V3 mV
IndentIndent60965-1 ST amplitude.derived lead V4 mV
IndentIndent60966-9 ST amplitude.derived lead V5 mV
IndentIndent60967-7 ST amplitude.derived lead V6 mV
Indent75969-6 IEEE 11073 Rosetta respiratory panel
IndentIndent9279-1 Respiratory rate {breaths}/min;{counts/min}
IndentIndent60821-6 Apnea duration s
IndentIndent76001-7 Physiological dead space [Volume] Respiratory system mL
IndentIndent76002-5 Physiological dead space/Tidal volume Respiratory system %
IndentIndent75958-9 Tidal volume expired Respiratory system airway mL
IndentIndent76007-4 Tidal volume expired Respiratory system airway --on ventilator mL
IndentIndent76008-2 Expired minute Volume during Mechanical ventilation L/min
IndentIndent76009-0 Inspired minute Volume during Mechanical ventilation L/min
IndentIndent19867-1 Vital capacity [Volume] Respiratory system L
IndentIndent60828-1 Compliance.static Lung mL/cm[H2O]
IndentIndent60829-9 Pressure.plateau Respiratory system airway cm[H2O]
IndentIndent75942-3 Airway pressure --during inspiration cm[H2O]
IndentIndent75943-1 Airway pressure --during respiratory pause cm[H2O]
IndentIndent60952-9 Mean airway pressure --during inspiration cm[H2O]
IndentIndent20075-8 PEEP Respiratory system cm[H2O]
IndentIndent75920-9 Transthoracic impedance Ohm
IndentIndent75931-6 Inspiration/Expiration time Ratio {ratio}
IndentIndent75932-4 Inspiratory time percent %
IndentIndent75946-4 Airway resistance cm[H2O]/(L/s)
IndentIndent75947-2 Airway resistance --during expiration cm[H2O]/(L/s)
IndentIndent75948-0 Airway resistance --during inspiration cm[H2O]/(L/s)
Indent75964-7 IEEE 11073 Rosetta gas delivery panel Gas delivery system
IndentIndent60739-0 Expiration [Time] Respiratory system s
IndentIndent60740-8 Inspiration [Time] Respiratory system s
IndentIndent60801-8 Trapped lung volume --at end expiration
IndentIndent75959-7 Volume expired per minute Respiratory system L/min
IndentIndent75960-5 Inspired minute Volume L/min
IndentIndent60792-9 Expiratory gas flow Respiratory system airway --on ventilator L/min
IndentIndent76003-3 Pressure Respiratory system airway --during inspiration on ventilator cm[H2O]
IndentIndent76004-1 Airway occlusion pressure cm[H2O]
IndentIndent60738-2 Intraluminal [Pressure] Esophagus mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75923-3 Fresh gas.air flow Gas delivery system L/min
IndentIndent75924-1 Fresh gas.nitrous oxide flow Gas delivery system L/min
IndentIndent75925-8 Fresh gas.oxygen flow Gas delivery system L/min
IndentIndent75984-5 Air delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent75985-2 Air [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent60853-9 Desflurane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60741-6 Desflurane target [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60744-0 Gas delivery system inspiratory Desflurane setting [VFr/PPres] %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60746-5 Desflurane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system.expiratory limb --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60747-3 Desflurane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system.inspiratory limb --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60748-1 Desflurane gas delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent61022-0 Desflurane gas [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent76012-4 Desflurane liquid delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent76013-2 Desflurane liquid [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent60854-7 Enflurane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60749-9 Target enflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60752-3 Gas delivery system inspiratory Enflurane setting [VFr/PPres] %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60754-9 Enflurane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system.expiratory limb --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60855-4 Enflurane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system.inspiratory limb --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60755-6 Enflurane gas delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent61023-8 Enflurane gas [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent76014-0 Enflurane liquid delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent76015-7 Enflurane liquid [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent60856-2 Halothane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60756-4 Target halothane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60759-8 Gas delivery system inspiratory Halothane setting [VFr/PPres] %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60761-4 Halothane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system.expiratory limb --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60857-0 Halothane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system.inspiratory limb --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60762-2 Halothane gas delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent61024-6 Halothane gas [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent76016-5 Halothane liquid delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent76017-3 Halothane liquid [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent60858-8 Isoflurane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60763-0 Target isoflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60766-3 Gas delivery system inspiratory Isoflurane setting [VFr/PPres] %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60768-9 Isoflurane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system.expiratory limb --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60859-6 Isoflurane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system.inspiratory limb --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60769-7 Isoflurane gas delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent61025-3 Isoflurane gas [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent60860-4 Nitrous oxide [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60773-9 Gas delivery system inspiratory Nitrous oxide setting [VFr/PPres] %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60861-2 Nitrous oxide [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system.expiratory limb --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60862-0 Nitrous oxide [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system.inspiratory limb --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60775-4 Nitrous oxide gas delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent61026-1 Nitrous oxide gas [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent60781-2 Sevoflurane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60776-2 Target sevoflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60779-6 Gas delivery system inspiratory Sevoflurane setting [VFr/PPres] %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60864-6 Sevoflurane [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system.inspiratory limb --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60782-0 Sevoflurane gas delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent61027-9 Sevoflurane gas [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent76018-1 Sevoflurane liquid delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent76019-9 Sevoflurane liquid [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent60786-1 Gas delivery system inspiratory Carbon dioxide setting [VFr/PPres] %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60789-5 Carbon dioxide gas delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent60790-3 Carbon dioxide gas [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent62264-7 Carbon dioxide [VFr/PPres] in Gas delivery system %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent61018-8 Oxygen [VFr/PPres] Gas delivery system %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60796-0 Target oxygen [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60799-4 Gas delivery system inspiratory Oxygen setting [VFr/PPres] %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60868-7 Oxygen/Gas total Gas delivery system --during inspiration %
IndentIndent75998-5 Oxygen gas delivered during case [Volume] from Gas delivery system mL
IndentIndent75999-3 Oxygen gas [Volume] in Reporting period from Gas delivery system mL
Indent75963-9 IEEE 11073 Rosetta gas monitoring panel
IndentIndent60874-5 Anesthetic agent.XXX Airway adaptor --during inspiration %
IndentIndent60873-7 Anesthetic agent.XXX Airway adaptor --at end expiration %
IndentIndent76059-5 Anesthetic agent.XXX Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60914-9 Argon [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60916-4 Argon [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60915-6 Argon [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60918-0 Argon [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60926-3 Carbon dioxide [VFr/PPres] in Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60924-8 Carbon dioxide [VFr/PPres] in Airway adaptor --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60809-1 Carbon dioxide [VFr/PPres] in Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60808-3 Carbon dioxide [VFr/PPres] in Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60876-0 Desflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60805-9 Desflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent62265-4 Desflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60877-8 Desflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60863-8 Sevoflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60907-3 Sevoflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60807-5 Sevoflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60908-1 Sevoflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60932-1 Helium [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60934-7 Helium [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60813-3 Helium [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60812-5 Helium [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent62266-2 Enflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60884-4 Enflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent61019-6 Enflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent62267-0 Halothane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent61021-2 Halothane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent61020-4 Halothane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60889-3 Halothane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60919-8 Nitrogen [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60921-4 Nitrogen [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60935-4 Nitrogen [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60920-6 Nitrogen [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent62271-2 Nitrous oxide [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent62272-0 Nitrous oxide [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60939-6 Nitrous oxide [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60901-6 Nitrous oxide [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60866-1 Oxygen [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent62274-6 Oxygen [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60867-9 Oxygen [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60943-8 Oxygen [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent62268-8 Isoflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent62270-4 Isoflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent62269-6 Isoflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60895-0 Isoflurane [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75934-0 Nitrogen dioxide [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75935-7 Nitrogen dioxide [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75936-5 Nitrogen dioxide [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --during inspiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75937-3 Nitrogen dioxide [VFr/PPres] Airway adaptor --at end expiration %{vol}; mm[Hg]
IndentIndent75990-2 Energy expended Reporting Period by Indirect calorimetry kcal/kg/d
IndentIndent75991-0 Oxygen extraction ratio %
IndentIndent60819-0 Gastric mucosal pCO2 mm[Hg]
IndentIndent60817-4 Gastric-arterial pCO2 gap kPa
IndentIndent60818-2 Gastric-end tidal pCO2 gap kPa
Indent75971-2 IEEE 11073 Rosetta skin transcutaneous panel Transcutaneous monitor
IndentIndent75992-8 Transcutaneous monitor Heater power mW
IndentIndent33022-5 Carbon dioxide [Partial pressure] in Capillary blood by Transcutaneous CO2 monitor mm[Hg]
IndentIndent76005-8 Transcutaneous monitor sensor temperature Cel;[degF]
Indent75973-8 IEEE 11073 Rosetta infant microenvironment panel Infant microenvironment
IndentIndent75915-9 Air curtain status Infant microenvironment.incubator
IndentIndent3141-9 Body weight Measured [lb_av];kg
IndentIndent75916-7 Bed type Infant microenvironment
IndentIndent75917-5 Bed state Infant microenvironment.incubator
IndentIndent75922-5 Fan speed Infant microenvironment.incubator
IndentIndent75926-6 Heater type Infant microenvironment
IndentIndent75927-4 Heater power Infant microenvironment %
IndentIndent75929-0 Relative humidity Infant microenvironment.incubator %
IndentIndent75930-8 Relative humidity setting Infant microenvironment.incubator %
IndentIndent75938-1 Oxygen/Gas total Infant microenvironment.incubator %
IndentIndent75939-9 Oxygen/Total gas setting Infant microenvironment.incubator %
IndentIndent59408-5 Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry %
IndentIndent75951-4 Skin temperature setting Infant microenvironment Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent75955-5 Temperature Infant microenvironment.incubator Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent75956-3 Temperature sensor [Resistance] Infant microenvironment Ohm
IndentIndent75957-1 Temperature setting Infant microenvironment.incubator Cel;[degF]
IndentIndent75961-3 Temperature control mode Infant microenvironment
Indent75968-8 IEEE 11073 Rosetta infusion panel Infusion pump
IndentIndent76299-7 Time interval between start of doses Infusion pump h
IndentIndent76300-3 Doses.delivered [#] in Reporting period Infusion pump {#}
IndentIndent76305-2 Infusion dose.programmed [Mass] Infusion pump mg
IndentIndent76306-0 Infusion dose.remaining [Mass] Infusion pump mg
IndentIndent76307-8 Infusion time.programmed Infusion pump min;h
IndentIndent76308-6 Infusion time.remaining Infusion pump min
IndentIndent76309-4 Infusion time.remaining Infusion pump Based on container volume min;h
IndentIndent76310-2 Infusion volume.programmed Procedure Infusion pump mL
IndentIndent76311-0 Infusion volume.remaining Infusion pump mL
IndentIndent76304-5 Infused Reporting Period Infusion pump mL
IndentIndent76312-8 PCA dose number.max 1 hour Infusion pump {#}/h
IndentIndent76313-6 PCA dose volume.max Infusion pump mL
IndentIndent76314-4 PCA lockout time Infusion pump min
IndentIndent76317-7 Infusion pump Volume.start mL
IndentIndent76316-9 Infusion pump Volume.remaining mL
IndentIndent76319-3 Infusion pump Pump status
IndentIndent76325-0 Infusion pump Communication status
IndentIndent76326-8 Infusion pump Alarm state
IndentIndent76324-3 Infusion pump Alert type
IndentIndent76327-6 Infusion pump Alarm trigger
IndentIndent76328-4 Infusion pump Alert priority
IndentIndent76329-2 Infusion pump Pump mode
IndentIndent76330-0 Infusion pump Pump mode.current
IndentIndent76331-8 Infusion pump Pump mode.set
IndentIndent76332-6 Infusion pump Reason pump stopped infusing

Fully-Specified Name

IEEE Rosetta panel

Additional Names

Long Common Name
IEEE 11073 Rosetta panel
Short Name
IEEE Rosetta Pnl

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.54
Last Updated
Version 2.75 (PANEL)
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type
Convenience group

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Πίνακας IEEE Rosetta:-:-:^Ασθενής:-:
Synonyms: Πίνακας IEEE Rosetta
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Panel IEEE Rosetta:-:-:^ Paciente:-:
it-IT Italian (Italy) IEEE Rosetta, panel:-:-:^Paziente:-:
Synonyms: Panel IEEE Rosetta paziente
zh-CN Chinese (China) IEEE Rosetta 组套:-:-:^患者:-:
Synonyms: IEEE Rosetta(罗塞塔) 组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目);IEEE 11073 Rosetta 医嘱组;Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers;IEEE;电气与电子工程师协会;美国电气和电子工程师协会;电器和电子工程师学会;美国电气电子工程师学会;美国电气电子工程师协会;电气电子工程师学会;电气电子工程师协会 IEEE;Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers;电器和电子工程师学会;电气和电子工程师协会 ;电气与电子工程师协会;电气电子工程师协会;IEEE 罗塞塔;IEEE 罗塞达;Patient Care Devices;PCD;病人照护装置;患者护理设备;Rosetta Terminology Mapping;RTM;罗塞塔术语映射;罗塞塔术语集映射;罗塞塔术语集对照;Patient Care Devices - Rosetta Project;病人照 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组.IEEE ROSETTA;组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).IEEE ROSETTA(IEEE 罗塞塔) 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 多重;多重型;多重标尺类型;多重精度类型 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套

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