Version 2.78

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
80346-0 Nursing physiologic assessment panel
Indent34566-0 Vital signs with method details panel R
IndentIndent8867-4 Heart rate R {beats}/min;{counts/min}
IndentIndent9279-1 Respiratory rate R {breaths}/min;{counts/min}
IndentIndent35094-2 Blood pressure panel
IndentIndentIndent8480-6 Systolic blood pressure R mm[Hg]
IndentIndentIndent8462-4 Diastolic blood pressure R mm[Hg]
IndentIndentIndent8478-0 Mean blood pressure O mm[Hg]
IndentIndentIndent8357-6 Blood pressure method O
IndentIndentIndent8358-4 Blood pressure device Cuff size O cm
IndentIndentIndent8359-2 Peripheral artery measurement site O
IndentIndentIndent9856-6 Blood pressure device Institution inventory number O
IndentIndentIndent9857-4 Blood pressure device Vendor model number O
IndentIndentIndent9858-2 Blood pressure device Vendor serial number O
IndentIndent35095-9 Body temperature panel
IndentIndentIndent8310-5 Body temperature R Cel
IndentIndentIndent8326-1 Type of Body temperature device O
IndentIndentIndent8327-9 Body temperature measurement site O
IndentIndentIndent9849-1 Body temperature device Institution inventory number O
IndentIndentIndent9850-9 Body temperature device Vendor model number O
IndentIndentIndent9851-7 Body temperature device Vendor serial number O
IndentIndent8302-2 Body height R [in_us];cm;m
IndentIndent3141-9 Body weight Measured R 0..* [lb_av];kg
IndentIndent8361-8 Body position with respect to gravity
IndentIndent8352-7 Clothing worn during measure
IndentIndent80339-5 Vital signs assessment [Interpretation]
Indent80318-9 Respiratory assessment panel O
IndentIndent9304-7 Respiration rhythm O
IndentIndent9279-1 Respiratory rate O {breaths}/min;{counts/min}
IndentIndent80341-1 Respiratory effort O
IndentIndent80319-7 Breath sounds by Auscultation O
IndentIndent80342-9 Location of breath sounds by Auscultation O
IndentIndent80320-5 Respiratory assessment [Interpretation] O
IndentIndent8686-8 History of Respiratory system disorders O
Indent80275-1 Cardiovascular physiologic assessment panel O
IndentIndent8884-9 Heart rate rhythm O
IndentIndent80276-9 Heart sounds O
IndentIndent80277-7 Heart murmur assessment panel O
IndentIndentIndent80278-5 Heart Murmur grade O
IndentIndentIndent80279-3 Heart Murmur quality O
IndentIndentIndent80280-1 Heart Murmur pitch O
IndentIndentIndent80281-9 Heart Murmur timing O
IndentIndentIndent80282-7 Murmur location [Anatomy] by Auscultation O
IndentIndentIndent80283-5 Murmur radiating to body location [Anatomy] by Auscultation O
IndentIndent69428-1 Jugular vein distension O
IndentIndent44965-2 Jugular vein distention --head raised 30 degrees O [in_i]
IndentIndent80284-3 Pulse intensity assessment panel O
IndentIndentIndent8865-8 Pulse intensity by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8898-9 Pulse intensity Brachial artery - left by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8899-7 Pulse intensity Brachial artery - right by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8900-3 Pulse intensity Carotid artery - left by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8901-1 Pulse intensity Carotid artery - right by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent74782-4 Pulse intensity Dorsal pedal artery - right by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8902-9 Pulse intensity Dorsal pedal artery - left by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8903-7 Pulse intensity Dorsal pedal artery by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8904-5 Pulse intensity Femoral artery - left by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8905-2 Pulse intensity Femoral artery - right by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8906-0 Pulse intensity Popliteal artery - left by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8907-8 Pulse intensity Popliteal artery - right by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8908-6 Pulse intensity Posterior tibial artery - right by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8909-4 Pulse intensity Posterior tibial artery - left by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8910-2 Pulse intensity Radial artery - left by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8911-0 Pulse intensity Radial artery - right by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8912-8 Pulse intensity Ulnar artery - left by palpation O
IndentIndentIndent8913-6 Pulse intensity Ulnar artery - right by palpation O
IndentIndent80285-0 Cardiovascular physiologic assessment [Interpretation] O
IndentIndent10168-3 History of Cardiovascular system disorders Narrative O
IndentIndent80286-8 History of Surgical procedures of cardiovascular system O
Indent81671-0 Tissue perfusion assessment panel
IndentIndent8884-9 Heart rate rhythm
IndentIndent8480-6 Systolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent8462-4 Diastolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
IndentIndent44971-0 Capillary refill [Time] s
IndentIndent44966-0 Edema
IndentIndent81673-6 Temperature of Extremity
IndentIndent81672-8 Tissue perfusion assessment [Interpretation]
Indent80259-5 Gastrointestinal assessment panel O
IndentIndent81660-3 Nausea [Presence]
IndentIndent81663-7 Diet [Type]
IndentIndent81662-9 Percentage of meal eaten %
IndentIndent80260-3 Bowel elimination pattern O
IndentIndent80261-1 Bowel movement frequency O
IndentIndent80262-9 Bowel movement usual time of day O
IndentIndent80263-7 Bowel movement regularity O
IndentIndent80264-5 Usual consistency of Stool O
IndentIndent80265-2 Date of last bowel movement O {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent11029-6 Consistency of Stool O
IndentIndent9397-1 Color of Stool O
IndentIndent80272-8 Amount of Stool O
IndentIndent80270-2 Passing flatus O
IndentIndent80269-4 Appearance of Abdomen O
IndentIndent80266-0 Bowel sounds by Auscultation O
IndentIndent80267-8 Bowel sounds quality by Auscultation O
IndentIndent80268-6 Bowel sounds quadrant of Abdomen O
IndentIndent80271-0 Physical findings of Abdomen by Palpation O
IndentIndent80273-6 Gastrointestinal assessment [Interpretation] O
IndentIndent11362-1 History of Gastrointestinal system disorders O
IndentIndent80274-4 History of Surgical procedures of gastrointestinal system O
Indent80330-4 Genitourinary assessment panel O
IndentIndent80331-2 Date and time of last void O {clock_time}
IndentIndent5778-6 Color of Urine O
IndentIndent34533-0 Odor of Urine O
IndentIndent20627-6 Turbidity [Presence] of Urine Qualitative O
IndentIndent80334-6 Urine collection device O
IndentIndent80332-0 Voiding pattern O
IndentIndent5767-9 Appearance of Urine O
IndentIndent80333-8 Other elements in Urine O
IndentIndent80335-3 Genitourinary assessment [Interpretation] O
IndentIndent11363-9 History of Genitourinary systems disorders O
IndentIndent80336-1 History of Surgical procedures of genitourinary system O
Indent81667-8 Output count panel
IndentIndent79551-8 Number of stools {#}
IndentIndent79550-0 Number of voids {#}
IndentIndent81668-6 Incontinent voids [#] Urinary tract {#}
IndentIndent79553-4 Fluid output emesis [#] {#}
IndentIndent81669-4 Diaper count {#}
IndentIndent81670-2 Perineal pad count {#}
Indent81677-7 Output assessment panel
IndentIndent80260-3 Bowel elimination pattern
IndentIndent11029-6 Consistency of Stool
IndentIndent5778-6 Color of Urine
IndentIndent80332-0 Voiding pattern
IndentIndent81661-1 Blood loss [Volume] Measured mL
IndentIndent81678-5 Output assessment [Interpretation]
Indent80287-6 Neurological assessment panel O
IndentIndent80288-4 Level of consciousness O
IndentIndent80289-2 Temporal orientation panel O
IndentIndentIndent80290-0 Temporal orientation - person O
IndentIndentIndent80291-8 Temporal orientation - place O
IndentIndentIndent80292-6 Temporal orientation - time O
IndentIndentIndent80293-4 Temporal orientation assessment [Interpretation] O
IndentIndent80294-2 Level of arousal O
IndentIndent80295-9 Speech clarity O
IndentIndent80296-7 Patient Mood O
IndentIndent80297-5 Patient Memory O
IndentIndent80298-3 Ability to concentrate O
IndentIndent80299-1 Ability to direct attention O
IndentIndent80300-7 Cranial nerve assessment panel O
IndentIndentIndent80301-5 Olfactory nerve (CNI) exam O
IndentIndentIndent80302-3 Oculomotor+trochlear+abducens nerves (CN III+IV+VI) exam O
IndentIndentIndent80303-1 Trigeminal nerve (CN V) exam O
IndentIndentIndent80304-9 Facial nerve (CN VII) exam O
IndentIndentIndent80305-6 Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) exam O
IndentIndentIndent80306-4 Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) exam O
IndentIndentIndent80307-2 Vagus nerve (CN X) exam O
IndentIndentIndent80308-0 Accessory nerve (CN XI) exam O
IndentIndentIndent80309-8 Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) exam O
IndentIndent80310-6 Pupil assessment panel O
IndentIndentIndent8641-3 Left eye Pupil diameter Manual O mm
IndentIndentIndent8643-9 Right eye Pupil diameter Manual O mm
IndentIndentIndent79815-7 Right pupil Pupillary response O
IndentIndentIndent79899-1 Left pupil Pupillary response O
IndentIndentIndent80312-2 Pupil shape [Shape] of Right pupil O
IndentIndentIndent80311-4 Pupil shape [Shape] of Left pupil O
IndentIndentIndent29081-7 Right eye Pupil motoric O
IndentIndentIndent29082-5 Left eye Pupil motoric O
IndentIndentIndent80313-0 Pupil assessment [Interpretation] O
IndentIndentIndent32459-0 Physical findings of Optic lens O
IndentIndent80314-8 Neurological assessment [Interpretation] O
IndentIndent8681-9 History of Nervous system disorders O
IndentIndent80315-5 History of Surgical procedures of neurological system O
IndentIndent35088-4 Glasgow coma scale O
Indent80321-3 Musculoskeletal assessment panel O
IndentIndent32455-8 Physical findings of Muscle tone O
IndentIndent80322-1 Muscle strength O
IndentIndent80323-9 Involuntary movements O
IndentIndent41359-1 Active range of motion panel Quantitative
IndentIndentIndent41295-7 Shoulder - left Flexion Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41305-4 Shoulder - left External rotation Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41297-3 Shoulder - left Extension Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41299-9 Shoulder - left Abduction Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent56048-2 Shoulder - left Horizontal adduction Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41303-9 Shoulder - left Internal rotation Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41307-0 Shoulder - right Flexion Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41309-6 Shoulder - right Extension Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41311-2 Shoulder - right Abduction Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent56044-1 Shoulder - right Horizontal adduction Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41315-3 Shoulder - right Internal rotation Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41317-9 Shoulder - right External rotation Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41351-8 Elbow - left Flexion Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41353-4 Elbow - left Extension Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41355-9 Elbow - right Flexion Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41357-5 Elbow - right Extension Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41319-5 Hip - left Flexion Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41321-1 Hip - left Extension Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41323-7 Hip - left Abduction Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41325-2 Hip - left Adduction Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41327-8 Hip - left Internal rotation Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41329-4 Hip - left External rotation Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41331-0 Hip - right Flexion Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41333-6 Hip - right Extension Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41335-1 Hip - right Abduction Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41337-7 Hip - right Adduction Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41339-3 Hip - right Internal rotation Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41341-9 Hip - right External rotation Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41343-5 Knee - left Flexion Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41345-0 Knee - left Extension Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41347-6 Knee - right Flexion Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41349-2 Knee - right Extension Active Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndent41360-9 Passive range of motion panel Quantitative
IndentIndentIndent41296-5 Shoulder - left Flexion Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41298-1 Shoulder - left Extension Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41300-5 Shoulder - left Abduction Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent56045-8 Shoulder - left Horizontal adduction Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41304-7 Shoulder - left Internal rotation Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41306-2 Shoulder - left External rotation Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41308-8 Shoulder - right Flexion Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41310-4 Shoulder - right Extension Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41312-0 Shoulder - right Abduction Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent56043-3 Shoulder - right Horizontal adduction Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41316-1 Shoulder - right Internal rotation Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41318-7 Shoulder - right External rotation Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41352-6 Elbow - left Flexion Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41354-2 Elbow - left Extension Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41356-7 Elbow - right Flexion Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41358-3 Elbow - right Extension Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41320-3 Hip - left Flexion Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41322-9 Hip - left Extension Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41324-5 Hip - left Abduction Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41326-0 Hip - left Adduction Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41328-6 Hip - left Internal rotation Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41330-2 Hip - left External rotation Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41332-8 Hip - right Flexion Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41334-4 Hip - right Extension Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41336-9 Hip - right Abduction Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41338-5 Hip - right Adduction Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41340-1 Hip - right Internal rotation Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41342-7 Hip - right External rotation Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41344-3 Knee - left Flexion Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41346-8 Knee - left Extension Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41348-4 Knee - right Flexion Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndentIndent41350-0 Knee - right Extension Passive Range of Motion Quantitative O deg
IndentIndent80324-7 Tendon reflex assessment panel O
IndentIndentIndent32389-9 Deep tendon reflex of Achilles O
IndentIndentIndent32390-7 Deep tendon reflex of Biceps O
IndentIndentIndent32391-5 Deep tendon reflex of Brachioradialis O
IndentIndentIndent32392-3 Deep tendon reflex of Patellar O
IndentIndentIndent32393-1 Deep tendon reflex of Triceps O
IndentIndent32385-7 Babinski reflex O
IndentIndent80325-4 Oculocephalic reflex [Presence] O
IndentIndent80326-2 Paralysis [Type] O
IndentIndent80327-0 Paresthesia [Type] O
IndentIndent32433-5 Physical findings of Gait O
IndentIndent80328-8 Musculoskeletal assessment [Interpretation] O
IndentIndent8680-1 History of Musculoskeletal system disorders O
IndentIndent80329-6 History of Surgical procedures of musculoskeletal system O
Indent39135-9 Wound assessment panel O
IndentIndent81666-0 Wound number [Identifier]
IndentIndent72300-7 Wound type R
IndentIndent89250-5 Device or anatomic structure visible in wound
IndentIndent89251-3 Condition present on admission
IndentIndent11373-8 Injury cause
IndentIndent88878-4 Date of condition abatement {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent72170-4 Photographic image
IndentIndent89252-1 Episode of Wound
IndentIndent89253-9 Trend
IndentIndent85585-8 Date of Onset of Impairment {mm/dd/yyyy}
IndentIndent72369-2 Body site identification panel R
IndentIndentIndent39111-0 Body site R
IndentIndentIndent39112-8 Body location qualifier O
IndentIndentIndent20228-3 Anatomic part Laterality O
IndentIndent72301-5 Description of Periwound C
IndentIndent91150-3 Pressure injury stage NPUAP
IndentIndent72372-6 Wound bed and edge panel C
IndentIndentIndent89254-7 Wound bed panel
IndentIndentIndentIndent72371-8 Appearance of Wound base R
IndentIndentIndentIndent72370-0 Area of identified wound bed appearance/Area of wound bed of Wound base C %
IndentIndentIndentIndent39132-6 Color of Wound base O
IndentIndentIndentIndent89255-4 Wound bed area identified by color/Area of wound bed %
IndentIndentIndent89256-2 Wound edge panel
IndentIndentIndentIndent72304-9 Edge of wound description O
IndentIndentIndentIndent39133-4 Color of Wound edge O
IndentIndent72299-1 Wound tunneling and undermining panel C
IndentIndentIndent89257-0 Wound tunneling panel
IndentIndentIndentIndent72298-3 Tunneling of Wound R
IndentIndentIndentIndent72296-7 Tunneling [Length] of Wound C cm
IndentIndentIndentIndent72297-5 Tunneling clock position of Wound C
IndentIndentIndent89258-8 Wound undermining panel
IndentIndentIndentIndent72295-9 Undermining of Wound R
IndentIndentIndentIndent72293-4 Undermining [Length] of Wound C cm
IndentIndentIndentIndent72294-2 Undermining clock position of Wound C
IndentIndent72292-6 Wound exudate panel C
IndentIndentIndent89259-6 Presence of wound exudate
IndentIndentIndent39116-9 Drainage amount of Wound C
IndentIndentIndent72288-4 Odor of Exudate from wound O
IndentIndentIndent72289-2 Color of Exudate from wound R
IndentIndentIndent72290-0 Appearance of Exudate from wound R
IndentIndent72287-6 Wound size panel C
IndentIndentIndent39125-0 Width of Wound R cm
IndentIndentIndent39127-6 Depth of Wound R cm
IndentIndentIndent39126-8 Length of Wound R cm
IndentIndentIndent89260-4 Area of wound C cm2
IndentIndentIndent94083-3 Wound volume C cm3
IndentIndent80338-7 Wound assessment [Interpretation]
IndentIndent94086-6 Wound shape
Indent72284-3 Skin assessment panel O
IndentIndent72369-2 Body site identification panel R
IndentIndentIndent39111-0 Body site R
IndentIndentIndent39112-8 Body location qualifier O
IndentIndentIndent20228-3 Anatomic part Laterality O
IndentIndent39107-8 Color of Skin O
IndentIndent39129-2 Moisture of Skin O
IndentIndent39106-0 Temperature of Skin O
IndentIndent39109-4 Turgor [Interpretation] of Skin O
IndentIndent80344-5 Skin integrity
IndentIndent80345-2 Pressure points examined [Anatomy] of Skin
IndentIndent80347-8 Mucous membrane integrity of Mucous membrane
IndentIndent80343-7 Skin assessment [Interpretation]
Indent38212-7 Pain assessment panel
IndentIndent94085-8 Pain category
IndentIndent80316-3 Pain scale [Type]
IndentIndent94084-1 Nonverbal pain indicators
IndentIndent32419-4 Pain quality O
IndentIndent38201-0 Pain onset [Date and time] - Reported O
IndentIndent38202-8 Pain onset.hours ago - Reported O h
IndentIndent38203-6 Speed of pain onset - Reported O
IndentIndent38204-4 Pain primary location - Reported O
IndentIndent39111-0 Body site
IndentIndent20228-3 Anatomic part Laterality
IndentIndent38205-1 Pain radiation O
IndentIndent38206-9 Pain temporal pattern - Reported O
IndentIndent56826-1 Problem frequency {#}/d; {#}/wk; {#}/mo
IndentIndent38207-7 Pain duration - Reported O min;h;d
IndentIndent38208-5 Pain severity - Reported O
IndentIndent38209-3 Pain exacerbating factors - Reported O
IndentIndent38210-1 Pain alleviating factors - Reported O
IndentIndent38211-9 Pain initiating event Narrative - Reported O
IndentIndent38221-8 Pain severity Wong-Baker FACES pain rating scale O
IndentIndent38214-3 Pain severity [Score] Visual analog score {score}
IndentIndent80340-3 Nonpharmacologic intervention for pain
IndentIndent38213-5 FLACC pain assessment panel
IndentIndentIndent38216-8 Pain severity Face FLACC R
IndentIndentIndent38217-6 Pain severity Legs FLACC R
IndentIndentIndent38218-4 Pain severity Activity FLACC R
IndentIndentIndent38219-2 Pain severity Cry FLACC R
IndentIndentIndent38220-0 Pain severity Consolability FLACC R
IndentIndentIndent38215-0 Pain severity total [Score] FLACC R {score}
IndentIndent80317-1 Pain assessment [Interpretation]
Indent81674-4 Nutrition and fluid intake assessment panel
IndentIndent81663-7 Diet [Type]
IndentIndent81662-9 Percentage of meal eaten %
IndentIndent39109-4 Turgor [Interpretation] of Skin
IndentIndent32454-1 Physical findings of Mucous membrane
IndentIndent75305-3 Nutrition status
IndentIndent81676-9 Hydration status
IndentIndent81675-1 Nutrition and fluid intake assessment [Interpretation]

Fully-Specified Name

Nursing physiologic assessment panel

Additional Names

Short Name
Nursing phys assessment Pnl

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.54
Last Updated
Version 2.68
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type
Convenience group

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Panel de evaluación fisiológica de enfermería:-:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:-:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Valutazione dell'alimentazione fisiologica panel:-:Pt:^Paziente:-:
Synonyms: Clinico paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio) Set clinico NEC (non classificato altrove)
zh-CN Chinese (China) 护理学生理评估组套:-:时间点:^患者:-:
Synonyms: 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组.临床;组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).临床(CLIN、Clinical) 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 多重;多重型;多重标尺类型;多重精度类型 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 护理学(护理)生理(生理学)评估(评价、估计、估价、评论、估定、估算)组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套 评价;估计;估价;评论;估定;估算

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