Version 2.80

Term Description

This term should be used to report the results of the PCI procedure for a specific coronary lesion.

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
80731-3 Percutaneous coronary intervention individual lesion procedure results panel Heart
Indent81437-6 Coronary Lesion treatment sequence {#}
Indent80999-6 Segment(s) affected by lesion Coronary artery segment
Indent81436-8 Percutaneous coronary intervention site
Indent80730-5 Stenosis classification Coronary artery segment ACC-AHA
Indent80728-9 Percent stenosis of Coronary artery segment --pre procedure %
Indent80239-7 Percent stenosis of Coronary artery segment --post procedure %
Indent81000-2 TIMI grade Coronary artery segment --pre procedure
Indent81001-0 TIMI grade Coronary artery segment --post procedure
Indent80729-7 New or recurrent stenosis Coronary artery segment

Fully-Specified Name

Percutaneous coronary intervention individual lesion procedure results panel

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Percutaneous coronary intervention individual lesion procedure results panel Heart
Short Name
PCI indiv lesion proc results Pnl Hrt

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.56
Last Updated
Version 2.63 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
78914-9 Percutaneous coronary intervention panel

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Πίνακας αποτελεσμάτων διαδικασίας διαδερμικής στεφανιαίας παρέμβασης:-:Pt:Καρδιά:-:
Synonyms: Διαδερμική στεφανιαία παρέμβαση Διαδικασία Πίνακας αποτελεσμάτων διαδικασίας διαδερμικής στεφανιαίας παρέμβασης
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Panel de resultados del procedimiento de lesión individual de intervención coronaria percutánea:-:Punto temporal:Corazón:-:
it-IT Italian (Italy) intevento percutaneo coronarico risultati intervento sulla lesione individuale panel:-:Pt:Cuore:-:
Synonyms: Punto nel tempo (episodio) Set di prescrizione per studi cardiaci
zh-CN Chinese (China) 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗具体病变操作项目结果组套:-:时间点:心脏:-:
Synonyms: 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组.心脏病学;组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).心脏;医嘱组.心脏病;医嘱组.心脏病学检查与变量;心脏医嘱组 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 多重;多重型;多重标尺类型;多重精度类型 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 心 操作;程序;手续;步骤;规程;程序流程 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(经皮冠状动脉介入治疗术、经皮冠脉介入治疗、经皮冠状动脉介入治疗干预、经皮冠状动脉介入、经皮冠脉介入、PCI)具体(特定、逐个、单独、个别、单个、单一)病变(病灶、损伤、损害)操作项目(操作)结果(结局、效果、后果、成果、效验、成效)组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目);经皮(经皮肤)冠状动脉(冠脉)介入治疗(介入治疗干预、介入、干预、干预措施、介入措施) 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗干预;经皮冠状动脉介入术;经皮冠脉介入治疗;PCI

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