Version 2.79

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
88523-6 Quality Indicators - Admission
Indent88522-8 Hearing, Speech, and Vision
IndentIndent83250-1 Expression of Ideas and Wants
IndentIndent87503-9 Understanding Verbal and Non-Verbal Content
Indent88524-4 Cognitive Patterns
IndentIndent83248-5 Should Brief Interview for Mental Status (C0200-C0500) be Conducted?
IndentIndent52491-8 Brief Interview for Mental Status
IndentIndentIndent52731-7 Repetition of Three Words. Number of words repeated after first attempt
IndentIndentIndent54510-3 Temporal Orientation (orientation to year, month, and day)
IndentIndentIndentIndent52732-5 Able to report correct year
IndentIndentIndentIndent52733-3 Able to report correct month
IndentIndentIndentIndent54609-3 Able to report correct day of the week
IndentIndentIndent52493-4 Recall
IndentIndentIndentIndent52735-8 Able to recall "sock"
IndentIndentIndentIndent52736-6 Able to recall "blue"
IndentIndentIndentIndent52737-4 Able to recall "bed"
IndentIndentIndent54614-3 BIMS Summary Score {score}
IndentIndent54615-0 Should the Staff Assessment for Mental Status (C0900) be Conducted?
IndentIndent88521-0 Staff Assessment for Mental Status
IndentIndentIndent88333-0 Memory/Recall Ability 1..4
Indent88482-5 Functional Abilities and Goals - Admission
IndentIndent83239-4 Prior Functioning: Everyday Activities
IndentIndentIndent85070-1 Self-Care
IndentIndentIndent85071-9 Indoor Mobility (Ambulation)
IndentIndentIndent85072-7 Stairs
IndentIndentIndent85073-5 Functional Cognition
IndentIndent83234-5 Prior Device Use 1..5
IndentIndent83233-7 Self-Care - Admission Performance
IndentIndentIndent83232-9 Eating
IndentIndentIndent83230-3 Oral hygiene
IndentIndentIndent83228-7 Toileting hygiene
IndentIndentIndent83226-1 Shower/bathe self
IndentIndentIndent83224-6 Upper body dressing
IndentIndentIndent83222-0 Lower body dressing
IndentIndentIndent83220-4 Putting on/taking off footwear
IndentIndent85054-5 Self-Care - Discharge Goal
IndentIndentIndent83231-1 Eating
IndentIndentIndent83229-5 Oral hygiene
IndentIndentIndent83227-9 Toileting hygiene
IndentIndentIndent83225-3 Shower/bathe self
IndentIndentIndent83223-8 Upper body dressing
IndentIndentIndent83221-2 Lower body dressing
IndentIndentIndent83219-6 Putting on/taking off footwear
IndentIndent88330-6 Mobility - Admission Performance
IndentIndentIndent83218-8 Roll left and right
IndentIndentIndent83216-2 Sit to lying
IndentIndentIndent83214-7 Lying to sitting on side of bed
IndentIndentIndent83212-1 Sit to stand
IndentIndentIndent83210-5 Chair/bed-to-chair transfer
IndentIndentIndent83208-9 Toilet transfer
IndentIndentIndent83206-3 Car transfer
IndentIndentIndent83204-8 Walk 10 feet
IndentIndentIndent83202-2 Walk 50 feet with two turns
IndentIndentIndent83200-6 Walk 150 feet
IndentIndentIndent83198-2 Walking 10 feet on uneven surfaces
IndentIndentIndent83196-6 1 step (curb)
IndentIndentIndent83194-1 4 steps
IndentIndentIndent83192-5 12 steps
IndentIndentIndent83190-9 Picking up object
IndentIndentIndent83271-7 Does the patient use a wheelchair and/or scooter?
IndentIndentIndent83188-3 Wheel 50 feet with two turns
IndentIndentIndent83272-5 Indicate the type of wheelchair or scooter used
IndentIndentIndent83235-2 Wheel 150 feet
IndentIndentIndent83272-5 Indicate the type of wheelchair or scooter used
IndentIndent85056-0 Mobility - Discharge Goal
IndentIndentIndent83217-0 Roll left and right
IndentIndentIndent83215-4 Sit to lying
IndentIndentIndent83213-9 Lying to sitting on side of bed
IndentIndentIndent83211-3 Sit to stand
IndentIndentIndent83209-7 Chair/bed-to-chair transfer
IndentIndentIndent83207-1 Toilet transfer
IndentIndentIndent83205-5 Car transfer
IndentIndentIndent83203-0 Walk 10 feet
IndentIndentIndent83201-4 Walk 50 feet with two turns
IndentIndentIndent83199-0 Walk 150 feet
IndentIndentIndent83197-4 Walking 10 feet on uneven surfaces
IndentIndentIndent83195-8 1 step (curb)
IndentIndentIndent83193-3 4 steps
IndentIndentIndent83191-7 12 steps
IndentIndentIndent83189-1 Picking up object
IndentIndentIndent83187-5 Wheel 50 feet with two turns
IndentIndentIndent83236-0 Wheel 150 feet
Indent83237-8 Bladder and Bowel
IndentIndent83238-6 Bladder Continence
IndentIndent83242-8 Bowel Continence
Indent83264-2 Active Diagnoses
IndentIndent83243-6 Comorbidities and Co-existing Conditions 1..2
Indent83273-3 Health Conditions - Admission
IndentIndent52552-7 History of Falls. Has the patient had two or more falls in the past year or any fall with injury in the past year?
IndentIndent83274-1 Prior Surgery. Did the resident have major surgery during the 100 days prior to admission?
Indent83244-4 Swallowing/Nutritional Status
IndentIndent83245-1 Swallowing/Nutritional Status 1..3
Indent85055-2 Skin Conditions - Admission
IndentIndent58214-8 Unhealed Pressure Ulcers/Injuries. Does this patient have one or more unhealed pressure ulcers/injuries?
IndentIndent83246-9 Current Number of Unhealed Pressure Ulcers/Injuries at Each Stage - Admission
IndentIndentIndent54884-2 Number of Stage 1 pressure injuries {#}
IndentIndentIndent55124-2 Number of Stage 2 pressure ulcers {#}
IndentIndentIndent55125-9 Number of Stage 3 pressure ulcers {#}
IndentIndentIndent55126-7 Number of Stage 4 pressure ulcers {#}
IndentIndentIndent54893-3 Number of unstageable pressure ulcers/injuries due to non-removable dressing/device {#}
IndentIndentIndent54946-9 Number of unstageable pressure ulcers due to coverage of wound bed by slough and/or eschar {#}
IndentIndentIndent54950-1 Number of unstageable pressure injuries presenting as deep tissue injury {#}
Indent88872-7 Medications
IndentIndent88870-1 Drug Regimen Review: Did a complete drug regimen review identify potential clinically significant medication issues?
IndentIndent88871-9 Medication Follow-up: Did the facility contact a physician (or physician-designee) by midnight of the next calendar day and complete prescribed/recommended actions in response to the identified potential clinically significant medication issues?
Indent83261-8 Special Treatments, Procedures, and Programs - Admission
IndentIndent83252-7 Special Treatments, Procedures, and Programs 0..1

Fully-Specified Name

IRF-PAI v2.0 - Quality indicators - admission
CMS Assessment

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.64
Last Updated
Version 2.77 (MAJ)
Change Reason
Release 2.77: TIME_ASPCT: Decision by CMS to update the Timing to RptPeriod from Pt for all CMS Assessments; Release 2.69: COMPONENT: Updated to only include IRF-PAI v2.0 in the name since active and future versions have been updated with the new reporting period terms and therefore have different children.; Previous Releases: This panel is in versions 2.0 and 3.0, so "v3.0" was added to the Component.
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
88329-8 Deprecated Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility - Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-PAI) - version 2.0 [CMS Assessment]

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