Version 2.80

Term Description

The Quality of Working Life Questionnaire for Cancer Survivors (QWLQ-CS) measures the impact of cancer diagnosis and treatment on a cancer survivors' experience and perception of their work during the past four weeks. PMID: 29321006

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
93088-3 Quality of Working Life Questionnaire for Cancer Survivors [Quality of Working Life Questionnaire for Cancer Survivors]
Indent93113-9 The following questions are about the meaning of work
IndentIndent93089-1 Working gives me structure in my life
IndentIndent93090-9 I think it is good to work
IndentIndent93091-7 I consider that my work gives me a goal in life
IndentIndent93092-5 I consider my work important
Indent93114-7 The following questions are about your perception of your work situation
IndentIndent93093-3 I do my work well
IndentIndent93094-1 I am self-confident in my work
IndentIndent93095-8 I am suited to my work
IndentIndent93096-6 I have control over the work I do
IndentIndent93097-4 I feel powerless in my work
Indent93115-4 The following questions are about the atmosphere in your working environment
IndentIndent93098-2 I feel there is a positive atmosphere in my working environment
IndentIndent93099-0 I have the feeling I am taken seriously by people in my working environment
IndentIndent93100-6 I am content with my work
IndentIndent93101-4 I have good relations with my colleagues
IndentIndent93102-2 I feel valuable to my colleagues
Indent93116-2 The following questions are about understanding and recognition in your organization
IndentIndent93103-0 My immediate superior understands my health situation and possible health problems
IndentIndent93104-8 I have good relations with my immediate superior
IndentIndent93105-5 I consider that employees with health problems are treated well in my organization
IndentIndent93106-3 I am content with the fringe benefits provided by my employer
IndentIndent93107-1 I am content with my current income
Indent93117-0 The following questions are about problems due to your health situation
IndentIndent93108-9 Because of my health situation I have problems in my work with fatigue and/or lack of energy
IndentIndent93109-7 I am limited in my work
IndentIndent93110-5 Because of my health situation I have little trust in my own body
IndentIndent93111-3 Because of my health situation I feel uncertain about the future
Indent93112-1 Total score [Quality of Working Life Questionnaire for Cancer Survivors] {score}

Fully-Specified Name

Quality of Working Life Questionnaire for Cancer Survivors

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.67
Last Updated
Version 2.67 (ADD)
Order vs. Observation
Panel Type

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