Version 2.78

Part Description

LP21109-1   Babesia duncani
Babesia duncani is a parasite that invades human red blood cells and is transmitted by the Ixodid tick. Infection by the Babesia species was first discovered in Croatia in 1957, but has proven to exist across the world in the last fifty years. B. duncani primarily infects humans who live in Washington state and California. The Babesia parasites possess vesicles that secrete enzymes that facilitates its entrance into the host erythrocytes. They reproduces asexually in red blood cells and sexually in the Ixodid tick. Infection with Babesia leads to a wide range and severity of symptoms. Symptoms that are characterized as mild to moderate include fever, fatigue, chills, sweats, headache, myalgia, anorexia cough, arthralgia and nausea. Symptoms of severe illness are seen most often in patients who are immunosuppressed due to infections like Human immunodeficiency virus and conditions such as cancer. Severe symptoms of Babesia infection include respiratory failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, congestive heart failure, liver and renal failure, and splenic infarction. Infection with Babesia duncani tends to cause symptoms that are moderate to severe. There are several ways to diagnose infections with Babesia including thick and thin smear analysis, polymerase chain reaction, indirect immunofluorescence antibody, and by injecting patient blood into a hamster and waiting for severe parasitemia to develop in 2-4 weeks. Treatment of Babesia infection is with antibiotics. PMID: 18755385 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Babesia duncani Ab.IgG

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Babesia duncani IgG Ab [Titer] in Serum by Immunofluorescence
Short Name
B duncani IgG Titr Ser IF
Display Name
B. duncani IgG IF (S) [Titer]
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Babesia duncani IgG antibody, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.67
Last Updated
Version 2.75
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG41637-6 Babesia

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Babesia duncani (tipo WA1) IgG:Titulo / Factor de dilución:Punto temporal:Suero:Semicuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
Synonyms: Semicuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Babesia Duncani Ab.IgG:Título:Punto temporal:Suero:Cuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
fr-CA French (Canada) Babesia duncani, IgG:Titre:Temps ponctuel:Sérum:SemiQn:Immunofluorescence
fr-FR French (France) Babesia duncani Ac IgG:Titre:Ponctuel:Sérum:Semi-Quantitatif:Immunofluorescence
it-IT Italian (Italy) Babesia duncani Ab.IgG:Titr:Pt:Siero:SemiQn:IF
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Immunofluorescenza (IF) Microbiologia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Siero Titolo
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Babesia duncani As.IgG:titer:moment:serum:semikwantitatief:immunofluorescentie
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IF
zh-CN Chinese (China) 邓肯巴贝斯虫 抗体.IgG:滴定度:时间点:血清:半定量型:免疫荧光法
Synonyms: Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 IFA法;IF法;抗补体免疫荧光法;时间分辨荧光法;荧光原位杂交技术;荧光原位杂交法;荧光抗体 免疫球蛋白 G 巴倍斯焦虫 巴倍斯焦虫病 巴贝斯虫 WA1 Ab 巴贝斯虫 WA1 型 Ab 巴贝斯虫 WA1 型;巴贝斯虫属 WA1;巴贝斯虫属 WA1 型;巴贝斯虫 WA1;巴贝斯虫 WA-1 巴贝斯虫 WA1 型抗体 巴贝斯虫属 WA1 Ab 巴贝斯虫属 WA1 型 Ab 巴贝斯虫属 WA1 型抗体 巴贝斯虫属 WA1 抗体 巴贝虫 巴贝虫病 巴贝西虫 巴贝西虫病 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 效价;滴定浓度;滴定率;滴定量;滴度;稀释倍数;稀释因子;稀释系数 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 梨形虫 梨形虫病 梨浆虫病 焦虫病 狸浆虫 狸浆虫病

Example Units

Unit Source
{titer} Example UCUM Units

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