Version 2.80

Fully-Specified Name

Level of difficulty doing usual activities because of glare when wearing best corrective lenses in past 7D

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Level of difficulty doing usual activities because of glare when wearing best corrective lenses in past 7 days
Short Name
Diff lvl b/c glare w best corr lens p 7D

Example Answer List: LL5665-6

Source: National Eye Institute
Answer Code Score Answer ID
I do not use glasses or contact lenses LA31185-4
No difficulty at all LA13948-7
Very little difficulty LA31190-4
Moderate difficulty LA15726-5
A lot of difficulty LA13951-1
So much difficulty that I can no longer do some of my usual activities LA31191-2

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.72
Last Updated
Version 2.72 (ADD)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name Answer List Answer List Type Answers
99745-2 Patient reported outcomes with LASIK - post-operative panel [Patient reported outcomes with LASIK] LL5665-6 Normative 6
99192-7 Patient-reported outcomes with LASIK - pre-operative panel [Patient reported outcomes with LASIK] LL5665-6 Normative 6

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Επίπεδο δυσκολίας στην εκτέλεση συνήθων δραστηριοτήτων λόγω θάμβωσης όταν φορούσατε τους καλύτερους διορθωτικούς φακούς τις τελευταίες 7 ημέρες:Εύρεση:7D:^Ασθενής:Ord:
Synonyms: Επίπεδο δυσκολίας στην εκτέλεση συνήθων δραστηριοτήτων λόγω θάμβωσης όταν φορούσατε τους καλύτερους διορθωτικούς φακούς τις τελευταίες 7 ημέρες Εύρεση
it-IT Italian (Italy) Livello di difficoltà nello svolgere le normali attività a causa dell'abbagliamento quando indossa le migliori lenti correttive negli ultimi 7gg:Osservazione:7 giorni:^Paziente:Ord:
Synonyms: Livello di difficoltà nello svolgere le normali attività a causa dell''abbagliamento quando indossa le migliori lenti correttive negli ultimi 7 giorni Occhio Osservazione paziente Una settimana
zh-CN Chinese (China) 过去7天当中佩戴最好的矫正镜片时因为眩光而进行常规活动的困难程度:发现:7天:^患者:序数型:
Synonyms: 1个星期;1周;1个礼拜;1星期;1礼拜 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 发现是一个原子型临床观察指标,并不是作为印象的概括陈述。体格检查、病史、系统检查及其他此类观察指标的属性均为发现。它们的标尺对于编码型发现可能是名义型,而对于叙述型文本之中所报告的发现,则可能是叙述型。;发现物;所见;结果;结论 眼;眼睛;眼科;眼科学与验光变量;眼科学与验光指标 眼科学与视力测定变量.病史(历史纪录、历史、病史纪录) 程度 等级 级 级别 过去的1个星期(1周、1个礼拜、7天)当中佩戴最好的(最佳的)矫正镜片(矫正透镜、校正镜片、矫视镜片)时因为(由于)眩光(闪光、眩目的光、强烈的光、闪耀)而进行(开展)常规(普通、日常)活动的困难程度(难度)

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