Chem_DrugTox_Chal_Sero_Allergy<SAME:Comp|Prop|Tm|Syst (except intravascular and urine)><ANYBldSerPlas,ANYUrineUrineSed><ROLLUP:Method>
Maturity: Beta
- The LOINC Groups project is a work in progress. The contents of this file may change from release to release as we receive feedback from users and refine our processes.
- The contents of the file and the groupings MUST be validated by the user prior to implementation in any aspect of clinical care. We have created Groups that may be useful in specific contexts, but these Groups have not been vetted for use in either patient care or research and should be used with caution.
- More information on LOINC Groups is available on our website.
Group Description
This parent group contains groups for terms in any of the following classes: CHEM, DRUG/TOX, CHAL, SERO, and ALLERGY. Each group contains terms with the same Component, Property, and Time aspect. The terms in a given group also have the same System, except when the System is in the intravascular or urine category, in which case terms that have any of the Systems in that category are rolled up. For example, a group for a given analyte in CSF only has terms with the System 'CSF', but a group for an analyte in an intravascular specimen contains terms with a variety of Systems, including 'Bld', 'Ser/Plas', 'BldV', etc. Some intravascular Systems are purposely excluded from this rollup, including cord blood ('BldCo') and dried blood spots (DBS).
Basic Attributes
- Version First Released
- Pending promotion to Production status (Beta)
LOINC Terminology Service (API) using HL7® FHIR® Get Info
Requests to this service require a free LOINC username and password. Below is a sample of the possible capabilities. See the LOINC Terminology Service documentation for more information.
- ValueSet definition
- https:
//fhir.loinc.org/ValueSet/?url=http: //loinc.org/vs/LG100-4 - ValueSet expansion
- https:
//fhir.loinc.org/ValueSet/$expand?url=http: //loinc.org/vs/LG100-4
Groups within this Parent Group
LOINC Group | Group Name |
LG8749-6 | (Acer negundo+Betula verrucosa+Fagus grandifolia+Quercus alba+Juglans californica) Ab.IgE| |
LG8626-6 | (Acer negundo+Betula verrucosa+Quercus alba+Ulmus americana+Juglans californica) Ab.IgE| |
LG51496-4 | (Allium cepa+Allium sativum+Sesamum indicum+Yeast) Ab.IgE| |
LG8750-4 | (Alnus incana+Betula verrucosa+Corylus avellana+Quercus alba+Salix caprea) Ab.IgE| |
LG8717-3 | (Alnus incana+Corylus avellana+Ulmus americana+Salix caprea+Populus deltoides) Ab.IgE| |
LG8714-0 | (Avena sativa+Fagopyrum esculentum+Sesamum indicum+Triticum aestivum+Zea mays) Ab.IgE| |
LG27509-5 | (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus+Cat dander+Cat epithelium+Horse dander+Dog dander+Rabbit epithelium) Ab.IgE| |
LG8635-7 | (Gadus morhua+Mytilus edulis+Pandalus borealis+Salmo salar+Thunnus albacares) Ab.IgE| |
LG27047-6 | 1-Hydroxymidazolam| |
LG25406-6 | 1-Naphthol| |
LG22432-5 | 1,2-Dichloroethane| |
LG1330-2 | 1,2-Dimethylbenzene| |
LG5873-7 | 1,3-Dichlorobenzene| |
LG1323-7 | 1,3-Dimethylbenzene| |
LG1695-8 | 1,4-Dichlorobenzene| |
LG1331-0 | 1,4-Dimethylbenzene| |
LG1687-5 | 1,4-Dioxane| |
LG12240-4 | 10-Hydroxycarbazepine| |
LG19984-0 | 11-Dehydro thromboxane beta 2/Creatinine| |
LG10335-4 | 14-3-3 Ag| |
LG51448-5 | 14-3-3 Ag| |
LG8578-9 | 14-3-3 Ag| |
LG4780-5 | 17-Hydroxyprogesterone| |
LG50877-6 | 17-Hydroxyprogesterone| |
LG4815-9 | 17-Ketogenic steroids| |
LG51628-2 | 2-Ethylidene-1,5-Dimethyl-3,3-Diphenylpyrrolidine| |
LG5223-5 | 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate| |
LG51037-6 | 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase Ab| |
LG11996-2 | 3-Hydroxypalmitoylcarnitine (C16-OH)| |
LG16738-3 | 3-Methylcrotonylglycine| |
LG24794-6 | 4-Hydroxy-Tamoxifen| |
LG20030-9 | 6-Monoacetylmorphine.free| |
LG2642-9 | 6-Monoacetylmorphine| |
LG4734-2 | 6-Monoacetylmorphine| |
LG561-7 | 6-Monoacetylmorphine| |
LG50882-6 | 7-Alpha hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one| |
LG50881-8 | 7-Alpha,12-alpha dihydroxycholest-4-en-3-one| |
LG10956-7 | 7-Aminoclonazepam| |
LG6560-9 | 7-Aminoflunitrazepam| |
LG24966-0 | 9-Hydroxyrisperidone| |
LG25409-0 | Acebutolol| |
LG14125-5 | Acenocoumarol| |
LG13582-8 | Acepromazine| |
LG5053-6 | Acetaldehyde| |
LG14287-3 | Acetaldehyde| |
LG51381-8 | Acetaminophen-cysteine adduct| |
LG13584-4 | Acetaminophen| |
LG13591-9 | Acetazolamide| |
LG14820-1 | Acetoacetate| |
LG22607-2 | Acetone| |
LG15582-6 | Acetone| |
LG2768-2 | Acetone| |
LG4386-1 | Acetonitrile| |
LG152-5 | Acetophenazine| |
LG51733-0 | Acetylcholine receptor Ab| |
LG6812-4 | Acetylcholine receptor Ab| |
LG50988-1 | Acetylcholine receptor ganglionic neuronal Ab| |
LG5680-6 | Acetylcholinesterase| |
LG1127-2 | Acetylene| |
LG4389-5 | Acid phosphatase.tartrate resistant| |
LG4388-7 | Acid phosphatase| |
LG1678-4 | Acrylamide| |
LG21915-0 | Actin.filamentous Ab| |
LG21914-3 | Actin.filamentous Ab| |
LG26320-8 | Actin.smooth muscle Ab| |
LG4392-9 | Acyl carnitine| |
LG30219-6 | Acyl CoA dehydrogenases| |
LG18297-8 | Acylcarnitine pattern| |
LG13374-0 | Acylcarnitine pattern| |
LG12703-1 | Acylcarnitine| |
LG50118-5 | Adalimumab Ab| |
LG28981-5 | Adalimumab Ab| |
LG28982-3 | Adalimumab| |
LG4670-8 | Adenosine deaminase| |
LG2714-6 | Adrenal Ab| |
LG13059-7 | Adrenal Ab| |
LG20589-4 | Adrenal cortex Ab| |
LG51485-7 | Aesculus hippocastanum Ab.IgE| |
LG25962-8 | Agrostis stolonifera Ab.IgE| |
LG5272-2 | Alanine aminotransferase| |
LG51020-2 | Albumin/Creatinine| |
LG11837-8 | Albumin/Creatinine| |
LG17510-5 | Albumin/Globulin| |
LG5164-1 | Albumin/Globulin| |
LG17509-7 | Albumin/Globulin| |
LG650-8 | Albumin/Globulin| |
LG2364-0 | Albumin/Globulin| |
LG1963-0 | Albumin/Protein.total| |
LG6574-0 | Albumin| |
LG5465-2 | Albumin| |
LG307-5 | Albumin| |
LG5308-4 | Albumin| |
LG5302-7 | Albumin| |
LG5473-6 | Albumin| |
LG5562-6 | Albumin| |
LG5481-9 | Albumin| |
LG22143-8 | Albumin| |
LG5172-4 | Aldolase| |
LG1094-4 | Aldolase| |
LG51597-9 | Aldosterone/Renin| |
LG5179-9 | Aldosterone| |
LG4193-1 | Alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes| |
LG2774-0 | Alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes| |
LG5645-9 | Alkaline phosphatase.liver| |
LG4405-9 | Alkaline phosphatase.placental| |
LG5665-7 | Alkaline phosphatase| |
LG1679-2 | Allyl alcohol| |
LG13381-5 | Alpha 1 antitrypsin phenotype| |
LG6779-5 | Alpha 1 antitrypsin| |
LG51635-7 | Alpha 1 globulin| |
LG7355-3 | Alpha 1 globulin| |
LG51637-3 | Alpha 2 globulin| |
LG15145-2 | Alpha 2 globulin| |
LG7274-6 | Alpha aminobutyrate| |
LG221-8 | Alpha chlordane| |
LG5668-1 | Alpha fucosidase| |
LG10936-9 | Alpha hydroxyalprazolam| |
LG5993-3 | Alpha naphthylesterase| |
LG18260-6 | Alpha tocopherol & Beta+gamma tocopherol| |
LG51401-4 | Alpha-1-Acid glycoprotein| |
LG16685-6 | Alpha-1-Fetoprotein interpretation| |
LG16686-4 | Alpha-1-Fetoprotein interpretation| |
LG5931-3 | Alpha-1-Fetoprotein| |
LG5937-0 | Alpha-1-Fetoprotein| |
LG5586-5 | Alpha-1-Fetoprotein| |
LG5597-2 | Alpha-1-Fetoprotein| |
LG50947-7 | Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor 1 Ab| |
LG50934-5 | Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor 2 Ab.IgG| |
LG50935-2 | Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor 2 Ab.IgG| |
LG50946-9 | Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor 2 Ab| |
LG5669-9 | Alpha-L-iduronidase| |
LG5829-9 | Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase| |
LG51633-2 | Alpha-Phenyl-2-Piperidine acetate| |
LG563-3 | Alprazolam| |
LG25241-7 | Alternaria alternata Ab.IgE| |
LG8768-6 | Alternaria alternata Ab.IgG| |
LG51481-6 | Alternaria alternata Ab.IgG| |
LG22613-0 | Aluminum| |
LG2780-7 | Aluminum| |
LG25534-5 | Amaranthus palmeri Ab.IgE| |
LG25441-3 | Ambrosia elatior Ab.IgE| |
LG29728-9 | Ambrosia elatior Ab.IgG| |
LG13258-5 | Amiloride| |
LG1769-1 | Amino acid pattern| |
LG13133-0 | Amino acid pattern| |
LG17462-9 | Amino acid pattern| |
LG6351-3 | Amino acids| |
LG13134-8 | Amino acids| |
LG1141-3 | Amino acids| |
LG11043-3 | Amino beta guanidinopropionate/Creatinine| |
LG1526-5 | Amino beta guanidinopropionate| |
LG1440-9 | Amino beta guanidinopropionate| |
LG1144-7 | Amino beta guanidinopropionate| |
LG1441-7 | Amino beta guanidinopropionate| |
LG9940-0 | Amino beta guanidinopropionate| |
LG4424-0 | Amiodarone+Desethylamiodarone| |
LG13445-8 | Amiodarone| |
LG30832-6 | Amisulpride| |
LG13462-3 | Amitriptyline| |
LG10960-9 | Amlodipine| |
LG6365-3 | Ammonia| |
LG4629-4 | Ammonia| |
LG5880-2 | Ammonium ion| |
LG2789-8 | Amoxapine+8-Hydroxyamoxapine| |
LG2847-4 | Amphetamines| |
LG50968-3 | Amphiphysin Ab.IgG| |
LG13353-4 | Amphiphysin Ab| |
LG24036-2 | Amphiphysin Ab| |
LG14304-6 | Amphiphysin Ab| |
LG2776-5 | Amylase isoenzymes| |
LG5805-9 | Amylase| |
LG6115-2 | Androstanolone| |
LG6129-3 | Androstenedione| |
LG32605-4 | Androstenedione| |
LG6133-5 | Angiotensin converting enzyme| |
LG6138-4 | Aniline| |
LG51034-3 | Anion gap 3| |
LG6139-2 | Anion gap 4| |
LG13614-9 | Anion gap| |
LG22616-3 | Antimony| |
LG9023-5 | Antimony| |
LG26721-7 | Apis mellifera Ab.IgE| |
LG27906-3 | Apixaban| |
LG5705-1 | Apolipoprotein B| |
LG51616-7 | Apolipoprotein E phenotype| |
LG17454-6 | Aquaporin 4 water channel Ab.IgG| |
LG17408-2 | Aquaporin 4 water channel Ab.IgG| |
LG50124-3 | Aquaporin 4 water channel Ab.IgG| |
LG17838-0 | Aquaporin 4 water channel Ab.IgG| |
LG32551-0 | Aquaporin 4 water channel Ab.IgG| |
LG5712-7 | Arginine| |
LG15542-0 | Aripiprazole| |
LG4657-5 | Aromatic solvents| |
LG22843-3 | Arsenic| |
LG4658-3 | Arsenic| |
LG3197-3 | Arsenic| |
LG3199-9 | Arsenic| |
LG548-4 | Artemisia tridentata Ab.IgE| |
LG9026-8 | Ascaris sp Ab.IgE| |
LG5723-4 | Ascorbate| |
LG1866-5 | Asialoganglioside GM1 Ab.IgG| |
LG17716-8 | Asialoganglioside GM1 Ab.IgG| |
LG1338-5 | Asialoganglioside GM1 Ab.IgG| |
LG12524-1 | Asialoganglioside GM1 Ab.IgM| |
LG11909-5 | Asialoganglioside GM1 Ab.IgM| |
LG131-9 | Asialoganglioside GM1 Ab.IgM| |
LG1865-7 | Asialoganglioside GM1 Ab| |
LG17283-9 | Asialoganglioside GM1 Ab| |
LG22455-6 | Asialoglycoprotein receptor Ab| |
LG6033-7 | Aspartate aminotransferase| |
LG6323-2 | Aspartate| |
LG13817-8 | Atenolol| |
LG297-8 | Atrial natriuretic factor| |
LG26002-2 | Atriplex lentiformis Ab.IgE| |
LG13820-2 | Atropine| |
LG25315-9 | Aureobasidium pullulans Ab.IgE| |
LG22207-1 | Autoantibodies| |
LG26168-1 | Avena sativa Ab.IgE| |
LG25697-0 | Avena sativa cultivated Ab.IgE| |
LG8653-0 | Azinphos-methyl| |
LG17363-9 | Azinphos-methyl| |
LG6911-4 | Baccharis spp Ab.IgE| |
LG28954-2 | Baclofen| |
LG51598-7 | Baclofen| |
LG13648-7 | Bactericidal permeability increasing protein Ab.IgG| |
LG24264-0 | Bactericidal permeability increasing protein Ab| |
LG13845-9 | Barbital| |
LG13851-7 | Barbiturate screen absent| |
LG13320-3 | Barbiturate screen present| |
LG13329-4 | Barbiturates| |
LG4152-7 | Barium| |
LG30263-4 | Barium| |
LG6037-8 | Base deficit| |
LG51636-5 | Base excess^^standard| |
LG11832-9 | Basement membrane Ab.IgA| |
LG11834-5 | Basement membrane Ab.IgG| |
LG11831-1 | Basement membrane Ab.IgG| |
LG4154-3 | Basement membrane Ab| |
LG4153-5 | Basement membrane Ab| |
LG451-1 | Basement membrane Ab| |
LG18104-6 | Basement membrane zone BP180 Ab| |
LG21868-1 | Basement membrane zone BP230 Ab.IgG| |
LG4157-6 | Bean wax Ab.IgE| |
LG4155-0 | Bean white Ab.IgE| |
LG22416-8 | Benzene| |
LG4160-0 | Benzene| |
LG10124-2 | Benzfetamine| |
LG13518-2 | Benzodiazepines negative| |
LG14546-2 | Benzodiazepines positive| |
LG14548-8 | Benzodiazepines| |
LG14552-0 | Benzodiazepines| |
LG14588-4 | Benzoylecgonine| |
LG14579-3 | Benzoylecgonine| |
LG728-2 | Benzyl alcohol| |
LG24747-4 | Benzylpiperazine| |
LG22633-8 | Beryllium| |
LG6077-4 | Beta fructofuranosidase| |
LG4174-1 | Beta galactosidase| |
LG1972-1 | Beta globulin/Protein.total| |
LG15140-3 | Beta globulin| |
LG51331-3 | Beta globulin| |
LG50995-6 | Beta globulin| |
LG9696-8 | Beta glucosidase activator| |
LG1945-7 | Beta glucuronidase| |
LG4568-4 | Beta hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase| |
LG26613-6 | Beta hydroxybutyrate| |
LG51477-4 | Beta lactoglobulin Ab.IgG| |
LG2716-1 | Beta tubulin Ab.IgG| |
LG1883-0 | Beta tubulin Ab.IgM| |
LG6147-5 | Beta-2-Microglobulin| |
LG6148-3 | Beta-2-Microglobulin| |
LG2806-0 | Beta-2-Microglobulin| |
LG6922-1 | Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase A & B| |
LG9698-4 | Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase.A activator| |
LG1270-0 | Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase.A/Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase.total| |
LG6684-7 | Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase.B/Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase.total| |
LG51480-8 | Betula verrucosa Ab.IgG| |
LG6038-6 | Bicarbonate^^standard| |
LG19366-0 | Bicarbonate^post dialysis| |
LG2807-8 | Bicarbonate| |
LG13375-7 | Bile acid pattern| |
LG6165-7 | Bilirubin.glucuronidated+Bilirubin.albumin bound| |
LG3235-1 | Bilirubin.non-glucuronidated| |
LG1149-6 | Bilirubin| |
LG6199-6 | Bilirubin| |
LG233-3 | Bilirubin| |
LG1826-9 | Bilirubin| |
LG2811-0 | Bilirubin| |
LG6279-6 | Biotinidase| |
LG22659-3 | Bismuth| |
LG4255-8 | Bismuth| |
LG9047-4 | Bismuth| |
LG11024-3 | Bladder tumor Ag| |
LG10974-0 | Bladder tumor Ag| |
LG25435-5 | Blatella germanica Ab.IgE| |
LG22685-8 | Boron| |
LG4985-0 | Bovine inner ear Ag| |
LG847-0 | Brodifacoum| |
LG6208-5 | Bromide| |
LG3120-5 | Bromide| |
LG4275-6 | Brush border Ab| |
LG6177-2 | Budgerigar droppings Ab.IgE| |
LG25332-4 | Budgerigar feather Ab.IgE| |
LG51474-1 | Budgerigar feather Ab.IgE| |
LG6178-0 | Budgerigar serum proteins Ab.IgE| |
LG13803-8 | Buprenorphine| |
LG25424-9 | Bupropion| |
LG4022-2 | Butane| |
LG6210-1 | C peptide| |
LG6212-7 | C reactive protein| |
LG6699-5 | Cadmium| |
LG3200-5 | Cadmium| |
LG25965-1 | Calcidiol+ercalcidiol| |
LG26722-5 | Calcidiol+ercalcidiol| |
LG51030-1 | Calcidiol| |
LG4217-8 | Calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals| |
LG20163-8 | Calcium oxalate dihydrate/Total| |
LG15167-6 | Calcium oxalate monohydrate/Total| |
LG5573-3 | Calcium^^corrected for total protein| |
LG23556-0 | Calcium.ionized^^adjusted to pH 7.4| |
LG5743-2 | Calcium.ionized^^adjusted to pH 7.4| |
LG21038-1 | Calcium.ionized/Calcium.total^^corrected for albumin| |
LG7250-6 | Calcium.ionized| |
LG655-7 | Calcium.ionized| |
LG7247-2 | Calcium| |
LG6218-4 | Calcium| |
LG6224-2 | Calcium| |
LG2881-3 | Calculus analysis| |
LG51475-8 | Canary feather Ab.IgE| |
LG8903-9 | Canary serum proteins Ab| |
LG108-7 | Cancer Ag 125| |
LG299-4 | Cancer Ag 125| |
LG26852-0 | Cancer Ag 15-3| |
LG6230-9 | Cancer Ag 19-9| |
LG9701-6 | Cancer associated retinopathy Ab| |
LG14026-5 | Cannabinoids| |
LG14043-0 | Cannabinoids| |
LG32389-5 | Carbamazepine 10,11-Epoxide| |
LG13382-3 | Carbon dioxide^^adjusted to patient's actual temperature| |
LG344-8 | Carbon dioxide| |
LG4454-7 | Carbon dioxide| |
LG300-0 | Carbon dioxide| |
LG9129-0 | Carbon disulfide| |
LG22433-3 | Carbon tetrachloride| |
LG6795-1 | Carbonate| |
LG4030-5 | Carboxy tetrahydrocannabinol| |
LG10208-3 | Carboxy tetrahydrocannabinol| |
LG27557-4 | Carboxyhemoglobin/Hemoglobin.total| |
LG6297-8 | Carboxyhemoglobin/Hemoglobin.total| |
LG6799-3 | Carcinoembryonic Ag| |
LG8825-4 | Carnitine| |
LG6294-5 | Carotene| |
LG26049-3 | Carya illinoinensis nut Ab.IgE| |
LG28815-5 | Carya illinoinensis nut basophil bound Ab| |
LG26050-1 | Carya illinoinensis tree Ab.IgE| |
LG51478-2 | Casein Ab.IgG| |
LG26101-2 | Castanea sativa Ab.IgE| |
LG17869-5 | Catecholamines| |
LG18262-2 | Catecholamines| |
LG6296-0 | Catecholamines| |
LG6180-6 | Cefaclor Ab.IgE| |
LG13710-5 | Cefazolin| |
LG4016-4 | Centromere Ab| |
LG29557-2 | Centromere Ab| |
LG16881-1 | Centromere Ab| |
LG16938-9 | Centromere Ab| |
LG21821-0 | Centromere protein B Ab| |
LG21820-2 | Centromere protein B Ab| |
LG29561-4 | Centromere protein B Ab| |
LG9700-8 | Cerebroside sulfatase activator| |
LG4479-4 | Cerebroside sulfatase B| |
LG4475-2 | Cerebroside sulfatase| |
LG23096-7 | Cesium| |
LG51486-5 | Chicken feather Ab.IgE| |
LG8904-7 | Chicken serum Ab| |
LG11840-2 | Chloral hydrate| |
LG1209-8 | Chlordecone| |
LG13945-7 | Chlordiazepoxide| |
LG6373-7 | Chloride| |
LG6399-2 | Chloride| |
LG31207-0 | Chlorobenzene| |
LG22434-1 | Chloroform| |
LG14076-0 | Chlorprothixene| |
LG14360-8 | Chlorpyrifos| |
LG50880-0 | Cholestane-3-beta, 5-alpha, 6-beta triol| |
LG50936-0 | Cholesterol crystals| |
LG6644-1 | Cholesterol.in HDL| |
LG4717-7 | Cholesterol.in HDL| |
LG6238-2 | Cholesterol.in IDL| |
LG6248-1 | Cholesterol.in LDL| |
LG7921-2 | Cholesterol.in LDL| |
LG6406-5 | Cholesterol.in VLDL| |
LG6416-4 | Cholesterol| |
LG657-3 | Cholesterol| |
LG2371-5 | Cholesterol| |
LG246-5 | Cholinesterase| |
LG6807-4 | Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit| |
LG51732-2 | Choriogonadotropin.intact+Beta subunit| |
LG5747-3 | Choriogonadotropin| |
LG6851-2 | Choriogonadotropin| |
LG6578-1 | Choriogonadotropin| |
LG23134-6 | Chromium| |
LG3201-3 | Chromium| |
LG2127-1 | Ciprofloxacin^peak| |
LG2128-9 | Ciprofloxacin^trough| |
LG51689-4 | Citalopram| |
LG8780-1 | Citrus reticulata Ab.IgE| |
LG51483-2 | Cladosporium cladosporioides Ab.IgG| |
LG14087-7 | Clobazam| |
LG14107-3 | Clonazepam| |
LG4793-8 | Cobalamins| |
LG22728-6 | Cobalt| |
LG3202-1 | Cobalt| |
LG4167-5 | Cocaine| |
LG15758-2 | Cocaine| |
LG6073-3 | Cocaine| |
LG4531-2 | Cocaine| |
LG9136-5 | Cockatiel droppings Ab| |
LG51494-9 | Cockatiel feather Ab.IgE| |
LG14121-4 | Codeine| |
LG4096-6 | Codeine| |
LG1320-3 | Codeine| |
LG818-1 | Colchicine| |
LG6881-9 | Collagen crosslinked N-telopeptide/Creatinine| |
LG2272-5 | Collagen crosslinked N-telopeptide/Creatinine| |
LG18377-8 | Congenital hypothyroidism| |
LG50958-4 | Contactin-associated protein 2 Ab.IgG| |
LG50959-2 | Contactin-associated protein 2 Ab.IgG| |
LG51429-5 | Contactin-associated protein 2 Ab| |
LG937-9 | Copper| |
LG2905-0 | Copper| |
LG2505-8 | Coproporphyrin| |
LG5497-5 | Coproporphyrin| |
LG4551-0 | Corticotropin^1.5H post XXX challenge| |
LG4553-6 | Corticotropin^15M post XXX challenge| |
LG4554-4 | Corticotropin^1H post XXX challenge| |
LG4558-5 | Corticotropin^20M post XXX challenge| |
LG4559-3 | Corticotropin^2H post XXX challenge| |
LG4560-1 | Corticotropin^30M post XXX challenge| |
LG4561-9 | Corticotropin^3H post XXX challenge| |
LG4562-7 | Corticotropin^45M post XXX challenge| |
LG4549-4 | Corticotropin| |
LG6992-4 | Corticotropin| |
LG13470-6 | Cortisol.free| |
LG7033-6 | Cortisol.free| |
LG7059-1 | Cortisol.free| |
LG9343-7 | Cortisol.free| |
LG2917-5 | Cortisol.free| |
LG6311-7 | Cortisol| |
LG7018-7 | Cortisol| |
LG20468-1 | Cortisol| |
LG2916-7 | Cortisol| |
LG25828-1 | Corylus avellana Ab.IgE| |
LG6185-5 | Cotton fibers Ab.IgE| |
LG2921-7 | Creatine kinase isoenzymes| |
LG3134-6 | Creatine kinase.BB/Creatine kinase.total| |
LG660-7 | Creatine kinase.MB/Creatine kinase.total| |
LG7184-7 | Creatine kinase.MB| |
LG1951-5 | Creatine kinase.MB| |
LG3135-3 | Creatine kinase.MM/Creatine kinase.total| |
LG7104-5 | Creatine kinase.total/Creatine kinase.MB| |
LG51638-1 | Creatinine renal clearance.predicted| |
LG6657-3 | Creatinine| |
LG7133-4 | Creatinine| |
LG661-5 | Creatinine| |
LG662-3 | Creatinine| |
LG2923-3 | Creatinine| |
LG2924-1 | Creatinine| |
LG3476-1 | Cucumis melo spp Ab.IgE.RAST class| |
LG8777-7 | Cucumis melo spp Ab.IgE| |
LG23725-1 | Cucumis melo spp Ab.IgG| |
LG22759-1 | Cucumis melo spp Ab.IgG4| |
LG23729-3 | Cucumis melo spp basophil bound Ab| |
LG51752-0 | CV2 Ab.IgG| |
LG51005-3 | CV2 Ab.IgG| |
LG50993-1 | CV2 Ab.IgG| |
LG50125-0 | CV2 Ab| |
LG14239-4 | CV2 Ab| |
LG23878-8 | CV2 Ab| |
LG22817-7 | Cyanide| |
LG9273-6 | Cyanide| |
LG51009-5 | Cyclic citrullinated peptide Ab.IgG| |
LG12940-9 | Cyclic citrullinated peptide Ab| |
LG1685-9 | Cyclohexanone| |
LG14470-5 | Cyclosporine^12H post dose| |
LG14486-1 | Cyclosporine^24H post dose| |
LG19342-1 | Cyclosporine^trough| |
LG13716-2 | Cyclosporine.monoclonal| |
LG3077-7 | Cyclosporine| |
LG2876-3 | Cyclosporine| |
LG4808-4 | Cystine crystals| |
LG7674-7 | Cystine| |
LG27575-6 | Dabigatran| |
LG6182-2 | Dactylis glomerata Ab.IgE| |
LG25431-4 | Dantrolene| |
LG4031-3 | Dechlorane| |
LG5188-0 | Dehydroepiandrosterone.unconjugated| |
LG7347-0 | Delta aminolevulinate| |
LG19710-9 | Delta aminolevulinate| |
LG50952-7 | Dense fine speckled 70 protein Ab.IgG| |
LG3255-9 | Deoxypyridinoline| |
LG5200-3 | Dermatophagoides farinae Ab.IgG| |
LG5201-1 | Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Ab.IgG| |
LG24799-5 | Desethylvardenafil| |
LG24757-3 | Desloratadine| |
LG17165-8 | Desmoglein 1 Ab| |
LG17166-6 | Desmoglein 3 Ab| |
LG1150-4 | Dextromethamphetamine| |
LG5208-6 | Dezocine| |
LG14357-4 | Diazepam| |
LG14359-0 | Diazinon| |
LG223-4 | Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene| |
LG12178-6 | Dichlorvos| |
LG25144-3 | Diclofenac| |
LG225-9 | Dieldrin| |
LG2012-5 | Diethyl ether| |
LG4633-6 | Diethylpropion| |
LG159-0 | Digoxin| |
LG2940-7 | Digoxin| |
LG2232-9 | Dihydrocodeine| |
LG2014-1 | Dimethylbenzene| |
LG24782-1 | Dinorsibutramine| |
LG50985-7 | Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 Ab.IgG| |
LG50957-6 | Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 Ab.IgG| |
LG51430-3 | Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 Ab| |
LG1878-0 | Disialylganglioside GD1b Ab.IgG| |
LG1879-8 | Disialylganglioside GD1b Ab.IgM| |
LG1877-2 | Disialylganglioside GD1b Ab| |
LG13486-2 | DNA double strand Ab.IgG| |
LG26332-3 | DNA double strand Ab.IgG| |
LG26335-6 | DNA double strand Ab.IgG| |
LG26338-0 | DNA double strand Ab.IgG| |
LG24216-0 | DNA double strand Ab.IgG| |
LG26331-5 | DNA double strand Ab.IgG| |
LG24217-8 | DNA double strand Ab.IgG| |
LG350-5 | DNA double strand Ab| |
LG3241-9 | DNA double strand Ab| |
LG707-6 | DNA double strand Ab| |
LG29309-8 | DNA double strand Ab| |
LG1079-5 | DNA double strand Ab| |
LG132-7 | DNA single strand Ab.IgG| |
LG20783-3 | DNA single strand Ab| |
LG161-6 | Doxepin+Nordoxepin| |
LG51487-3 | Duck feather Ab.IgE| |
LG10966-6 | E selectin| |
LG25715-0 | Echinococcus sp Ab.IgE| |
LG51479-0 | Egg white Ab.IgG| |
LG51674-6 | EJ Ab| |
LG18029-5 | Ej Ab| |
LG4853-0 | Elymus triticoides Ab.IgE| |
LG134-3 | Endomysium Ab.IgA| |
LG452-9 | Endomysium Ab.IgA| |
LG51669-6 | Endomysium Ab.IgG| |
LG19978-2 | Endomysium Ab.IgG| |
LG1868-1 | Endomysium Ab| |
LG4567-6 | Endomysium Ab| |
LG2325-1 | Endomysium Ab| |
LG24793-8 | Endoxifen| |
LG3260-9 | Enolase.neuron specific| |
LG17844-8 | Enolase.neuron specific| |
LG25559-2 | Epicoccum purpurascens Ab.IgE| |
LG20939-1 | Epidermis Ab| |
LG7313-2 | Epinephrine| |
LG51031-9 | Ercalcidiol| |
LG2235-2 | Estazolam| |
LG7419-7 | Estradiol.free| |
LG668-0 | Estradiol| |
LG7403-1 | Estradiol| |
LG2331-9 | Estradiol| |
LG2036-4 | Ethanol| |
LG22942-3 | Ethanol| |
LG2335-0 | Ethanol| |
LG15774-9 | Ethchlorvynol| |
LG1715-4 | Ethyl acetate| |
LG22435-8 | Ethyl benzene| |
LG1321-1 | Ethylene glycol| |
LG27729-9 | Everolimus^trough| |
LG11792-5 | Extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG2339-2 | Extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG18267-1 | Fatty acids pattern| |
LG5411-6 | Fatty acids.esterified| |
LG5501-4 | Fatty acids.nonesterified| |
LG3267-4 | Fatty acids.nonesterified| |
LG13380-7 | Fatty acids.very long chain pattern| |
LG11902-0 | Fatty acids.very long chain.C22: |
LG11903-8 | Fatty acids.very long chain.C24: |
LG11906-1 | Fatty acids.very long chain.C26: |
LG13613-1 | Fatty acids.very long chain.C26: |
LG51781-9 | fentaNYL| |
LG6299-4 | Ferritin| |
LG26148-3 | Festuca elatior Ab.IgE| |
LG25433-0 | Fexofenadine| |
LG51673-8 | Fibrillarin Ab| |
LG21066-2 | Fibrillarin Ab| |
LG51490-7 | Finch droppings Ab.IgE| |
LG51488-1 | Finch feather Ab.IgE| |
LG19683-8 | First & Second trimester integrated maternal screen| |
LG19685-3 | First trimester maternal screen with nuchal translucency| |
LG8001-2 | Flavin adenine dinucleotide| |
LG30520-7 | Flavin adenine dinucleotide| |
LG8213-3 | Flunitrazepam| |
LG23213-8 | Fluoride| |
LG2342-6 | Fluoride| |
LG112-9 | Fluoxetine+Norfluoxetine| |
LG14863-1 | Flurazepam| |
LG2349-1 | Folate+Cyanocobalamin| |
LG8004-6 | Folate| |
LG2348-3 | Folate| |
LG9471-6 | Follitropin^1st specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9474-0 | Follitropin^2nd specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9476-5 | Follitropin^3rd specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9477-3 | Follitropin^4th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9478-1 | Follitropin^5th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9479-9 | Follitropin^6th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9480-7 | Follitropin^7th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9481-5 | Follitropin^8th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9482-3 | Follitropin^9th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG10543-3 | Follitropin| |
LG3268-2 | Follitropin| |
LG19813-1 | Fondaparinux| |
LG12494-7 | Fonofos| |
LG7705-9 | Formate| |
LG27950-1 | Fusarium oxysporum Ab.IgE| |
LG8181-2 | Galactose| |
LG26006-3 | Galectin 3| |
LG3338-3 | Gallium| |
LG50932-9 | Gamma aminobutyrate B receptor Ab.IgG| |
LG50933-7 | Gamma aminobutyrate B receptor Ab.IgG| |
LG50945-1 | Gamma aminobutyrate B receptor Ab| |
LG4620-3 | Gamma aminobutyrate| |
LG4618-7 | Gamma aminobutyrate| |
LG1190-0 | Gamma aminobutyrate| |
LG1973-9 | Gamma globulin/Protein.total| |
LG51332-1 | Gamma globulin| |
LG50996-4 | Gamma globulin| |
LG10716-5 | Gamma hydroxybutyrate| |
LG10720-7 | Gamma hydroxybutyrate| |
LG24468-7 | Gamma hydroxybutyrate| |
LG2156-0 | Gammopathy| |
LG4098-2 | Ganciclovir| |
LG23931-5 | Ganglioside GD1a Ab.IgG| |
LG12339-4 | Ganglioside GD1a Ab.IgM| |
LG23932-3 | Ganglioside GD1a Ab.IgM| |
LG12294-1 | Ganglioside GD1a Ab| |
LG12295-8 | Ganglioside GD1b Ab.IgG| |
LG12341-0 | Ganglioside GD1b Ab.IgG| |
LG17198-9 | Ganglioside GD1b Ab.IgG| |
LG51007-9 | Ganglioside GD1b Ab.IgG| |
LG12296-6 | Ganglioside GD1b Ab.IgM| |
LG17197-1 | Ganglioside GD1b Ab.IgM| |
LG51008-7 | Ganglioside GD1b Ab.IgM| |
LG9925-1 | Ganglioside GD1b Ab| |
LG9985-5 | Ganglioside GD1b Ab| |
LG26347-1 | Ganglioside GD3 Ab.IgG+IgM| |
LG12484-8 | Ganglioside GM1 Ab.IgG+IgM| |
LG12482-2 | Ganglioside GM1 Ab.IgG| |
LG18094-9 | Ganglioside GM1 Ab.IgG| |
LG26349-7 | Ganglioside GM1 Ab.IgG| |
LG17144-3 | Ganglioside GM1 Ab.IgG| |
LG12485-5 | Ganglioside GM1 Ab.IgM| |
LG17828-1 | Ganglioside GM1 Ab.IgM| |
LG26351-3 | Ganglioside GM1 Ab.IgM| |
LG17145-0 | Ganglioside GM1 Ab.IgM| |
LG12480-6 | Ganglioside GM1 Ab| |
LG4916-5 | Ganglioside GM1 Ab| |
LG26352-1 | Ganglioside GM2 Ab.IgG+IgM| |
LG23328-4 | Ganglioside GM2 Ab.IgG| |
LG23329-2 | Ganglioside GM2 Ab.IgM| |
LG26353-9 | Ganglioside GM3 Ab.IgG+IgM| |
LG25532-9 | Ganglioside GM3 Ab.IgG| |
LG26354-7 | Ganglioside GM3 Ab.IgM| |
LG12658-7 | Ganglioside GQ1b Ab.IgG| |
LG12656-1 | Ganglioside GQ1b Ab.IgG| |
LG5152-6 | Ganglioside GQ1b Ab.IgG| |
LG5154-2 | Ganglioside GQ1b Ab.IgM| |
LG12655-3 | Ganglioside GQ1b Ab| |
LG26355-4 | Ganglioside GT1a Ab.IgG+IgM| |
LG26356-2 | Ganglioside GT1b Ab.IgG+IgM| |
LG25531-1 | Ganglioside GT1b Ab.IgG| |
LG26357-0 | Ganglioside GT1b Ab.IgM| |
LG670-6 | Gastrin| |
LG24941-3 | Germanium| |
LG6282-0 | Gliadin Ab.IgA| |
LG6283-8 | Gliadin Ab.IgG| |
LG24120-4 | Gliadin peptide Ab.IgA| |
LG24121-2 | Gliadin peptide Ab.IgG| |
LG51002-0 | Glial fibrillary acidic protein.alpha subunit Ab.IgG| |
LG51003-8 | Glial fibrillary acidic protein.alpha subunit Ab.IgG| |
LG51390-9 | Glial fibrillary acidic protein| |
LG50967-5 | Glial nuclear type 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG31529-7 | Glial nuclear type 1 ab| |
LG51427-9 | Glial nuclear type 1 Ab| |
LG1776-6 | Globulin| |
LG2362-4 | Globulin| |
LG12049-9 | Glomerular basement membrane Ab.IgG| |
LG24282-2 | Glomerular basement membrane Ab.IgG| |
LG20048-1 | Glomerular basement membrane Ab| |
LG21457-3 | Glomerular basement membrane Ab| |
LG50986-5 | Glomerular filtration rate| |
LG51724-9 | Glomerular filtration rate| |
LG50879-2 | Glucopsychosine| |
LG8122-6 | Glucose phosphate isomerase| |
LG6535-1 | Glucose tolerance| |
LG2450-7 | Glucose^2H post meal| |
LG3045-4 | Glucose^6H post 100 g glucose PO| |
LG24855-5 | Glucose^7 AM specimen| |
LG3075-1 | Glucose^baseline| |
LG3398-7 | Glucose^post CFst| |
LG4843-1 | Glucose^post CFst| |
LG2460-6 | Glucose^post CFst| |
LG16970-2 | Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase phenotype| |
LG12887-2 | Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase| |
LG7967-5 | Glucose| |
LG18934-6 | Glucose| |
LG2432-5 | Glucose| |
LG2003-4 | Glutamate decarboxylase 65 Ab| |
LG50123-5 | Glutamate decarboxylase 65 Ab| |
LG27801-6 | Glutamate decarboxylase 65 Ab| |
LG50987-3 | Glutamate decarboxylase 65 Ab| |
LG50994-9 | Glutamate decarboxylase 65 Ab| |
LG6326-5 | Glutamate| |
LG8534-2 | Glutathione peroxidase| |
LG16971-0 | Glutathione reductase phenotype| |
LG50843-8 | Glutathione| |
LG23431-6 | Glutathione| |
LG11522-6 | Glutethimide| |
LG8227-3 | Glycerol| |
LG51035-0 | Glycine receptor Ab| |
LG51036-8 | Glycine receptor Ab| |
LG8426-1 | Glycolate| |
LG51472-5 | Glycolate| |
LG13376-5 | Glycosaminoglycans pattern| |
LG23383-9 | Gold| |
LG51491-5 | Goose feather Ab.IgE| |
LG8461-8 | Guanine deaminase| |
LG16388-7 | Heavy metals| |
LG51070-7 | Hemoglobin A1c/Hemoglobin.total| |
LG2754-2 | Hemoglobin.gastrointestinal^1st specimen| |
LG2755-9 | Hemoglobin.gastrointestinal^2nd specimen| |
LG2756-7 | Hemoglobin.gastrointestinal^3rd specimen| |
LG7849-5 | Hemoglobin.gastrointestinal| |
LG51398-2 | Hepatocellular carcinoma risk| |
LG4871-2 | Herbicide| |
LG5011-4 | Hexacarboxylporphyrin| |
LG5105-4 | Hexane| |
LG8774-4 | Histamine| |
LG14160-2 | Histamine| |
LG8844-5 | Histidine| |
LG8301-6 | Histidine| |
LG11833-7 | Histone Ab.IgG| |
LG14501-7 | Histone Ab.IgG| |
LG12062-2 | Histone Ab| |
LG21281-7 | Histone Ab| |
LG26116-0 | Histone Ab| |
LG5017-1 | Histone H2a+H2b Ab| |
LG6005-5 | Histone H2a+H2b Ab| |
LG17664-0 | Homocysteine| |
LG6331-5 | Homocystine| |
LG18055-0 | Homovanillate & Creatinine| |
LG25452-0 | Hordeum vulgare Ab.IgE| |
LG25859-6 | House dust Ab.IgE| |
LG2067-9 | Human antimouse Ab| |
LG22449-9 | Human epididymis protein 4| |
LG21896-2 | Human upstream binding factor Ab| |
LG4732-6 | Hydrocodone.free| |
LG14767-4 | Hydrogen ion| |
LG8729-8 | Hydrogen sulfide| |
LG4733-4 | Hydromorphone.free| |
LG24944-7 | Hydroxybupropion| |
LG51041-8 | Hydroxychloroquine| |
LG13048-0 | Hydroxyethylflurazepam| |
LG184-8 | Hydroxyproline| |
LG8837-9 | Hydroxyproline| |
LG13049-8 | Hydroxytriazolam| |
LG1012-6 | Hydroxyzine| |
LG27452-8 | Hymenoclea salsola Ab.IgE| |
LG1013-4 | Hyoscyamine| |
LG17896-8 | IgA Ab| |
LG32670-8 | IgA subclass 1/IgA.total| |
LG10139-0 | IgA.monoclonal| |
LG9788-3 | IgA| |
LG22692-4 | IgA| |
LG11742-0 | IgA| |
LG3243-5 | IgA| |
LG5577-4 | IgA| |
LG11652-1 | IgD| |
LG5901-6 | IgE| |
LG51737-1 | IgE| |
LG9792-5 | IgE| |
LG11653-9 | IgE| |
LG10138-2 | IgG.monoclonal| |
LG9795-8 | IgG| |
LG13348-4 | IgG| |
LG51738-9 | IgG| |
LG3244-3 | IgG| |
LG11743-8 | IgG| |
LG3245-0 | IgG| |
LG5578-2 | IgG| |
LG51061-6 | IgLON family member 5 Ab.IgG| |
LG51062-4 | IgLON family member 5 Ab.IgG| |
LG51461-8 | IgLON family member 5 Ab.IgG| |
LG51462-6 | IgLON family member 5 Ab.IgG| |
LG10140-8 | IgM.monoclonal| |
LG9802-2 | IgM| |
LG22694-0 | IgM| |
LG51739-7 | IgM| |
LG11744-6 | IgM| |
LG3247-6 | IgM| |
LG5579-0 | IgM| |
LG24750-8 | Iloperidone| |
LG14599-1 | Immune complex.IgG| |
LG453-7 | Immune complex| |
LG5568-3 | Immune complex| |
LG1202-3 | Immune complex| |
LG17676-4 | Immune complex| |
LG22395-4 | Immunoglobulin light chains.free| |
LG22396-2 | Immunoglobulin light chains.free| |
LG19433-8 | Immunoglobulin light chains.kappa.free/Immunoglobulin light chains.lambda.free| |
LG14797-1 | Immunoglobulin light chains.kappa.free| |
LG16698-9 | Immunoglobulin light chains.kappa.free| |
LG3250-0 | Immunoglobulin light chains.kappa/Immunoglobulin light chains.lambda| |
LG17765-5 | Immunoglobulin light chains.kappa| |
LG9568-9 | Immunoglobulin light chains.kappa| |
LG16697-1 | Immunoglobulin light chains.kappa| |
LG14589-2 | Immunoglobulin light chains.lambda.free| |
LG16700-3 | Immunoglobulin light chains.lambda.free| |
LG17766-3 | Immunoglobulin light chains.lambda| |
LG9570-5 | Immunoglobulin light chains.lambda| |
LG16699-7 | Immunoglobulin light chains.lambda| |
LG2480-4 | Immunoglobulin light chains| |
LG23148-6 | Indium| |
LG27918-8 | Infliximab Ab| |
LG16182-4 | Infliximab| |
LG14163-6 | Inhibin B| |
LG13949-9 | Inner Ear 68kD Ab| |
LG51057-4 | Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG51058-2 | Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG51459-2 | Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG51460-0 | Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG21224-7 | Insulin Ab| |
LG10863-5 | Insulin^1.5H post 75 g glucose PO| |
LG1847-5 | Insulin-like growth factor-I| |
LG9153-0 | Insulin-like growth factor-I| |
LG5068-4 | Intercellular substance Ab| |
LG454-5 | Intercellular substance Ab| |
LG20831-0 | Intercellular substance Ab| |
LG5070-0 | Interleukin 7| |
LG13617-2 | Interpretation| |
LG2070-3 | Interpretation| |
LG1584-4 | Interpretation| |
LG13402-9 | Interpretation| |
LG2072-9 | Interpretation| |
LG351-3 | Intrinsic factor Ab| |
LG8731-4 | Intrinsic factor Ab| |
LG9949-1 | Intrinsic factor blocking Ab.IgG| |
LG12369-1 | Intrinsic factor blocking Ab| |
LG12513-4 | Islet cell 512 Ab| |
LG23166-8 | Isopropanol| |
LG15583-4 | Isopropanol| |
LG5368-8 | Isopropyl ether| |
LG575-7 | Itraconazole| |
LG6735-7 | Iva xanthifolia Ab.IgE.RAST class| |
LG17624-4 | Jo-1 extractable nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG352-1 | Jo-1 extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG5369-6 | Jo-1 extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG26117-8 | Jo-1 extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG20855-9 | Jo-1 extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG50938-6 | Keratan sulfate| |
LG51644-9 | Ketamine| |
LG576-5 | Ketoconazole| |
LG10158-0 | Ketones^1H post XXX challenge| |
LG10147-3 | Ketones^2H post XXX challenge| |
LG9941-8 | Ketones^3H post XXX challenge| |
LG8863-5 | Ketones| |
LG8878-3 | Ketones| |
LG12888-0 | Ketones| |
LG5370-4 | Ketoprofen| |
LG25577-4 | Kochia scoparia Ab.IgE| |
LG51676-1 | Ku Ab| |
LG6118-6 | Ku Ab| |
LG24755-7 | Lacosamide| |
LG51476-6 | Lactalbumin alpha Ab.IgG| |
LG9048-2 | Lactate dehydrogenase 1| |
LG6043-6 | Lactate dehydrogenase 2| |
LG9289-2 | Lactate dehydrogenase 3| |
LG13284-1 | Lactate dehydrogenase 4| |
LG9072-2 | Lactate dehydrogenase 5| |
LG19834-7 | Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes| |
LG11227-2 | Lactate^1H post XXX challenge| |
LG10590-4 | Lactate^2H post XXX challenge| |
LG10597-9 | Lactate^3H post XXX challenge| |
LG2275-8 | Lactate| |
LG6039-4 | Lactate| |
LG16725-0 | Lactoferrin| |
LG5378-7 | Latex Ab.IgE| |
LG5382-9 | Latex glove extract Ab.IgE| |
LG5383-7 | Latex glove extract ammoniated Ab.IgE| |
LG5384-5 | Latex glove extract buffered Ab.IgE| |
LG6176-4 | Lathyrus sativus Ab.IgE| |
LG19294-4 | LDL.oxidized Ab| |
LG140-0 | Lead| |
LG2615-5 | Lead| |
LG25873-7 | Lepidoglyphus destructor Ab.IgE| |
LG50960-0 | Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG50961-8 | Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG51431-1 | Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 Ab| |
LG9233-0 | Leucine| |
LG9238-9 | Leucine| |
LG24751-6 | Levamisole| |
LG227-5 | Lindane| |
LG6193-9 | Linum usitatissimum Ab.IgE| |
LG6291-1 | Lipoprotein pattern| |
LG2620-5 | Lipoprotein.alpha| |
LG2034-9 | Lithium| |
LG2073-7 | Liver cytosol Ab| |
LG19496-5 | Liver fibrosis score| |
LG17681-4 | Liver kidney microsomal 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG17140-1 | Liver kidney microsomal 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG11952-5 | Liver kidney microsomal 1 Ab| |
LG19619-2 | Liver kidney microsomal Ab.IgG| |
LG2819-3 | Liver kidney microsomal Ab| |
LG3614-7 | Lolium perenne Ab.IgE.RAST class| |
LG26057-6 | Lolium perenne Ab.IgE| |
LG28424-6 | Lolium perenne Ab.IgG| |
LG5422-3 | Loperamide| |
LG10334-7 | Loratadine| |
LG14911-8 | Lorazepam| |
LG14915-9 | Loxapine| |
LG11654-7 | Lupus erythematosus deoxynucleoproteins Ab.IgG| |
LG9405-4 | Lutropin^1st specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9406-2 | Lutropin^2nd specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9407-0 | Lutropin^3rd specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9408-8 | Lutropin^4th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9409-6 | Lutropin^5th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9410-4 | Lutropin^6th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9411-2 | Lutropin^7th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9412-0 | Lutropin^8th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG9413-8 | Lutropin^9th specimen post XXX challenge| |
LG11276-9 | Lutropin| |
LG151-7 | Lutropin| |
LG3279-9 | Lutropin| |
LG21870-7 | Lymphocyte proliferation| |
LG14918-3 | Lysergate diethylamide| |
LG14920-9 | Lysergate diethylamide| |
LG50878-4 | Lyso-sphingomyelin| |
LG30563-7 | Lysophosphatidylcholine(26: |
LG29985-5 | Lysosomal acid lipase| |
LG30478-8 | M-chlorophenylpiperazine| |
LG14273-3 | Ma+Ta Ab| |
LG50126-8 | Ma+Ta Ab| |
LG9523-4 | Magnesium.ionized| |
LG5903-2 | Magnesium| |
LG343-0 | Magnesium| |
LG228-3 | Malaoxon| |
LG23468-8 | Manganese| |
LG13302-1 | Manganese| |
LG14922-5 | Maprotiline| |
LG24148-5 | Matrix metallopeptidase 9| |
LG51600-1 | MDA5 Ab| |
LG10964-1 | Meat fibers| |
LG1982-0 | Meclizine| |
LG51455-0 | Medazepam| |
LG51473-3 | Melatonin| |
LG24759-9 | Memantine| |
LG279-6 | Mentha piperita Ab.IgE| |
LG14932-4 | Meperidine| |
LG15805-1 | Mephobarbital| |
LG4693-0 | Mercaptopurine| |
LG23471-2 | Mercury| |
LG5736-6 | Mercury| |
LG8885-8 | Mercury| |
LG1984-6 | Mesoridazine| |
LG50965-9 | Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG50966-7 | Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG51457-6 | Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG51458-4 | Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG51753-8 | Metandienone| |
LG17947-9 | Metanephrine & Normetanephrine| |
LG18227-5 | Metanephrine & Normetanephrine| |
LG5729-1 | Metanephrine| |
LG9908-7 | Metanephrines| |
LG12497-0 | Metasystox| |
LG24763-1 | Metaxalone| |
LG51754-6 | Metenolone| |
LG16446-3 | Methadone| |
LG51627-4 | Methadone| |
LG11523-4 | Methadone| |
LG16447-1 | Methadone| |
LG15349-0 | Methamphetamine| |
LG3024-9 | Methamphetamine| |
LG6973-4 | Methamphetamine| |
LG23511-5 | Methanol| |
LG23485-2 | Methanol| |
LG27556-6 | Methemoglobin/Hemoglobin.total| |
LG9913-7 | Methemoglobin/Hemoglobin.total| |
LG9916-0 | Methionine| |
LG1700-6 | Methyl ethyl ketone| |
LG1326-0 | Methylene chloride| |
LG4903-3 | Methylenedianiline| |
LG5610-3 | Methylenedioxyamphetamine| |
LG13606-5 | Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine| |
LG5608-7 | Methylenedioxymethamphetamine| |
LG51634-0 | Methylphenidate| |
LG12495-4 | Mevinphos| |
LG51672-0 | Mi-2 Ab| |
LG6119-4 | Mi-2 Ab| |
LG15154-4 | Midazolam| |
LG24765-6 | Milnacipran| |
LG4915-7 | Mitochondria Ab| |
LG2719-5 | Mitochondria Ab| |
LG7093-0 | Mitochondria Ab| |
LG16908-2 | Mitochondria Ab| |
LG2730-2 | Mitochondria M2 Ab.IgG| |
LG20053-1 | Mitochondria M2 Ab| |
LG9898-0 | Mitochondria M2 Ab| |
LG26131-9 | Mitochondria M2 Ab| |
LG51454-3 | Mitochondria M2-3E Ab| |
LG29986-3 | Mitochondrial respiratory chain enzymes| |
LG14234-5 | Mitotic spindle apparatus Ab| |
LG51671-2 | MJ Ab| |
LG23301-1 | Molybdenum| |
LG13316-1 | Molybdenum| |
LG1438-3 | Monoclonal band observed| |
LG1870-7 | Monosialoganglioside GM1 Ab.IgA| |
LG1016-7 | Morphine.free| |
LG15176-7 | Morphine| |
LG4102-2 | Morphine| |
LG1327-8 | Morphine| |
LG4918-1 | Morus alba Ab.IgE| |
LG17453-8 | Moxifloxacin| |
LG15084-3 | Mullerian inhibiting substance| |
LG19432-0 | Mullerian inhibiting substance| |
LG8248-9 | Mycophenolate glucuronide| |
LG8247-1 | Mycophenolate| |
LG4933-0 | Myelin Ab.IgG| |
LG4936-3 | Myelin associated glycoprotein Ab.IgG| |
LG1871-5 | Myelin associated glycoprotein Ab.IgM| |
LG12245-3 | Myelin associated glycoprotein Ab.IgM| |
LG6993-2 | Myelin associated glycoprotein Ab.IgM| |
LG1888-9 | Myelin associated glycoprotein Ab| |
LG1889-7 | Myelin associated glycoprotein Ab| |
LG26733-2 | Myelin associated glycoprotein Ab| |
LG1125-6 | Myelin associated glycoprotein Ab| |
LG1340-1 | Myelin associated glycoprotein-sulfated glucuronic paragloboside Ab.IgM| |
LG10647-2 | Myelin basic protein Ab| |
LG21227-0 | Myelin basic protein Ab| |
LG51150-7 | Myeloperoxidase Ab.IgG| |
LG27797-6 | Myeloperoxidase Ab.IgG| |
LG18300-0 | Myeloperoxidase Ab| |
LG4938-9 | Myeloperoxidase Ab| |
LG6994-0 | Myocardium Ab pattern| |
LG11955-8 | Myocardium Ab| |
LG10799-1 | Myoglobin| |
LG14987-8 | N-acetylprocainamide| |
LG25139-3 | N-desalkylflurazepam| |
LG14994-4 | N-ethylnicotinamide| |
LG50948-5 | N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 1 Ab| |
LG19693-7 | Natalizumab Ab| |
LG13322-9 | Natriuretic peptide.B prohormone N-Terminal| |
LG13323-7 | Natriuretic peptide.B prohormone N-Terminal| |
LG12080-4 | Natriuretic peptide.B| |
LG51439-4 | Neurochondrin Ab| |
LG51440-2 | Neurochondrin Ab| |
LG5087-4 | Neuronal Ab.IgG| |
LG5085-8 | Neuronal Ab| |
LG5086-6 | Neuronal Ab| |
LG5083-3 | Neuronal Ab| |
LG5084-1 | Neuronal Ab| |
LG4131-1 | Neuronal nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG5913-1 | Neuronal nuclear Ab| |
LG218-4 | Neuronal nuclear Ab| |
LG219-2 | Neuronal nuclear Ab| |
LG4130-3 | Neuronal nuclear Ab| |
LG1886-3 | Neuronal nuclear type 1 Ab| |
LG13666-9 | Neuronal nuclear type 1 Ab| |
LG17831-5 | Neuronal nuclear type 1 Ab| |
LG8743-9 | Neuronal nuclear type 1 Ab| |
LG50969-1 | Neuronal nuclear type 2 Ab.IgG| |
LG1885-5 | Neuronal nuclear type 2 Ab| |
LG12550-6 | Neuronal nuclear type 2 Ab| |
LG12551-4 | Neuronal nuclear type 2 Ab| |
LG5089-0 | Neuronal nuclear type 2 Ab| |
LG2097-6 | Neuronal nuclear type 2 Ab| |
LG8744-7 | Neuronal nuclear type 2 Ab| |
LG50122-7 | Neuronal nuclear type 3 Ab| |
LG5090-8 | Neutrophil Ab| |
LG5091-6 | Neutrophil Ab| |
LG7000-5 | Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab pattern| |
LG15378-9 | Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab.classic| |
LG5098-1 | Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab.classic| |
LG2823-5 | Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab.classic| |
LG51690-2 | Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab.perinuclear.atypical| |
LG15377-1 | Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab.perinuclear| |
LG5102-1 | Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab.perinuclear| |
LG2824-3 | Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab.perinuclear| |
LG354-7 | Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab| |
LG5096-5 | Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab| |
LG6544-3 | Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab| |
LG51665-4 | Neutrophil membrane Ab| |
LG430-5 | Niacin| |
LG14187-5 | Niacin| |
LG23426-6 | Nickel| |
LG8884-1 | Nickel| |
LG9876-6 | Nitrogen.nonprotein| |
LG9841-0 | Nitrogen| |
LG24693-0 | Nitrous oxide| |
LG51400-6 | Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis score| |
LG21652-9 | Norbuprenorphine| |
LG797-7 | Norchlordiazepoxide| |
LG578-1 | Norclozapine| |
LG14691-6 | Nordiazepam| |
LG51316-4 | Norepinephrine| |
LG51661-3 | Norfentanyl| |
LG5119-5 | Norflunitrazepam| |
LG582-3 | Normeperidine| |
LG51629-0 | Normetanephrine| |
LG169-9 | Normethsuximide| |
LG13706-3 | Normirtazapine| |
LG9605-9 | Norsertraline| |
LG24781-3 | Norsibutramine| |
LG24795-3 | Nortamoxifen| |
LG6800-9 | Nuclear Ab pattern.homogeneous| |
LG6801-7 | Nuclear Ab pattern.nucleolar| |
LG1864-0 | Nuclear Ab pattern| |
LG1863-2 | Nuclear Ab pattern| |
LG51010-3 | Nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG7005-4 | Nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG1884-8 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG1862-4 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG4652-6 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG2792-2 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG26738-1 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG2794-8 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG2793-0 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG2795-5 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG7004-7 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG2798-9 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG26739-9 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG2796-3 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG2800-3 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG2799-7 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG2801-1 | Nuclear Ab| |
LG21919-2 | Nuclear pore protein gp210 Ab| |
LG13707-1 | Nucleosome Ab| |
LG21386-4 | Nucleosome Ab| |
LG26742-3 | Nucleosome Ab| |
LG24956-1 | O-desmethylvenlafaxine| |
LG51750-4 | Observation| |
LG51749-6 | Observation| |
LG11699-2 | Observation| |
LG11682-8 | Observation| |
LG25402-5 | Observation| |
LG2164-4 | Observation| |
LG51675-3 | OJ Ab| |
LG18030-3 | OJ Ab| |
LG812-4 | Olanzapine| |
LG14543-9 | Oligosaccharides pattern| |
LG18028-7 | OmpC Ab.IgA| |
LG17046-0 | OmpC Ab| |
LG23446-4 | Opiates| |
LG7013-8 | Opiates| |
LG13377-3 | Organic acids pattern| |
LG13379-9 | Organic acids pattern| |
LG13378-1 | Organic acids pattern| |
LG5128-6 | Organic acids| |
LG10204-2 | Ornithine| |
LG10221-6 | Ornithine| |
LG10246-3 | Ornithine| |
LG1017-5 | Orphenadrine| |
LG5134-4 | Ovary Ab| |
LG9606-7 | Ovary Ab| |
LG15538-8 | Oxazepam| |
LG1986-1 | Oxipurinol| |
LG1684-2 | Oxychlordane| |
LG27549-1 | Oxyhemoglobin/Hemoglobin.total| |
LG346-3 | Oxyhemoglobin/Hemoglobin.total| |
LG15391-2 | Oxyphenbutazone| |
LG24968-6 | Palladium| |
LG12059-8 | Palmitoylcarnitine (C16)| |
LG18095-6 | Pancreatic islet cell Ab| |
LG12557-1 | Pancreatic islet cell Ab| |
LG24971-0 | Pancuronium| |
LG12090-3 | Panicum milliaceum Ab.IgE| |
LG931-2 | Papaverine| |
LG51492-3 | Parakeet feather Ab.IgE| |
LG15634-5 | Paraldehyde| |
LG585-6 | Paramethadione| |
LG13857-4 | Paraneoplastic Ab| |
LG10495-6 | Paraoxon| |
LG23447-2 | Paraquat| |
LG10500-3 | Parathion| |
LG2005-9 | Parathyrin Ab| |
LG2657-7 | Parathyrin| |
LG11801-4 | Parietal cell Ab.IgG| |
LG23098-3 | Parietal cell Ab| |
LG2725-2 | Parietal cell Ab| |
LG10609-2 | Parietal cell Ab| |
LG24981-9 | Paroxetine| |
LG51493-1 | Parrot feather Ab.IgE| |
LG13537-2 | Patient symptoms^1.5H post dose lactose PO| |
LG13536-4 | Patient symptoms^1H post dose lactose PO| |
LG13539-8 | Patient symptoms^2.5H post dose lactose PO| |
LG13538-0 | Patient symptoms^2H post dose lactose PO| |
LG13535-6 | Patient symptoms^30M post dose lactose PO| |
LG14299-8 | Patient symptoms^3H post dose lactose PO| |
LG13534-9 | Patient symptoms^pre dose lactose PO| |
LG19630-9 | PCNA extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG26748-0 | PCNA extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG15636-0 | Pemoline| |
LG25195-5 | Penciclovir| |
LG25196-3 | Pendimethalin| |
LG470-1 | Pentacarboxylporphyrins| |
LG5276-3 | Pentachlorophenol| |
LG23680-8 | Pentachlorophenol| |
LG5277-1 | Pentane| |
LG15655-0 | Pentazocine| |
LG15663-4 | Pentobarbital| |
LG479-2 | Pentoxifylline| |
LG10645-6 | Pepsinogen| |
LG25206-0 | Perfluorooctanoate| |
LG1020-9 | Pergolide| |
LG15666-7 | Perphenazine| |
LG1708-9 | Pesticides| |
LG13263-5 | pH^^adjusted to patient's actual temperature| |
LG10666-2 | pH| |
LG345-5 | pH| |
LG51748-8 | pH| |
LG11103-5 | pH| |
LG11104-3 | pH| |
LG13349-2 | pH| |
LG11106-8 | pH| |
LG11105-0 | pH| |
LG11108-4 | pH| |
LG1021-7 | Phenacemide| |
LG15670-9 | Phenacetin| |
LG2848-2 | Phencyclidine| |
LG5283-9 | Phenolphthalein| |
LG312-5 | Phenolphthalein| |
LG15601-4 | Phensuximide| |
LG13010-0 | Phentermine| |
LG10841-1 | Phenylalanine| |
LG4748-2 | Phenylalanine| |
LG2665-0 | Phenylalanine| |
LG15841-6 | Phenylbutazone| |
LG868-6 | Phenylethylmalonamide| |
LG10847-8 | Phenylpyruvate| |
LG6426-3 | Phosphate| |
LG10852-8 | Phosphate| |
LG684-7 | Phosphate| |
LG10853-6 | Phosphate| |
LG2670-0 | Phosphate| |
LG1779-0 | Phosphate| |
LG9864-2 | Phosphoethanolamine| |
LG10926-0 | Phosphofructokinase| |
LG31602-2 | Phospholipase A2 receptor Ab.IgG| |
LG9571-3 | Phospholipid| |
LG10712-4 | Phytanate| |
LG51484-0 | Pigeon feather Ab.IgE| |
LG8782-7 | Pinus radiata Ab.IgE| |
LG26176-4 | Pinus strobus Ab.IgE| |
LG51679-5 | PL-12 Ab| |
LG13327-8 | Pl-12 Ab| |
LG51678-7 | PL-7 Ab| |
LG13328-6 | Pl-7 Ab| |
LG26105-3 | Platanus occidentalis Ab.IgE| |
LG2947-2 | Platelet Ab.IgG| |
LG12506-8 | Platelet Ab.IgM| |
LG11961-6 | Platelet Ab| |
LG8728-0 | Platelet Ab| |
LG1860-8 | Platelet associated Ab.IgA| |
LG2108-1 | Platelet associated Ab.IgG| |
LG11371-8 | Platelet associated Ab.IgG| |
LG2109-9 | Platelet associated Ab.IgM| |
LG8727-2 | Platelet associated Ab| |
LG14247-7 | Platelet factor 4 heparin complex induced Ab| |
LG19706-7 | Platelet glycoprotein Ia-IIa Ab| |
LG19206-8 | Platelet glycoprotein Ib-Ix Ab| |
LG19205-0 | Platelet glycoprotein IIb-IIIa Ab| |
LG502-1 | Platinum| |
LG5304-3 | PM-1 Ab| |
LG2287-3 | PM-1 Ab| |
LG1872-3 | PM-SCL extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG12569-6 | PM-SCL extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG26750-6 | PM-SCL extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG51681-1 | PM-SCL-100 Ab| |
LG51453-5 | PML Ab| |
LG25867-9 | Poa pratensis Ab.IgE| |
LG294-5 | Polistes spp Ab.IgE| |
LG17690-5 | Polychlorinated biphenyl| |
LG27805-7 | Populus fremontii Ab.IgE| |
LG27804-0 | Populus nigra Ab.IgE| |
LG1272-6 | Porphobilinogen synthase| |
LG17538-6 | Porphyrin fractions| |
LG2673-4 | Porphyrins| |
LG18228-3 | Porphyrins| |
LG2674-2 | Porphyrins| |
LG7931-1 | Potassium| |
LG10990-6 | Potassium| |
LG10987-2 | Potassium| |
LG2038-0 | Prealbumin| |
LG51308-1 | Procaine Ab.IgE| |
LG15749-1 | Procalcitonin| |
LG18642-5 | Procollagen type I.N-terminal propeptide| |
LG11006-0 | Progesterone| |
LG2681-7 | Progesterone| |
LG17012-2 | Prolactin.monomeric| |
LG3282-3 | Prolactin| |
LG6300-0 | Prolactin| |
LG7356-1 | Propoxyphene| |
LG1192-6 | Prostaglandin D2| |
LG5442-1 | Prostaglandin E| |
LG2277-4 | Prostate specific Ag.free/Prostate specific Ag.total| |
LG474-3 | Prostate specific Ag.free| |
LG11034-2 | Prostate specific Ag| |
LG23345-8 | Protein fractions.oligoclonal bands.IgG| |
LG4729-2 | Protein fractions.oligoclonal bands| |
LG4728-4 | Protein fractions.oligoclonal bands| |
LG51402-2 | Protein fractions.oligoclonal bands| |
LG14415-0 | Protein fractions.oligoclonal bands| |
LG12934-2 | Protein pattern| |
LG2955-5 | Protein pattern| |
LG1582-8 | Protein pattern| |
LG19583-0 | Protein pattern| |
LG1583-6 | Protein pattern| |
LG13722-0 | Protein pattern| |
LG51410-5 | Protein.abnormal band| |
LG51330-5 | Protein.monoclonal band 1| |
LG51333-9 | Protein.monoclonal band 2| |
LG14408-5 | Protein.monoclonal band 2| |
LG20866-6 | Protein.monoclonal band 3| |
LG23350-8 | Protein.monoclonal.beta| |
LG51643-1 | Protein.monoclonal| |
LG14407-7 | Protein.monoclonal| |
LG1777-4 | Protein| |
LG19573-1 | Proteinase 3 Ab.IgG| |
LG18301-8 | Proteinase 3 Ab| |
LG26752-2 | Proteinase 3 Ab| |
LG5449-6 | Protoporphyrin| |
LG6166-5 | Psilocybin| |
LG8910-4 | Pullularia sp Ab| |
LG50962-6 | Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG50989-9 | Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type 1 Ab| |
LG51340-4 | Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type 2 Ab| |
LG51341-2 | Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type 2 Ab| |
LG50990-7 | Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type 2 Ab| |
LG51032-7 | Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type Tr Ab| |
LG29451-8 | Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type Tr Ab| |
LG50127-6 | Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type Tr Ab| |
LG14569-4 | Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type Tr Ab| |
LG20854-2 | Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type Tr Ab| |
LG2729-4 | Purkinje cells Ab.IgG| |
LG10332-1 | Purkinje cells Ab| |
LG12584-5 | Purkinje cells Ab| |
LG2728-6 | Purkinje cells Ab| |
LG2726-0 | Purkinje cells Ab| |
LG20837-7 | Purkinje cells Ab| |
LG25954-5 | Pyridoxal phosphate| |
LG15909-1 | Pyrilamine| |
LG687-0 | Pyruvate| |
LG2278-2 | Pyruvate| |
LG26167-3 | Quercus alba Ab.IgE| |
LG8773-6 | Quercus virginiana Ab.IgE| |
LG15975-2 | Quinidine| |
LG16090-9 | Quinine| |
LG24767-2 | Ramelteon M-II| |
LG24768-0 | Ramelteon| |
LG194-7 | Reducing substances| |
LG5471-0 | Reticulin Ab.IgA| |
LG1887-1 | Reticulin Ab.IgG| |
LG10030-1 | Reticulin Ab.IgG| |
LG5472-8 | Reticulin Ab.IgG| |
LG5470-2 | Reticulin Ab| |
LG20838-5 | Reticulin Ab| |
LG11471-6 | Retinol| |
LG5480-1 | Rheumatoid arthritis nuclear Ab| |
LG23002-5 | Rheumatoid arthritis nuclear Ab| |
LG358-8 | Rheumatoid factor.IgM| |
LG357-0 | Rheumatoid factor| |
LG3254-2 | Rheumatoid factor| |
LG1205-6 | Rheumatoid factor| |
LG14559-5 | Rheumatoid factor| |
LG9624-0 | Rheumatoid factor| |
LG3433-2 | Rheumatoid factor| |
LG9625-7 | Rheumatoid factor| |
LG2006-7 | Rheumatoid factor| |
LG51059-0 | Rho GTPase-activating protein 26 Ab.IgG| |
LG51060-8 | Rho GTPase-activating protein 26 Ab.IgG| |
LG29701-6 | Rhodotorula spp Ab.IgE| |
LG11498-9 | Riboflavin| |
LG19808-1 | Riboflavin| |
LG11795-8 | Ribonucleoprotein extractable nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG5483-5 | Ribonucleoprotein extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG5482-7 | Ribonucleoprotein extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG26756-3 | Ribonucleoprotein extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG26757-1 | Ribonucleoprotein extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG9626-5 | Ribosomal Ab| |
LG1206-4 | Ribosomal Ab| |
LG1207-2 | Ribosomal P Ab| |
LG12835-1 | Ribosomal P Ab| |
LG26765-4 | Ribosomal P Ab| |
LG26766-2 | Ribosomal P Ab| |
LG27919-6 | Rivaroxaban| |
LG5571-7 | RNA Ab| |
LG21778-2 | RNA polymerase III Ab| |
LG26767-0 | RNA polymerase III Ab| |
LG23688-1 | Rubidium| |
LG18662-3 | S100 calcium binding protein B| |
LG12254-5 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ab.IgA| |
LG23869-7 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ab.IgA| |
LG12253-7 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ab.IgG| |
LG26770-4 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ab.IgG| |
LG23361-5 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ab| |
LG6197-0 | Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula Ab.IgG| |
LG16125-3 | Salicylamide| |
LG16225-1 | Salicylates| |
LG5564-2 | Salicylates| |
LG21391-4 | Salivary gland Ab| |
LG51779-3 | Saltbush annual Ab.IgE| |
LG29924-4 | Salvia officinalis Ab.IgE| |
LG24776-3 | Salvinorin A| |
LG24777-1 | Salvinorin B| |
LG25766-3 | Sambucus nigra Ab.IgE| |
LG5142-7 | SCL-70 extractable nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG10098-8 | SCL-70 extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG5141-9 | SCL-70 extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG26771-2 | SCL-70 extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG26773-8 | SCL-70 extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG13182-7 | SCL-70 extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG25999-0 | Secale cereale Ab.IgE| |
LG4066-9 | Secale cereale pollen Ab.IgE| |
LG19373-6 | Second trimester triple maternal screen| |
LG23524-8 | Selenium| |
LG9099-5 | Selenium| |
LG51441-0 | Septin-5 Ab.IgG| |
LG51442-8 | Septin-5 Ab.IgG| |
LG51444-4 | Septin-7 Ab.IgG| |
LG51443-6 | Septin-7 Ab.IgG| |
LG10324-8 | Serotonin| |
LG5052-8 | Serotonin| |
LG2967-0 | Serotonin| |
LG24783-9 | Sibutramine| |
LG51136-6 | Signal recognition particle Ab.IgG| |
LG51677-9 | Signal recognition particle Ab| |
LG14565-2 | Signal recognition particle Ab| |
LG426-3 | Silicon| |
LG15850-7 | Silicone Ab.IgA| |
LG15852-3 | Silicone Ab.IgE| |
LG15849-9 | Silicone Ab.IgG| |
LG15851-5 | Silicone Ab.IgM| |
LG23544-6 | Silver| |
LG9104-3 | Silver| |
LG51682-9 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear 52kD Ab.IgG| |
LG21388-0 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear 52kD Ab| |
LG21387-2 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear 52kD Ab| |
LG26775-3 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear 52kD Ab| |
LG26777-9 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear 52kD Ab| |
LG21389-8 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear 60kD Ab| |
LG26778-7 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear 60kD Ab| |
LG11802-2 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG5159-1 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG5158-3 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG5157-5 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG26780-3 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG29303-1 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG11788-3 | Sjogrens syndrome-A extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG11803-0 | Sjogrens syndrome-B extractable nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG5162-5 | Sjogrens syndrome-B extractable nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG5161-7 | Sjogrens syndrome-B extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG5160-9 | Sjogrens syndrome-B extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG29266-0 | Sjogrens syndrome-B extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG29267-8 | Sjogrens syndrome-B extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG51642-3 | Skin Ab.IgA| |
LG26594-8 | Skin Ab.IgG pattern| |
LG26595-5 | Skin Ab.IgG| |
LG26593-0 | Skin Ab.IgG| |
LG5584-0 | Smith extractable nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG7168-0 | Smith extractable nuclear Ab+Ribonucleoprotein extractable nuclear Ab.IgG| |
LG2126-3 | Smith extractable nuclear Ab+Ribonucleoprotein extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG9937-6 | Smith extractable nuclear Ab+Ribonucleoprotein extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG220-0 | Smith extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG5165-8 | Smith extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG29268-6 | Smith extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG29269-4 | Smith extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG5163-3 | Smith extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG50058-3 | Smith extractable nuclear B Ab| |
LG50059-1 | Smith extractable nuclear D Ab| |
LG2731-0 | Smooth muscle Ab| |
LG21723-8 | Smooth muscle Ab| |
LG16916-5 | Smooth muscle Ab| |
LG11363-5 | Sodium| |
LG11369-2 | Sodium| |
LG7060-9 | Solanum tuberosum Ab.IgE| |
LG29806-3 | Solanum tuberosum Ab.IgG| |
LG25575-8 | Solenopsis invicta Ab.IgE| |
LG51437-8 | Solitary lung nodule risk of malignancy| |
LG3361-5 | Soluble liver Ab| |
LG2002-6 | Soluble liver Ab| |
LG51436-0 | Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor| |
LG21732-9 | Somatotropin Ab| |
LG2496-0 | Somatotropin^1.5H post XXX challenge| |
LG2495-2 | Somatotropin^1H post XXX challenge| |
LG21918-4 | sp100 Ab| |
LG16373-9 | Spironolactone| |
LG51482-4 | Stachybotrys chartarum Ab.IgG| |
LG24788-8 | Stiripentol| |
LG11835-2 | Striated muscle Ab.IgG| |
LG2007-5 | Striated muscle Ab| |
LG21833-5 | Striated muscle Ab| |
LG23840-8 | Strontium| |
LG2269-1 | Strychnine| |
LG22437-4 | Styrene| |
LG29228-0 | Succinylacetone| |
LG24822-5 | Sulfadiazine| |
LG25219-3 | Sulfamethizole| |
LG51489-9 | Sulfamethoxazole Ab.IgE| |
LG1875-6 | Sulfate-3-Glucuronyl paragloboside Ab.IgM| |
LG1876-4 | Sulfate-3-Glucuronyl paragloboside Ab.IgM| |
LG1892-1 | Sulfate-3-Glucuronyl paragloboside Ab| |
LG1873-1 | Sulfatide Ab.IgG| |
LG10912-0 | Sulfatide Ab.IgG| |
LG1874-9 | Sulfatide Ab.IgM| |
LG17829-9 | Sulfatide Ab.IgM| |
LG4242-6 | Sulfatide Ab| |
LG12652-0 | Sulfatide Ab| |
LG10972-4 | Sumatriptan| |
LG51683-7 | SUMO-activating enzyme subunit 1 Ab.IgG| |
LG11210-8 | Superoxide dismutase| |
LG50876-8 | Tacrolimus^2H post dose| |
LG50875-0 | Tacrolimus^4H post dose| |
LG14573-6 | Tacrolimus^trough| |
LG1025-8 | Tacrolimus| |
LG24791-2 | Tadalafil| |
LG1987-9 | Tamoxifen| |
LG24796-1 | Tapentadol| |
LG51449-3 | Tau protein| |
LG3340-9 | Tellurium| |
LG116-0 | Temazepam| |
LG25227-6 | Terazosin| |
LG12496-2 | Terbufos| |
LG11447-6 | Testosterone.free| |
LG2970-4 | Testosterone.free| |
LG11398-1 | Testosterone| |
LG2969-6 | Testosterone| |
LG2736-9 | Tetrachlorodiphenylethane| |
LG230-9 | Tetrachloroethylene| |
LG14509-0 | Tetrahydrocannabinol| |
LG2849-0 | Tetrahydrocannabinol| |
LG1880-6 | Tetrasialylganglioside GQ1b Ab.IgG| |
LG1881-4 | Tetrasialylganglioside GQ1b Ab| |
LG23871-3 | Thallium| |
LG8930-2 | Thallium| |
LG251-5 | Theobroma cacao Ab.IgE| |
LG16069-3 | Theophylline| |
LG11823-8 | Thiamine| |
LG7088-0 | Thiamine| |
LG25230-0 | Thiethylperazine| |
LG12166-1 | Thiocyanate| |
LG50142-5 | Thiopurine methyltransferase| |
LG16484-4 | Thioridazine| |
LG7203-5 | Thiosulfate| |
LG22999-3 | Thyroglobulin Ab.IgG| |
LG21864-0 | Thyroglobulin Ab| |
LG15249-2 | Thyroglobulin Ab| |
LG5591-5 | Thyroperoxidase Ab.IgG| |
LG359-6 | Thyroperoxidase Ab| |
LG13390-6 | Thyroperoxidase Ab| |
LG22315-2 | Thyrotropin receptor Ab| |
LG3085-0 | Thyrotropin^pre dose TRH IV| |
LG11757-8 | Thyrotropin| |
LG11912-9 | Thyroxine binding globulin| |
LG12004-4 | Thyroxine.free| |
LG2976-1 | Thyroxine.free| |
LG12009-3 | Thyroxine| |
LG2977-9 | Thyroxine| |
LG51063-2 | TIF1-gamma Ab| |
LG23599-0 | Tin| |
LG12238-8 | Tissue transglutaminase Ab.IgA| |
LG14504-1 | Tissue transglutaminase Ab.IgA| |
LG13588-5 | Tissue transglutaminase Ab.IgG| |
LG24826-6 | Titanium| |
LG20243-8 | Titanium| |
LG51386-7 | Titin Ab| |
LG51428-7 | Titin Ab| |
LG18920-5 | Tizanidine| |
LG23635-2 | Toluene| |
LG5515-4 | Topiramate| |
LG858-7 | Tramadol| |
LG5521-2 | Trans nonachlor| |
LG51311-5 | Transferrin| |
LG173-1 | Triamterene| |
LG16719-3 | Triazolam| |
LG25237-5 | Trichlormethiazide| |
LG1976-2 | Trichloroacetate| |
LG1208-0 | Trichloroethane| |
LG1713-9 | Trichlorotrifluoroethane| |
LG590-6 | Tricyclic antidepressants| |
LG25239-1 | Trifluralin| |
LG5415-7 | Triglyceride^post CFst| |
LG9600-0 | Triglyceride| |
LG678-9 | Triglyceride| |
LG2982-9 | Triglyceride| |
LG11488-0 | Triiodothyronine.free| |
LG2984-5 | Triiodothyronine.free| |
LG11953-3 | Triiodothyronine| |
LG2986-0 | Triiodothyronine| |
LG844-7 | Trimeprazine| |
LG16399-4 | Trimethadione| |
LG16607-0 | Tripelennamine| |
LG26173-1 | Triticum aestivum pollen Ab.IgE| |
LG433-9 | Troponin I.cardiac| |
LG19584-8 | Troponin T.cardiac| |
LG13250-2 | Troponin T.cardiac| |
LG12108-3 | Trypsin| |
LG12212-3 | Tryptophan| |
LG6344-8 | Tryptophan| |
LG19648-1 | Tubular basement membrane Ab.IgG| |
LG1977-0 | Tumor necrosis factor.alpha| |
LG5548-5 | Tungsten| |
LG4061-0 | Turkey feather Ab.IgE| |
LG51495-6 | Turkey feather Ab.IgE| |
LG12217-2 | Tyrosine| |
LG5549-3 | Tyrosine| |
LG24688-0 | U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70kD Ab| |
LG21400-3 | U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70kD Ab| |
LG21924-2 | U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A Ab| |
LG15767-3 | U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Ab.IgG| |
LG51680-3 | U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Ab| |
LG21917-6 | U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein C Ab| |
LG51391-7 | Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase-L1| |
LG26021-2 | Ulmus americana Ab.IgE| |
LG27883-4 | Ulmus pumila Ab.IgE| |
LG6815-7 | Unidentified extractable nuclear Ab| |
LG17569-1 | Uranium dose assessment| |
LG4223-6 | Urate crystals| |
LG4212-9 | Urate dihydrate crystals| |
LG51310-7 | Urate| |
LG1670-1 | Urate| |
LG198-8 | Urea nitrogen^post dialysis| |
LG199-6 | Urea nitrogen^pre dialysis| |
LG12083-8 | Urea nitrogen/Creatinine| |
LG1314-6 | Urea nitrogen| |
LG697-9 | Urea nitrogen| |
LG2994-4 | Urea nitrogen| |
LG6460-2 | Urea| |
LG7767-9 | Urea| |
LG1334-4 | Urobilinogen| |
LG5836-4 | Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase| |
LG4756-5 | Uroporphyrinogen III synthase| |
LG50931-1 | Ursodeoxycholate| |
LG12500-1 | Valine| |
LG23673-3 | Vanadium| |
LG20253-7 | Vanadium| |
LG24800-1 | Vardenafil| |
LG25246-6 | Venlafaxine| |
LG12730-4 | Volatiles| |
LG50991-5 | Voltage-gated calcium channel N type binding Ab| |
LG50992-3 | Voltage-gated calcium channel PQ type binding Ab| |
LG51006-1 | Voltage-gated potassium channel Ab| |
LG18268-9 | Xylose absorption| |
LG145-9 | Xylose^1H post 25 g xylose PO| |
LG3009-0 | Xylose^1H post 25 g xylose PO| |
LG8418-8 | Xylose^1H post 5 g xylose PO| |
LG8422-0 | Xylose^1H post 5 g xylose PO| |
LG146-7 | Xylose^1H post dose xylose PO| |
LG8423-8 | Xylose^1H post dose xylose PO| |
LG147-5 | Xylose^2H post 25 g xylose PO| |
LG3010-8 | Xylose^2H post 25 g xylose PO| |
LG8419-6 | Xylose^2H post 5 g xylose PO| |
LG7661-4 | Xylose^2H post 5 g xylose PO| |
LG8420-4 | Xylose^2H post dose xylose PO| |
LG7662-2 | Xylose^2H post dose xylose PO| |
LG457-8 | Xylose^3H post 25 g xylose PO| |
LG458-6 | Xylose^4H post 25 g xylose PO| |
LG459-4 | Xylose^5H post 25 g xylose PO| |
LG460-2 | Xylose^baseline| |
LG11836-0 | Xylose| |
LG51765-2 | Yeast brewer's Ab.IgG| |
LG51426-1 | Zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 4 Ab| |
LG51425-3 | Zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 4 Ab| |
LG23959-6 | Zinc| |
LG10368-5 | Zinc| |
LG3012-4 | Zinc| |
LG14591-8 | Ziprasidone| |
LG25250-8 | Zolazepam| |
LG13727-9 | Zolmitriptan| |
LG26993-2 | Zolpidem| |
LG926-2 | Zomepirac| |
LOINC Copyright
Copyright © 2025 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See https://