Version 2.80

Maturity: Beta

  1. The LOINC Groups project is a work in progress. The contents of this file may change from release to release as we receive feedback from users and refine our processes.
  2. The contents of the file and the groupings MUST be validated by the user prior to implementation in any aspect of clinical care. We have created Groups that may be useful in specific contexts, but these Groups have not been vetted for use in either patient care or research and should be used with caution.
  3. More information on LOINC Groups is available on our website.

Basic Attributes

Version First Released
Pending promotion to Production status (Beta)
Parent Group
LG41762-2  SocialDeterminantsOfHealth
Group Category
Social determinants of health

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ValueSet definition
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LOINC terms in Group

LOINC Long Common Name
100202-1 Pre-op discretionary knee activities score [Knee Society Score]
100212-0 Post-op discretionary knee activities score [Knee Society Score]
100823-4 Initial portable medical treatment orders
100825-9 Medically assisted nutrition orders
100934-9 Personal safety panel [R-Outcomes]
100935-6 Personal safety score [R-Outcomes]
101337-4 Treatment preferences under certain health conditions [Reported]
101789-6 Malnutrition risk screening
101807-6 Malnutrition risk screen results indicator
101819-1 Nutritional assessment for malnutrition status
103981-7 Do you feel physically or emotionally unsafe where you currently live
103982-5 Do you have a food insecurity
103983-3 Do you have a housing insecurity
103986-6 Do you have a personal safety insecurity
11294-6 Current employment Narrative - Reported
28372-1 Financial situation is distressing [Living with HIV]
45738-2 Regular or repetitive complaints of hunger [Minimum Data Set]
46561-7 Current ability - transportation [OASIS]
52553-5 Language.primary is English
52556-8 Payment sources
54899-0 Preferred language
57712-2 Highest level of education Mother
62929-5 PhenX - perceived social support - conflict protocol 180701
62933-7 PhenX - social isolation protocol 181001
62944-4 PhenX - exposures to violence - adult protocol 181401
62945-1 PhenX - exposures to violence - child protocol 181402
63015-2 PhenX - discrimination protocol 210301
63017-8 PhenX - family conflict - intimate-relationship protocol 210401
63018-6 PhenX - family conflict - parent - child protocol 210402
63024-4 PhenX - healthy food environments protocol 210701
63027-7 Deprecated PhenX measure - neighborhood safety
63028-5 PhenX - neighborhood safety protocol 210901
63032-7 PhenX - social networks protocol 211101
63036-8 PhenX - neighborhood concentrated disadvantage protocol 211301
63504-5 What is the highest grade or level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received [NHANES]
63506-0 Was your total family income from all sources less than 50,000 dollars or 50,000 dollars or more [PhenX]
63507-8 Was your total family income from all sources less than 35,000 dollars or 35,000 dollars or more [PhenX]
63508-6 Was your total family income from all sources less than poverty threshold or more [PhenX]
63509-4 Was your total family income from all sources less than 100,000 dollars or 100,000 dollars or more [PhenX]
63510-2 Was your total family income from all sources less than 75,000 dollars or 75,000 dollars or more [PhenX]
63586-2 What was your best estimate of the total income of all family members from all sources, before taxes, in last year [PhenX]
63831-2 Has there been renovation or repairs in your workspace because of moisture damage [FEAS]
63832-0 What is the floor material in your workspace [FEAS]
63833-8 Floor material in your workspace if other [FEAS]
63834-6 Is the wall material of your work space textile, cloth, jute, etc [FEAS]
63835-3 Is the wall material of your work space plastic [FEAS]
63836-1 Has there been renovation or repairs in your home due to moisture damage [FEAS]
63837-9 Has there been renovation in your home during the past 12 months [FEAS]
63838-7 Which of the following repairs was done in your home during the past 12 months [FEAS]
63839-5 Do you have wall-to-wall carpeting in your home [FEAS]
63840-3 Is the floor material in your home plastic or vinyl [FEAS]
63841-1 Is the wall material in your home textile, cloth, jute, etc [FEAS]
63842-9 Is the wall material in your home plastic [FEAS]
64035-9 Repair done in your home during the past 12 months if other [FEAS]
65464-0 I did not feel like eating, I wasn't very hungry [CES-DC]
66357-5 Many shops, stores, markets, or other places to buy things I need are within easy walking distance of my home [PhenX]
66362-5 The crime rate in my neighborhood makes it unsafe to go on walks at night [PhenX]
67040-6 Your rent or mortgage is too much [PhenX]
67050-5 You are looking for a job and can't find the one you want [PhenX]
67089-3 You don't have enough money to buy the things you or your kids need [PhenX]
67597-5 A large selection of fresh fruits and vegetables is available in my neighborhood [PhenX]
67598-3 A large selection of low-fat products is available in my neighborhood [PhenX]
67611-4 I feel safe walking in my neighborhood, day or night [PhenX]
67613-0 My neighborhood is safe from crime [PhenX]
67784-9 Individuals below poverty line Neighborhood [PhenX]
67785-6 Individuals on public assistance Neighborhood [PhenX]
67786-4 Female-headed households Neighborhood [PhenX]
67787-2 Unemployed Neighborhood [PhenX]
67788-0 Less than age 18 Neighborhood [PhenX]
67789-8 Black Neighborhood [PhenX]
67875-5 Employment status - current
68503-2 How well do you speak English [SAMHSA]
68505-7 Current occupational status [SAMHSA]
68506-5 What is the highest grade or level of schooling you completed [SAMHSA]
68507-3 Did you ever serve on active duty in the armed forces of the U.S. [SAMHSA]
68510-7 How many times a week did you eat fast food or snacks or pizza in past 7 days [SAMHSA]
68511-5 How many servings of fruits-vegetables did you eat each day in past 7 days [SAMHSA]
71802-3 Housing status
74186-8 Health insurance funding was provided
75274-1 Characteristics of residence
75706-2 During the past 2 weeks, was someone available to help you if you needed and wanted help [COOP.WONCA]
75802-9 During the past 4 weeks, was someone available to help you if you needed and wanted help [COOP]
76437-3 Primary insurance
76499-3 Humiliation, Afraid, Rape, and Kick questionnaire [HARK]
76506-5 Social connection and isolation panel
76511-5 Do you belong to any clubs or organizations such as church groups unions, fraternal or athletic groups, or school groups [NHANES III]
76513-1 How hard is it for you to pay for the very basics like food, housing, medical care, and heating
77234-3 How often in the past 12 months would you say the patient was worried or stressed about having enough money to buy nutritious meals [BRFSS]
77244-2 Total combined household income range in last year
79060-0 Are you able to receive a call on a cell phone [PROMIS]
80913-7 Highest level of education [US Standard Certificate of Death]
82144-7 Did you live with anyone who served time or was sentenced to serve time in a prison, jail, or other correctional facility--before 18 years old [ACE.BRFSS]
82152-0 BRFSS ACE Module [ACE.BRFSS]
82589-3 Highest level of education
82590-1 Years of education [#] - Reported
82813-7 Adverse Childhood Experiences [ACE]
82818-6 Physical neglect--before 18 years old [ACE]
82823-6 Criminal household member--before 18 years old [ACE]
83322-8 Home environment safety and stability [PCAM]
83324-4 Social network [PCAM]
83334-3 Social environmental panel [PCAM]
83336-8 Health literacy and communication panel [PCAM]
83337-6 Understand health and well-being and what they need to do to manage their health [PCAM]
83338-4 Can engage in healthcare discussions [PCAM]
85450-5 Health literacy and communication total [ePCAM]
85451-3 Health literacy and communication domain risk level [ePCAM]
85460-4 Social environmental panel [ePCAM]
85461-2 Home environment safety and stability - visual analog rating [ePCAM]
85463-8 Social network - visual analog rating [ePCAM]
85465-3 Health literacy and communication panel [ePCAM]
85466-1 Understand health and well-being and what they need to do to manage their health - visual analog rating [ePCAM]
85467-9 Can engage in healthcare discussions - visual analog rating [ePCAM]
87300-0 Highest level of education Father
87303-4 Mother WIC food recipient
87535-1 Challenges to maintaining treatments or health behaviors
88121-9 Hunger Vital Sign [HVS]
88122-7 Within the past 12 months we worried whether our food would run out before we got money to buy more [U.S. FSS]
88123-5 Within the past 12 months the food we bought just didn't last and we didn't have money to get more [U.S. FSS]
88124-3 Food insecurity risk [HVS]
89088-9 WIC services recipient
89565-6 Housing status [CUBS]
89567-2 Food insecurity status [CUBS]
89569-8 Access to transportation/mobility status [CUBS]
90019-1 My current treatment meets my expectations [PsoSat]
90020-9 I am satisfied with the treatment
90021-7 I wish for a better treatment [PsoSat]
90022-5 There has been no progress in my treatment for quite some time [PsoSat]
90024-1 The current treatment has been going on for too long without success [PsoSat]
90025-8 The treatment itself is putting a great strain on me [PsoSat]
90026-6 I am dependent on other people's assistance for my treatment [PsoSat]
91387-1 Has valid driver license
91388-9 Has automobile available for use
91570-2 Employment net income in past 30 days
91642-9 Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey panel [MOS Social Support Survey]
91648-6 Tangible support score [MOS Social Support Survey]
91653-6 How often is the following kind of support available to you if you need it - someone to take you to the doctor if you needed it [MOS Social Support Survey]
91658-5 How often is the following kind of support available to you if you need it - someone to prepare your meals if you were unable to do it yourself [MOS Social Support Survey]
91662-7 How often is the following kind of support available to you if you need it - someone who understands your problems [MOS Social Support Survey]
91663-5 Social support index [MOS Social Support Survey]
92257-5 Number of visits with usual provider 12 months
92274-0 Rules for using smoked tobacco products inside home
92278-1 Lived with someone who smoked regularly inside the home during childhood
92279-9 Rules for using smokeless tobacco products inside home
92657-6 Age when first fed formula
92661-8 Age when first fed something other than breast milk or formula
93026-3 Do you feel physically and emotionally safe where you currently live [PRAPARE]
93028-9 Have you spent more than 2 nights in a row in a jail, prison, detention center, or juvenile correctional facility in past 1 year [PRAPARE]
93029-7 How often do you see or talk to people that you care about and feel close to [PRAPARE]
93030-5 Has lack of transportation kept you from medical appointments, meetings, work, or from getting things needed for daily living
93031-3 Have you or any family members you live with been unable to get any of the following when it was really needed in past 1 year [PRAPARE]
93033-9 Are you worried about losing your housing [PRAPARE]
93035-4 Has season or migrant farm work been your or your family's main source of income at any point in past 2 years [PRAPARE]
93038-8 Stress level
93041-2 Money and resources [PRAPARE]
93045-3 Carbon monoxide [Mass/volume] in Air
93069-3 Are you feeling bothered, upset, or worried at this point in your pregnancy about whether the baby might be affected by alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs that you have taken [NuPDQ]
93072-7 Are you feeling bothered, upset, or worried at this point in your pregnancy about paying for the baby's clothes, food, or medical care [NuPDQ]
93107-1 During the past 4 weeks, I am content with my current income [Quality of Working Life Questionnaire for Cancer Survivors]
93668-2 Did you or others you live with eat smaller meals or skip meals because you didn't have money for food in the past 2 months [WellRx]
93669-0 Are you homeless or worried that you might be in the future [WellRx]
93670-8 Do you have trouble paying for your gas or electricity bills [WellRx]
93671-6 Do you have trouble finding or paying for transportation [WellRx]
93672-4 Do you need daycare, or better daycare, for your kids [WellRx]
93673-2 Are you unemployed or without regular income [WellRx]
93674-0 Do you need help finding a better job [WellRx]
93675-7 Do you need help getting more education [WellRx]
93676-5 Are you concerned about someone in your home using drugs or alcohol [WellRx]
93677-3 Do you need help with legal issues
93678-1 Have you been at the emergency department more than twice in the last 6 months [WellRx]
93680-7 Hospitalized in the last 6 months
93682-3 Do you feel unsafe in your daily life [WellRx]
93683-1 Is anyone in your home threatening or abusing you [WellRx]
94049-4 The care I get in this practice is informed by knowledge of my community [PCPCM]
94050-2 Over time, my practice helps me to stay healthy [PCPCM]
94066-8 Person-Centered Primary Care Measure [PCPCM]
95246-5 U.S. Household Food Security Survey [U.S. FSS]
95247-3 Which of these statements best describes the food eaten in your household in the last 12 months [U.S. FSS]
95248-1 In the last 12 months, we couldn't afford to eat balanced meals [U.S. FSS]
95249-9 In the last 12 months, did you ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food [U.S. FSS]
95250-7 In the last 12 months, how often did you cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food [U.S. FSS]
95251-5 In the last 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food [U.S. FSS]
95252-3 In the last 12 months, were you ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food [U.S. FSS]
95253-1 In the last 12 months, did you lose weight because there wasn't enough money for food [U.S. FSS]
95254-9 In the last 12 months, did you ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food [U.S. FSS]
95255-6 In the last 12 months, how often did you not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food [U.S. FSS]
95256-4 In the last 12 months, I relied on only a few kinds of low-cost food to feed my children because I was running out of money to buy food [U.S. FSS]
95257-2 In the last 12 months, I couldn't feed my children a balanced meal, because I couldn't afford that [U.S. FSS]
95258-0 In the last 12 months, my children were not eating enough because I just couldn't afford enough food [U.S. FSS]
95259-8 In the last 12 months, did any of the children ever skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food [U.S. FSS]
95260-6 In the last 12 months, how often did any of the children skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food [U.S. FSS]
95261-4 In the last 12 months, were the children ever hungry but you just couldn't afford more food [U.S. FSS]
95262-2 In the last 12 months, did any of the children ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food [U.S. FSS]
95263-0 U.S. Household Food Security Survey Score [U.S. FSS]
95264-8 Food security status [U.S. FSS]
95265-5 In the last 12 months, did you ever cut the size of any of the children's meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food [U.S. FSS]
95353-9 U.S. Adult Food Security Survey [U.S. FSS]
95361-2 U.S. Household Food Security Survey - Six-Item Short Form [U.S. FSS]
95378-6 U.S. Adult Food Security Survey Score [U.S. FSS]
95379-4 U.S. Household Food Security Survey - Six-Item Short Form Score [U.S. FSS]
95387-7 Safe Environment for Every Kid Impression Caregiver [SEEK]
95391-9 Has a partner threatened, shoved, hit or kicked you or hurt you physically in any way in the past 3 months Caregiver [SEEK]
95395-0 Do you often feel under extreme stress Caregiver [SEEK]
95399-2 Within the past 12 months the food we bought just didn't last and we didn't have money to get more Caregiver [U.S. FSS]
95400-8 Within the past 12 months we worried whether our food would run out before we got money to buy more Caregiver [U.S. FSS]
95403-2 Safe Environment for Every Kid parent questionnaire - revised [SEEK] Caregiver
95606-0 Stress level - 0-10 numeric rating [Score] 24 hour maximum
95614-4 Total score [HITS]
95615-1 Scream or curse at you
95616-9 Threaten you with physical harm
95617-7 Insult you or talk down to you
95618-5 Physically hurt you
95619-3 Hurts, insults, threatens, and screams [HITS]
95866-0 BRIEF health literacy screening tool [BRIEF]
96433-8 Would like help finding daycare for child Caregiver
96434-6 Always has enough food for family Caregiver
96435-3 At risk of having utilities shut off in the next week Caregiver
96436-1 Trouble paying heating bill AndOr electricity bill Caregiver
96437-9 Needs help getting food for family for tonight Caregiver
96438-7 Would like help getting food for family Caregiver
96439-5 Emergent risk of becoming homeless Caregiver
96440-3 Would like help for being at risk of becoming homeless Caregiver
96441-1 At risk of becoming homeless Caregiver
96442-9 Needs daycare for child Caregiver
96443-7 Would like help finding employment AndOr job training Caregiver
96444-5 Has a job Caregiver
96445-2 Would like help to get a GED Caregiver
96446-0 High school degree Caregiver
96447-8 WE CARE Survey [WE CARE] Caregiver
96575-6 During the last month did you not eat for a whole day because your family didn't have enough money for food [U.S. FSS - Child]
96576-4 U.S. Child Food Security Survey [U.S. FSS - Child]
96577-2 During the last month were you hungry but didn't eat because your family didn't have enough food [U.S. FSS - Child]
96578-0 U.S. Child Food Security Survey Score [U.S. FSS - Child]
96579-8 During the last month did you have to skip a meal because your family didn't have enough money for food [U.S. FSS - Child]
96580-6 During the last month has the size of your meals been cut because your family didn't have enough money for food [U.S. FSS - Child]
96581-4 During the last month did you have to eat less because your family didn't have enough money to buy food [U.S. FSS - Child]
96582-2 During the last month how often were you not able to eat a balanced meal because your family didn't have enough money [U.S. FSS - Child]
96583-0 During the last month did your meals only include a few kinds of cheap foods because your family was running out of money to buy food [U.S. FSS - Child]
96584-8 During the last month did the food that your family bought run out, and you didn't have money to get more [U.S. FSS - Child]
96585-5 During the last month did you worry that food at home would run out before your family got money to buy more [U.S. FSS - Child]
96743-0 Cannot read or write in primary language
96747-1 Service provided in a language other than English
96749-7 Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations enabling services and social intervention panel AAPCHO
96753-9 Would like help with paying heating AndOr electricity bill Caregiver
96778-6 Problems with place where you live
96780-2 Wants help finding or keeping work or a job
96781-0 Able to get help with daily activities when needed
96782-8 Wants help with school or training
96876-8 People of my race/ethnicity are more likely to lose their job because of the coronavirus [CRBS]
96880-0 People of my race/ethnicity will not receive coronavirus healthcare as good as the care received by other groups [CRBS]
96951-9 Social determinants of health panel [R-Outcomes]
97060-8 Vegetable AndOr fruit frequency
98068-0 Difficulty communicating in usual language
98078-9 Difficulty reading or writing
98079-7 Do you need any additional assistance or accommodations during your visit
98094-6 Total score [RUDAS]
98155-5 Number of children under the age of 14 living in household
98161-3 Monthly household net income
98917-8 WHO Quality of life-BREF [WHOQOL_BREF]
98967-3 Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 panel
98975-6 Children's Health Watch Housing Stability Vital Signs
99549-8 Health Leads screening panel
99550-6 Worried about housing stability in next 2 months
99553-0 Went without health care due to lack of transportation in last 12 months
99554-8 Personal needs are urgent
99555-5 Want assistance with personal needs