Version 2.79

Basic Properties

NEMSIS_56_primary symptom
Tachycardia, unspecified/Bradycardia, unspecified/Palpitations/Gangrene, not elsewhere classified/Elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertension, etc- PRIMARY SYMPTOM

Answer List

Code System
Code System OID
Link to External List
Answer Code Score Answer ID
Tachycardia, unspecified 2809175 LA17604-2
Bradycardia, unspecifiedCopyright ID:48867003 Bradycardia (finding) 2809025 LA17605-9
Palpitations 2809137 LA16997-1
Gangrene, not elsewhere classified 2809071 LA17606-7
Elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertension 2809059 LA17607-5
Nonspecific low blood-pressure reading 2809113 LA17608-3
Hemorrhage from respiratory passages 2809079 LA17609-1
Cough 2809039 LA16122-6
Abnormalities of breathing 2809007 LA17610-9
DyspneaCopyright ID:267036007 dyspnea (finding) 2809055 LA17611-7
StridorCopyright ID:70407001 stridor (finding) 2809167 LA17612-5
WheezingCopyright ID:56018004 wheezing (finding) 2809189 LA16125-9
Hyperventilation 2809091 LA17613-3
Other and unspecified abnormalities of breathing including choking sensation 2809115 LA17614-1
Pain in throat and chest 2809127 LA17615-8
Pain in throat 2809129 LA17616-6
Chest pain on breathing 2809031 LA17617-4
Precordial pain 2809149 LA17618-2
Other chest pain 2809117 LA17619-0
Chest pain, unspecified 2809033 LA17620-8
Asphyxia 2809017 LA17621-6
Pleurisy 2809147 LA17622-4
Respiratory arrest 2809153 LA9547-6
Other specified symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems (rales) 2809123 LA17623-2
Acute abdomen 2809011 LA17624-0
Pain localized to upper abdomen 2809133 LA17625-7
Pelvic and perineal pain 2809143 LA17626-5
Pain localized to other parts of lower abdomen 2809131 LA17627-3
Nausea and vomiting 2809109 LA17628-1
Heartburn 2809077 LA17629-9
Dysphagia 2809051 LA17630-7
Flatulence and related conditions abdominal distension (gaseous) 2809067 LA17631-5
Fecal incontinence 2809063 LA17632-3
Hepatomegaly, not elsewhere classified 2809085 LA17633-1
Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified 2809161 LA17634-9
Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified 2809083 LA17635-6
Unspecified jaundice 2809181 LA17636-4
Ascites 2809015 LA17637-2
Intra-abdominal and pelvic swelling, mass and lump 2809097 LA17638-0
Abnormal bowel sounds 2809001 LA17639-8
Anesthesia of skin 2809013 LA17640-6
Hypoesthesia of skin 2809093 LA17641-4
Paresthesia of skin 2809141 LA17642-2
Hyperesthesia 2809089 LA17643-0
Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption 2809151 LA17644-8
Localized swelling, mass and lump of skin and subcutaneous tissue 2809103 LA17645-5
Cyanosis 2809043 LA17646-3
Pallor 2809135 LA17647-1
Flushing 2809069 LA17648-9
Spontaneous ecchymoses (petechiae) 2809163 LA17649-7
Changes in skin texture (desquamation or induration) 2809029 LA17650-5
Abnormal involuntary movements 2809005 LA17651-3
Abnormal head movements 2809003 LA17652-1
Tremor, unspecified 2809177 LA17653-9
Cramp and spasm 2809041 LA17654-7
Fasciculation 2809061 LA17655-4
Ataxic gait 2809021 LA17656-2
Paralytic gait 2809139 LA17657-0
Difficulty in walking, not elsewhere classified 2809045 LA17658-8
Ataxia, unspecified 2809019 LA17659-6
Meningismus 2809107 LA17660-4
DysuriaCopyright ID:49650001 dysuria (finding) 2809057 LA17661-2
Unspecified hematuria 2809179 LA17662-0
Unspecified urinary incontinence 2809183 LA17663-8
Retention of urine 2809157 LA17664-6
Urethral discharge 2809185 LA17665-3
StuporCopyright ID:89458003 stupor (finding) 2809169 LA17666-1
Coma, unspecified 2809037 LA17667-9
Disorientation, unspecified 2809047 LA17668-7
Dizziness and giddiness including vertigo 2809049 LA17669-5
Auditory hallucinations 2809023 LA17670-3
Visual hallucinations 2809187 LA17671-1
Other hallucinations 2809119 LA17672-9
Nervousness 2809111 LA17673-7
Restlessness and agitation 2809155 LA17674-5
Irritability and anger 2809099 LA17675-2
Hostility 2809087 LA17676-0
Physical violence 2809145 LA17677-8
State of emotional shock and stress, unspecified 2809165 LA17678-6
Other symptoms and signs involving emotional state (suicidal ideation) 2809125 LA17679-4
Symptoms and signs involving appearance and behaviour 2809171 LA17680-2
Dysphasia and aphasia 2809053 LA17681-0
Fever, unspecified 2809065 LA17682-8
Headache 2809075 LA15903-0
Acute pain 2809011 LA17683-6
Chronic intractable pain 2809035 LA17684-4
Malaise and fatigue 2809105 LA17685-1
Syncope and collapse seizure (convulsive) 2809173 LA17686-9
Cardiogenic shock 2809027 LA17687-7
Hypovolemic shock 2809095 LA17688-5
Shock, unspecified 2809159 LA17689-3
Hemorrhage, not elsewhere classified 2809081 LA17690-1
Localized edema (peripheral) 2809101 LA17691-9
Generalized edema 2809073 LA17692-7
Other specified general symptoms and signs 2809121 LA17693-5

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