HadNoPain(1),Nev,AlmNev,Sometimes,Oft,Al Always(6)
Basic Properties
- Name
- HadNoPain(1),Nev,AlmNev,Sometimes,Oft,Al Always(6)
- Description
- Answers: 6; Scale: Ord; Code: 1-6; Score: 1-6
- LOINCs using this list
- 94
Answer List
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Had no pain | 1 | LA13879-4 | |
Never | 2 | LA6270-8 | |
Almost never | 3 | LA13866-1 | |
Sometimes | 4 | LA10082-8 | |
Often | 5 | LA10044-8 | |
Almost always | 6 | LA13865-3 |
LOINC terms using this Answer List
91948-0 | When I was in pain I argued with people in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91971-2 | When I was in pain I asked for help getting around in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91978-7 | When I was in pain I asked for help with doing things in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91969-6 | When I was in pain I asked for medicine in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91960-5 | When I was in pain I asked people to bring me things (food, games) in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91977-9 | When I was in pain I asked people to let me be by myself in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91950-6 | When I was in pain I asked to see a doctor in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91954-8 | When I was in pain I avoided lifting or carrying heavy things in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91961-3 | When I was in pain I avoided standing in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91947-2 | When I was in pain I avoided using the part of my body that hurt in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91972-0 | When I was in pain I became quiet in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91951-4 | When I was in pain I complained in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91959-7 | When I was in pain I couldn't stay still in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91975-3 | When I was in pain I cried in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91966-2 | When I was in pain I didn't let anyone touch me in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91962-1 | When I was in pain I didn't want anyone to touch me in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91937-3 | When I was in pain I felt my body get tense in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91963-9 | When I was in pain I got angry at people in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91945-6 | When I was in pain I got mad and threw or hit something in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91955-5 | When I was in pain I had to stop what I was doing in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91938-1 | When I was in pain I lay down in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91973-8 | When I was in pain I limped in the past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91964-7 | When I was in pain I moved slower in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91949-8 | When I was in pain I pulled away if someone touched me where it hurt in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91965-4 | When I was in pain I rubbed my body where it hurt in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91946-4 | When I was in pain I said mean words to people in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91944-9 | When I was in pain I sighed in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91970-4 | When I was in pain I stayed away from other people in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91953-0 | When I was in pain I stayed near to someone who cares about me in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91967-0 | When I was in pain I talked about my pain in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91968-8 | When I was in pain I tightened my jaw in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91942-3 | When I was in pain I told people I couldn't do my usual chores in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91943-1 | When I was in pain I took breaks from what I was doing in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91979-5 | When I was in pain I tried not to move in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91952-2 | When I was in pain I tried to rest or relax in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91957-1 | When I was in pain I tried to think of something nice or fun in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91974-6 | When I was in pain I used something for support (cane, crutches, wheelchair) to move from place to place in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91958-9 | When I was in pain I was restless in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91956-3 | When I was in pain I went to sleep in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91976-1 | When I was in pain I yelled for someone to help me in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91941-5 | When I was in pain it showed on my face in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91188-3 | When my child was in pain he or she argued with people in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91162-8 | When my child was in pain he or she asked for help getting around in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91154-5 | When my child was in pain he or she asked for help with doing things in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91165-1 | When my child was in pain he or she asked for medicine in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91200-6 | When my child was in pain he or she asked for someone to help him or her in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91176-8 | When my child was in pain he or she asked people to bring him or her things (food, games) in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91155-2 | When my child was in pain he or she asked people to let him or her be by himself or herself in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91186-7 | When my child was in pain he or she asked to see a doctor in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91182-6 | When my child was in pain he or she avoided lifting or carrying heavy things in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91175-0 | When my child was in pain he or she avoided standing in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91189-1 | When my child was in pain he or she avoided using the part of his or her body that hurt in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91161-0 | When my child was in pain he or she became quiet in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91185-9 | When my child was in pain he or she complained in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91177-6 | When my child was in pain he or she couldn't stay still in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91158-6 | When my child was in pain he or she cried in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91170-1 | When my child was in pain he or she didn't let anyone touch him or her in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91174-3 | When my child was in pain he or she didn't want anyone to touch him or her in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91202-2 | When my child was in pain he or she felt his or her body get tense in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91173-5 | When my child was in pain he or she got angry at people in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91191-7 | When my child was in pain he or she got mad and threw or hit something in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91163-6 | When my child was in pain he or she groaned in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91192-5 | When my child was in pain he or she had a fixed or dazed expression in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91194-1 | When my child was in pain he or she had circles under his or her eyes in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91193-3 | When my child was in pain he or she had tears in his or her eyes in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91181-8 | When my child was in pain he or she had to stop what he or she was doing in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91201-4 | When my child was in pain he or she lay down in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91160-2 | When my child was in pain he or she limped in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91172-7 | When my child was in pain he or she moved slower in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91156-0 | When my child was in pain he or she moved stiffly in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91167-7 | When my child was in pain he or she protected the part of his or her body that hurt in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91187-5 | When my child was in pain he or she pulled away if someone touched him or her where it hurt in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91171-9 | When my child was in pain he or she rubbed his or her body where it hurt in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91190-9 | When my child was in pain he or she said mean words to people in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91166-9 | When my child was in pain he or she screamed in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91195-8 | When my child was in pain he or she sighed in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91164-4 | When my child was in pain he or she stayed away from other people in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91183-4 | When my child was in pain he or she stayed near to someone who cares about him or her in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91169-3 | When my child was in pain he or she talked about his or her pain in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91168-5 | When my child was in pain he or she tightened his or her jaw in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91197-4 | When my child was in pain he or she told people he or she couldn't do his or her usual chores in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91199-0 | When my child was in pain he or she told people he or she couldn't do things with them in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91196-6 | When my child was in pain he or she took breaks from what he or she was doing in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91152-9 | When my child was in pain he or she tried not to move in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91184-2 | When my child was in pain he or she tried to rest or relax in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91179-2 | When my child was in pain he or she tried to think of something nice or fun in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91159-4 | When my child was in pain he or she used something for support (cane, crutches, wheelchair) to move from place to place in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91178-4 | When my child was in pain he or she was restless in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91180-0 | When my child was in pain he or she went to sleep in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91157-8 | When my child was in pain he or she yelled for someone to help him or her in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91153-7 | When my child was in pain his or her face looked sad in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91198-2 | When my child was in pain it showed on his or her face in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY] |
91939-9 | WhenI was in pain I asked for someone to help me in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
91940-7 | WhenI was in pain I told people I couldn't do things with them in past 7 days [PROMIS] |
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//fhir.loinc.org/ValueSet/?url=http: //loinc.org/vs/LL5207-7 - ValueSet expansion
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LOINC Copyright
Copyright © 2025 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See https://