Version 2.80


Carbapenems are stable to AmpC β-lactamases and extended-spectrum-β-lactamases. Carbapenemases are a diverse group of b-lactamases that are active not only against the oxyimino-cephalosporins and cephamycins but also against the carbapenems. Aztreonam is stable to the metallo-β-lactamases but many IMP and VIM producers are resistant, owing to other mechanisms. Carbapenemases were formerly believed to derive only from classes A, B, and D, but a class C carbapenemase has been described.

IMP-type carbapenemases (one of the metallo-β-lactamases)(class B): Plasmid-mediated IMP-type carbapenemases, 17 varieties of which are currently known, found in enteric Gram-negative organisms, Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter species.

VIM (Verona integron-encoded metallo-β-lactamase): A second growing family of carbapenemases, the VIM family, VIM enzymes occur mostly in P. aeruginosa, also P. putidaand, very rarely, Enterobacteriaceae.

Both IMP and VIM hydrolyse all β-lactams except monobactams, and evade all β-lactam inhibitors.

OXA (oxacillinase) group of β-lactamases (Class D): The OXA group of β-lactamases occur mainly in Acinetobacter species and are divided into two clusters. OXA carbapenemases hydrolyse carbapenems very slowly in vitro, and the high MICs seen for some Acinetobacter hosts (>64 mg/L) may reflect secondary mechanisms. They are sometimes augmented in clinical isolates by additional resistance mechanisms, such as impermeability or efflux. OXA carbapenemases also tend to have a reduced hydrolytic efficiency towards penicillins and cephalosporins.

KPC (K. pneumoniae carbapenemase) (Class A): A few class A enzymes, most noted the plasmid-mediated KPC enzymes, are effective carbapenemases as well. Ten variants, KPC-2 through KPC-11 are known, and they are distinguished by one or two amino-acid substitutions

The class A Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) is currently the most common carbapenemase.

CMY (Class C): The first class C carbapenemase was described in 2006 and was isolated from a virulent strain of Enterobacter aerogenes. It is carried on a plasmid, pYMG-1, and is therefore transmissible to other bacterial strains. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , Wikipedia

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Carbapenem resistance genes
Part Display Name
Carbapenem resistance genes
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
CPR genes

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Tag Language Translation
it-IT Italian (Italy) Geni carbapenem resistenti
Synonyms: Geni carbapenem resistenti
zh-CN Chinese (China) 碳青霉烯类耐药基因
Synonyms: 碳青霉烯类(碳青霉烯类抗生素、碳青霉烯)耐药基因;碳青霉烯酶(碳青黴烯酶、碳青霉烯水解酶)耐药(抗性、耐性、耐药性、抗药、抗药性、耐受、耐药型)基因;碳青霉烯酶耐药基因类;碳青霉烯酶耐药基因
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Karbapenemaz direnç genleri
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Карбапенемаза резистентность гены
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Genes de resistencia a carbapenamos
fr-BE French (Belgium) Gène de résistance à Carbapénémase
fr-CA French (Canada) Gène de résistance à Carbapénème
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) carbapenemresistentie-genen
el-GR Greek (Greece) Γονίδια ανθεκτικότητας στη καρβαπενέμη
Synonyms: Γονίδια ανθεκτικότητας στη καρβαπενέμη