Version 2.78


The UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale is a 45-item self-report questionnaire that was designed to measure impulsivity across dimensions of the Five Factor Model of personality. The UPPS includes 4 sub-scales: lack of premediation, urgency, lack of perseverance, and sensation-seeking.

UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale (UPPS-P) is a revised version of the UPPS, including 59 items. It assesses an additional personality pathway to impulsive behavior, Positive Urgency, in addition to the four pathways assessed in the original version of the scale: Urgency (now Negative Urgency), (lack of) Premeditation, (lack of) Perseverance, and Sensation Seeking. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, UPPS and UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scales

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Part Name
Part Display Name
Urgency, Perseverance, Premeditation, Sensation Seeking-Positive Urgency-Impulsive Behavior Scale
Part Type
Method (Describes the method by which the test was performed)
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Tag Language Translation
it-IT Italian (Italy) UPPS-P
Synonyms: Urgency, Perseverance, Premeditation, Sensation Seeking-Positive Urgency-Impulsive Behavior Scale
zh-CN Chinese (China) UPPS-P 法
Synonyms: UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale for Children;UPPS 儿童冲动行为量表;UPPS 兒童衝動行為量表;urgency, premeditation, perseverance, sensation seeking, and positive urgency;急迫性(急迫、紧迫、紧迫性,负面紧迫性,负面急迫性,负性紧迫性,负性急迫性,消极紧迫性,消极急迫性),缺乏预先策划(预谋、预先考虑),缺乏毅力(韧性、不屈不挠的精神、坚持不懈的精神),寻求感觉(寻求快感、快感