Version 2.79


Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus (VSIV, formerly Indiana 1) and Vesicular stomatitis New Jersey virus (VSNJV) are members of the Vesiculovirus genera of the Rhabdovirus family. They are primarily zoonotic viruses that affect cattle, horses and pigs. Natural VSIV infections encompass two steps, cytolytic infections of mammalian hosts and transmission by insects. The genome is a single molecule of negative-sense RNA that encodes five major proteins: glycoprotein (G), matrix protein (M), nucleoprotein, large protein (L) and phosphoprotein. Half the genome encodes the L protein, which combines with the phosphoprotein to catalyze replication of the mRNA. Other members of the Vesiculovirus genera include Cocal virus (formerly Indiana 2) and Vesicular stomatitis Alagoas virus (formerly Indiana 3). Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , Vesicular stomatitis virus Indiana (Wikipedia)

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Vesicular stomatitis New Jersey virus
Part Display Name
Vesicular stomatitis New Jersey virus
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 水泡性口炎病毒 New Jersey 型
Synonyms: VS;VSNJV;水泡性口炎病毒新泽西型
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus de la estomatitis vesicular de New Jersey
it-IT Italian (Italy) Stomatite vescicolare, virus del New Jersey
Synonyms: Virus del New Jersey della stomatite vescicolare
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Veziküler stomatit New Jersey virüsü
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Везикулярного стоматита Нью-Джерси вирус
fr-BE French (Belgium) Virus de la stomatite vésiculaire, type New Jersey
fr-CA French (Canada) Virus de la stomatite vésiculaire, type New Jersey
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) vesiculaire stomatitis New Jersey virus
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus pęcherzykowatego zapalenia jamy ustnej typ New Jersey
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ιός φυσαλιδώδους στοματίτιδας ορότυπος New Jersey
Synonyms: Ιός φυσαλιδώδους στοματίτιδας ορότυπος New Jersey