Version 2.80


HIV-1 is the most common and pathogenic strain of the virus. Scientists divide HIV-1 into a major group (Group M) and two or more minor groups. Each group is believed to represent an independent transmission of SIV into humans (but subtypes within a group are not). With 'M' for "major", the M group is by far the most common type of HIV, with more than 90% of HIV/AIDS cases deriving from infection with HIV-1 group M. The M group is subdivided further into clades, called subtypes, that are also given a letter. There are also "circulating recombinant forms" or CRFs derived from recombination between viruses of different subtypes which are each given a number. CRF12_BF, for example, is a recombination between subtypes B and F. Subtype A is common in West Africa. Subtype B is the dominant form in Europe, the Americas, Japan, Thailand, and Australia. Subtype C is the dominant form in Southern Africa, India, and Nepal. Subtype D is generally only seen in Eastern and central Africa. (Subtype E) has never been identified as a nonrecombinant, only recombined with subtype A as CRF01_AE. Subtype F has been found in central Africa, South America and Eastern Europe. Subtype G (and the CRF02_AG) have been found in Africa and central Europe. Subtype H is limited to central Africa. (Subtype I) was originally used to describe a strain that is now accounted for as CRF04_cpx, with the cpx for a "complex" recombination of several subtypes. Subtype J is primarily found in North, Central and West Africa, and the Caribbean Subtype K is limited to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Cameroon. These subtypes are sometimes further split into sub-subtypes such as A1 and A2 or F1 and F2. This is not thought to be a complete or final list, and further types are likely to be found. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , Wikipedia

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Part Name
HIV 1 subtype
Part Display Name
HIV 1 subtype
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Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
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Construct for LOINC Short Name
HIV 1 subtype

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Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) VIH subtipo1
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) HIV 1 подтип
zh-CN Chinese (China) HIV 1 型亚型
Synonyms: 人免疫缺陷病毒 1 亚型;人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 亚型;人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 亚型;HIV 1 型(人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人类免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 1 型、人免疫缺陷病毒 I 型、HIV I、HIV I 型、艾滋病病毒 I 型)亚型
it-IT Italian (Italy) HIV 1, sottotipo
Synonyms: Sottotipo HIV 1
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) HIV 1 alttipi
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) HIV 1 subtype
pl-PL Polish (Poland) HIV 1 podtyp
Synonyms: Podtyp ludzkiego wirusa niedoboru odporności typu 1
el-GR Greek (Greece) Υποτύπος ιού της ανθρώπινης ανοσοανεπάρκειας 1
Synonyms: Υποτύπος ιού της ανθρώπινης ανοσοανεπάρκειας 1