Version 2.80


Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) risk refers to the fetus's risk of being affected by PWS. The risk for the fetus can be derived from the general population risk as well as prenatal genetic testing of fetal DNA. PWS is caused by the functional loss of several genes on chromosome 15. Normally, only the paternal copy of these genes is active due to genomic imprinting, and in PWS, the paternal copy of these genes is missing. The genetic basis for PWS is the inverse of the basis for Angelman syndrome, in which the maternal copy of a specific gene on chromosome 15 is missing. About 70% of PWS cases are due to the deletion of a portion of the paternal chromosome 15, and another 25% are due to the presence of two maternal chromosome 15 copies (called uniparental disomy, meaning two copies from one parent) instead of one maternal and one paternal.
PWS is associated with different characteristics over time. Infants with PWS have poor growth, developmental delay, and weak muscle tone. Children with PWS develop a compulsion to eat, which leads to obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. PWS is associated with mild to moderate cognitive delay, behavior problems, characteristic facial features, and delayed puberty. The general population risk of PWS is about 1 in 10,000 - 30,000 live births, and does not change with maternal age. [MedlinePlus Condition: prader-willi-syndrome] Source: Regenstrief LOINC , GHR: Prader-Willi syndrome

The genetic counselor's comment regarding risk of a specific disorder or group of disorders is used to convey follow-up recommendations or other information related to the risk result and interpretation. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

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Part Name
Comment on fetal Prader-Willi syndrome risk
Part Display Name
Comment on fetal Prader-Willi syndrome risk
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
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Construct for LOINC Short Name
Fet PWS risk comment

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Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Comentario de consejo genético en riesgo de síndrome de Prader-Willis
zh-CN Chinese (China) 关于胎儿普拉德-威利综合征风险的遗传咨询师意见
Synonyms: 关于胎儿普拉德-威利综合征(Prader-Willi 综合征、小胖威利症候群、普瑞德威利症候群、普瑞德威利氏症候群、普拉德威利症候群)风险(危险性、风险性、危险)的遗传咨询师(遗传病辅导员、基因咨询师、遗传谘询师、基因谘询师)意见(评论、解释、注释、注解、点评)
it-IT Italian (Italy) Commento su rischio sindrome di Prader-Willi
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Prader-Willi sendromu riski genetik danışman önerisi
el-GR Greek (Greece) Σχόλιο επί του κινδύνου εμβρυικού συνδρόμου Prader-Willi
Synonyms: Σχόλιο επί του κινδύνου εμβρυικού συνδρόμου Prader-Willi