Version 2.78


A species of ORTHOPOXVIRUS causing infections in humans. No infections have been reported since 1977 and the virus is now believed to be virtually extinct. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Basic Part Properties

Part Display Name
Variola virus
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
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Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 天花病毒
Synonyms: VARV;开花病毒;牛痘病毒
fr-CA French (Canada) Virus de la variole
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Virus de la viruela
it-IT Italian (Italy) Variola virus
Synonyms: Virus del vaiolo
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Variola virüsü
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Вирус оспы
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Variolavirus
fr-BE French (Belgium) Virus de la variole
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Wirus ospy prawdziwej