Version 2.80


An autosomal recessive genetic disease of the exocrine glands. It is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator expressed in several organs including the lung, the pancreas, the biliary system, and the sweat glands. Cystic fibrosis is characterized by epithelial secretory dysfunction associated with ductal obstruction resulting in airway obstruction, chronic respiratory infections, pancreatic insufficiency, maldigestion, salt depletion, and heat prostration. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Cystic fibrosis
Part Display Name
Cystic fibrosis
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 囊性纤维化
Synonyms: CF;囊性纤维化(Cystic Fibrosis,CF);囊性纤维变性;囊纤维化;囊肿性纤维化;囊肿性纤维化(属遗传性胰腺病);囊肿状纤维化
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Fibrosis quística
it-IT Italian (Italy) Fibrosi cistica
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Tsüstiline fibroos
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Kistik fibrozis
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Кистозный фиброз
Synonyms: Муковисцидоз
fr-BE French (Belgium) Mucovscidose
fr-CA French (Canada) Mucovscidose
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) cystische fibrose
Synonyms: cystic fibrosis; taaislijmziekte
el-GR Greek (Greece) Κυστική ίνωση
Synonyms: Κυστική ίνωση