Version 2.80


A KOH Preparation involves treating a specimen with KOH, a strong base that can make fungi and yeast more visible by partial dissolution of tissue cells, keratin, and other material. Fungal cells are resistant due to the high content of cellular chitin. KOH prep is generally a test for fungi, most often candida yeast, but others too, such as tinea capitis and other skin or nail fingal infections, even blastomycosis, etc. However, the KOH prep is also used to diagnose infections with mites (Demodex folliculorum in rosacea-like lesions and Sarcoptes scabiei in hyperkeratotic or crusted scabies) and sometimes even nematodes (in blue neck syndrome). Source: Regenstrief LOINC , PMID: 16766846

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
KOH preparation
Part Display Name
KOH preparation
Part Type
Method (Describes the method by which the test was performed)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
KOH Prep

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 氢氧化钾制片法
Synonyms: KOH 制片;KOH 制片法;KOH 法;KOH 湿片;KOH 湿片法;氢氧化钾制片;氢氧化钾法;氢氧化钾湿片;氢氧化钾湿片法
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Preparation con KOH
el-GR Greek (Greece) Παρασκεύασμα υδροξειδίου του καλίου
Synonyms: Παρασκεύασμα υδροξειδίου του καλίου
it-IT Italian (Italy) KOH, preparazione
Synonyms: Preparazione KOH
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Preparaat KOH-ga
Synonyms: Preparaat kaaliumhüdroksiidiga
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) KOH preparatı
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) KOH обработка
fr-BE French (Belgium) Préparation au KOH
fr-CA French (Canada) Solution de KOH
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) KOH-preparatie
Synonyms: kaliumhydroxidepreparatie
pl-PL Polish (Poland) preparatyka KOH